Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 280: The Coming Guests

"That guy! It's not a thing! If you want me to say, Mike, you should let him bang his head on the wall and kill him!"

In the corridor, Franklin complained to Mike while walking.

Faced with Franklin's endless complaints, Mike shook his head helplessly.

Now it has been a whole week since that extraordinary Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and since Franklin found out what Moody did to him, he has started complaining to everyone he meets, and Mike's ears have started to callus .

In Mike's view, this matter should stop here, after all, he had taught Moody the lesson he deserved that day.

Because in that class, Mike pretended to be controlled by Moody before using the Imperius Curse on Moody, and everyone present thought that Moody himself controlled Mike to release the Imperius Curse on himself, so Moody It's hard to tell.

Could it be that he wants to tell others that he, a former senior Auror who has experienced countless bloody storms, was plotted against by an underage wizard, and he didn't even realize it.

Moody couldn't afford to lose this man.

So afterwards he could only smash his teeth and swallow back.

But Mike's revenge is more than that.

He also revealed everything that Moody did during this period, including punishing students with magic spells and showing and casting the three unforgivable curses on students, to Rita Skeeter, who wrote black manuscripts, and Li Tuskeite did not live up to Mike's expectations. The next day, an article titled "Shocked! A madman is using black magic on our children! "'s article was published in the Daily Prophet.

As soon as this article was published, it immediately caused an uproar in the society. When Mike and others had dinner that night, they saw countless owls flying to the principal's office carrying one after another howling letters.

At the same time, Mike also submitted a real-name report to the Ministry of Magic as the leader of the Los Santos Magic Group. The reasons for the case ranged from corporal punishment of students to using three-step forgiveness spells on humans.

Among them, the last article "Using Three Unforgivable Curses on Human Beings" can be said to be the heaviest, because the relevant laws stipulate that anyone who violates this law will be punished with life imprisonment or death penalty in Azkaban (by to determine the severity of the disease caused).

Not surprisingly, Moody was suspended due to his trial, and Snape was temporarily the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Compared with the dissatisfaction with Snape last year when he was acting as a substitute, this time Snape was unexpectedly popular.

But this is not difficult to understand, after all, compared to Moody, who will give you an Imperius Curse and make you lie on the ground and bark like a dog, Snape is simply a model teacher!

While Moody was busy with the lawsuit, Mike and others lived a happy life.

First of all, the members of the Freemasonry, Benjamin and Soraka get along very well. The two of them are tired of tinkering with potions all day long. With Mike's large financial support, they have created many potions similar to Polyjuice Potion. class controlled potions.

The Weasley Brothers also finally launched their first product, the Golem Glasses.

The glasses can store a piece of video for users to watch for a long time, and it also has shortcut functions such as fast forward, rewind, and move the progress bar at will.

In fact, technology in this area has already been researched. The telescope used by Harry and the others in the Quidditch World Cup has the same function, but that telescope can only store videos for a short time, and they want to store videos for a long time. Considerable costs are required.

However, the Weasley brothers have made a technological breakthrough in this area, reducing the cost in this area to an outrageous level.

This technology, which was only available to rich families before, has finally entered the homes of ordinary people.

Taking this opportunity, the Los Santos Magic Group immediately followed up and sold videos of the Quidditch World Cup everywhere.

At the same time, Mike also won the exclusive broadcast rights and video sales rights of the top three matches.

Although the price was not small, but in the case of their family dominance, it is sure to make a profit without losing money.

On the other hand, Penello has been gradually participating in the work of the Los Santos Group. As soon as she graduates, she will directly enter the top management of the company and become Mike's agent.

And Victor, the most hardworking among the Freemasons, finally got his wish and mastered the three unforgivable curses.

Thinking of this, Mike suddenly realized something, and asked Franklin who was still cursing Moody:

"What is Victor doing now? Why do I feel like I haven't seen him for a long time."

Franklin was taken aback, and replied: "I haven't seen him for a long time, I heard that he locked himself in the dormitory and studied alchemy all day long."


Mike was a little dazed. He thought that Victor would make persistent efforts to learn more offensive spells, or stabilize the spells he had mastered so far, but he didn't expect that Victor would suddenly turn his temper to study.

'It looks like I'm going to find a chance to talk to him. '

Thinking so, Mike asked again:

"What about you, what progress have you made recently? I mean, have you learned any new spells or knowledge?"

Franklin was silent.

He didn't do anything for the past few days, and he was patronizing Black Moody.

"Well, let's stop here." Mike sighed and said, "Anyway, Moody has been punished as he should, and you should take your heart back and do something serious."

Franklin's mood was obviously depressed, but it didn't take long before he smiled at Mike as if he had figured something out, and said:

"You're right, Moody is destined to go to Azkaban to accompany the dementors for the rest of his life, so I should let it go."

"Who told you Moody was going to Azkaban?"

Mike looked at Franklin strangely, and Franklin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said:

"Could that guy be executed directly? This...isn't that good?"

Franklin began to panic. He just wanted to punish Moody, but he didn't want Moody to die.

Mike shook his head and continued walking towards the auditorium.

Moody is different from Black, he is Dumbledore's confidant, one of the only remaining powerful combat powers in the Order of the Phoenix, and under the current circumstances, Dumbledore will not sit back and watch him have an accident.

As usual, the Hogwarts auditorium was still full of people, very lively.

But to Mike's surprise, everyone should eat in their respective seats at dