Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 346: Brand New Defense Against the Dark Arts Office

"You probably haven't taken her class yet, have you?"

Harry and the others nodded one after another. It is true that their Gryffindor fifth graders haven't taken the new Defense Against the Dark Arts class yet.

"Umbridge's education method is very weird. She doesn't teach you any practical defensive skills, but pure theoretical knowledge. She also said that this can effectively improve our OWL test scores." Mike said with a sigh , "I quarreled with her because of this. As you all know, that person has returned, and we are now in a very dangerous moment. In order to better protect ourselves in the next crisis, We need stronger Defense Against the Dark Arts. But Umbridge..."

Mike didn't go on with the next words, just shook his head and sighed.

And Harry and the others beside him were also silent, they knew very well that what Mike said was correct, if Umbridge was really what Mike said, then they would absolutely not accept it.

"Maybe... maybe she's just saying that to the fifth graders. After all, we're going to be taking OWL exams this year, and some of us did really badly in theory (Hermione looked at Harry and Ron as she said this, It’s self-evident who it’s talking about.)” Hermione said, “Students like other grades can still receive education normally.”

"You're wrong." Zhou Hong shook his head and said, "The second grade is also like this. It has nothing to do with the grade. The old witch just wants to teach us to be trash."

Hermione bit her lip, Zhou Hong's words completely shattered her last expectation.

And Harry next to him also looked anxious, frowning and asked Mike:

"So what are we going to do? How are we going to face Voldemort if we really don't learn any new defenses this year."

Hearing that name again, Ron's body shook again, but he quickly recovered and echoed:

"No... That's right!"

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on Mike. In their concept, Mike could always stand up and solve problems at the most critical time.

Looking at the expectant faces in front of him, the smile on Mike's face flashed away, and he waved his hand to comfort him:

"Don't worry, everyone. The matter has not reached the point of no return. I will have a good chat with Umbridge tonight. It would be great if I can change her mind. But if she is obsessed with it, then we You can only think of other ways.”

Hearing that Harry, Hermione and the others nodded, but the worried expressions on their faces became more intense, and Zhou Hong beside him was even more excited, he grabbed Mike's sleeve and said:

"You must be careful! That old witch is bad! I heard that she and Filch are in collusion. She has all the instruments of torture that Filch hid in the warehouse. Maybe she will treat you Physical punishment!"

Ron's body trembled again. Although he had never seen those instruments of torture himself, he had heard a lot from his two naughty brothers, and just listening to their descriptions made Ron have a long nightmare.

"Mike, you better not go, those instruments of torture are really terrifying!"

Mike shook his head with a smile and refused:

"Someone has to stand up, doesn't it?"

Harry and the others all stared wide-eyed. In their eyes, Mike at this moment is like those heroes who are not afraid of sacrifice in knight novels!



In front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office on the fourth floor.

"Mike, once that old hag tortures you, yell, we're ready to break in!"

Ron asked Mike seriously, while Harry next to him curled his lips when he heard the words, and said unconfidently:

"Well, I think that might not be a good idea, we'd better go and tell Professor Flitwick."

"That would be too late!" Ron said, glaring at Harry, "Mike would have been tortured by the time the professor came over!"

Harry was silent now, but his slightly rolled eyes showed that he still didn't think breaking in was a good idea.

"Okay, I get it." Mike shook his head with a smile, and said to the two little friends who insisted on coming to accompany him, "Go back first, I'll be fine here."


Harry and Ron shouted in unison.

Seeing this, Mike didn't intend to persuade him anymore, he nodded and opened the door of the office and walked in.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, this is definitely the most interesting professor's office in Hogwarts, because the position of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts is constantly changing every year, so this office The interior decoration also has a big change every year.

Mike is very familiar with this place. He has basically come here several times a year since the first grade, so he is very familiar with the decoration changes of this office over the years.

As far as the last owner here——Moody, this office was completely transformed into a fortress by Moody at that time, it was filled with a lot of magic used to detect other people's misbehavior and hiding places Props, and some very dangerous magic restrictions.

Mike even felt that the security level of this office was higher than that of the principal's office.

The decorations of the other three former owners are also very unique. When Lupine was in this office, there were often many animal cages or boxes, which often contained many very interesting evil creatures.

On the walls of this office in Lockhart's time, there were portraits of him smiling everywhere, and most of these portraits were low-level magical portraits. Lockhart loved to listen to it, and he would listen to it often throughout the day.

In the last Quirrell era, there is nothing to say. In addition to the smell of garlic in the room, his office is filled with all kinds of exotic little things.

It has to be said that the former owners of these classrooms are all talented, and their offices have a strong personal style, which is very interesting.

But compared with the current one, they are all a bit inadequate.

That's right, the office that appeared in front of Mike is definitely the least office-like place Mike has ever seen.

I saw that the surrounding walls were pasted with pink wallpaper, and everything in the room was covered with lace covers and tablecloths. There are also several vases filled with dried flowers, each on a separate small cushion. On one wall hangs a decorative set of plates, each featuring a brightly colored cat wearing a different bow around its neck.

Mike couldn't help swallowing. This room gave him the feeling that it was too girly, pink and tender, like a seventeen-year-old girl's room.

If he hadn't known in advance that this was a middle-aged woman's room, Mike believed that he would be very happy to be a guest here, but now... all Mike can feel is a chill.

Just as Mike was looking at the decoration of the room, a sweet voice suddenly came from the side.

"Good evening, Mr. Townley. How's my office? Not bad."

Mike heard the sound and looked over, and saw Umbridge sitting at a small table with small lace.

What Umbridge was wearing at this moment was no longer the pink woolen coat he wore in the afternoon, but a fiery red and dazzling printed long skirt, which seemed to be specially changed for the reception of Mike.

However, the pattern on her printed dress blended perfectly with the tablecloth on the desk behind her, and she was not tall, so Mike didn't notice her immediately after he came in.

"Good evening, Professor Umbridge," Mike said after looking up and down, "Your office is very nice, but... I really didn't expect you to like such girly things."

"Hehehe, because their existence always makes me feel young." Umbridge covered his mouth and laughed, then pointed to the small lace table in front of him and said, "Okay, come and sit down."

A ceramic teapot and a three-tiered tray in the shape of a cake tower are placed on the small round table. On the bottom of the three-tiered tray, which is also the largest tray, are several sandwiches of different colors. The first layer is scones, butter and jam, and the top layer is a lot of delicate and lovely desserts.

Mike understood at a glance that this is the standard configuration of English afternoon tea.

Coupled with the extremely magical decoration in this room and the two gorgeous chairs beside the small round table, Mike has the feeling of a tea party in a classic fairy tale.

But, what kind of afternoon tea are you drinking this evening?

Umbridge also seemed to see Mike's doubts, but she obviously had no intention of explaining to Mike. When she saw Mike sitting down, she smiled and picked up the teapot and poured a cup for him.

To Mike's surprise, what was poured out of the teapot was not black tea, but rich and mellow hot chocolate.

"Drinking hot chocolate at night will help you sleep." Umbridge explained, and then pointed to the desserts on the top of the three-tiered tray, "Oh, you must try this, it's a new product from the Duke of Bee, I love her to death!"

After all, Umbridge didn't follow the tradition of English afternoon tea and ate the bottom sandwich first, but directly took a piece of mini castle-shaped pink cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing Umbridge in front of him closing his eyes and moaning in satisfaction, Mike looked disgusted. This scene is really too hot.

And Umbridge ate his cake and sucked his finger.

Seeing that Mike didn't have the slightest intention to taste it, he suddenly asked strangely:

"Don't you eat? Dumbledore told me that you like sweets the most. I thought I found a fellow."

Mike looked at her blankly without answering.

Under Mike's gaze, Umbridge obviously lost the interest to continue eating. She took out her handkerchief and wiped her hands. She kept smiling and asked in that sweet and cloying voice:

"Then let's get down to business. Mike, I heard you have a society called Los Santos Mutual Aid, which is dedicated to doing things for you, right?"

"To be precise, there have never been any mutual aid societies. They are just beneficiaries of the 'Los Santos Student Grant Program'." Mike crossed his legs and glanced at Umbridge, "and the 'Los Santos Student Assistance Program' "Learning Project" is a pure public welfare project. My purpose is to help those poor students and let them have a relatively comfortable learning environment. I never asked them to return, but they don't think so. They are always trying their best to do things, hoping to repay my kindness with this."

Hearing that Umbridge bowed his head and said nothing, the whole office suddenly fell into silence, only the clock not far away was still ticking.

After another long time, Umbridge raised his head and said:

"Mike, I don't think there are students in Hogwarts who need relief. You know, the funds allocated to Hogwarts by the Hogwarts trustees and the Ministry of Magic every year should be enough for all students to enjoy free education. teaching."

"Hogwarts is indeed a school with free board and lodging, and even if the students have no money to buy books, the school will give some old books and school supplies donated by senior graduates, but this is not enough." Mike said, "The old After all, it is old, and it is definitely not as good as new ones in terms of quality. And people always have a mentality of comparison. Although this kind of behavior allows those poor students to go to school, it also hurts their hearts seriously. They also I want a new broomstick, I want all kinds of exquisite notebooks, and I want to go to Hogsmeade to drink a sweet drink like other students on weekends. These needs must be met in general. Isn't it?"

Even though Mike's skin had been tempered to be as thick as a city wall, he couldn't help but feel a little blush when he said these words.

These words are really shameless.

It is reasonable to say that Hogwarts' various policies for those poor students are already very conscientious. If Mike's words reach the ears of the people in those developing countries, they will definitely be sprayed to death by them.

How dare you dislike such a favorable condition? It's really fighting against Mi En and promoting Mi Qiu!

But this is a high-welfare country. Many people who grew up in this high-welfare society are extremely leftist, and many of them have exactly the same ideas as Mike.

Weird, right?

But this is the reality. People who grew up in different environments have completely different views!

And Mike didn't intend to stop, he continued after a pause:

"Also, these funds become more and more stretched after the senior year. Take the potions course at that level as an example. There are very few free materials provided by Hogwarts in the class. If only those free materials Materials, except for very few geniuses, no one can pass the exam. This leads to students having to purchase redundant course-related materials by themselves, and you understand the price of those potion materials."

Mike's words made the smile on Umbridge's face disappear. She frowned and said coldly:

"That's not right. I have calculated the amount of funds allocated to Hogwarts every year. With such a huge amount of funds, the situation you mentioned should not happen. Unless, someone embezzled the money!"

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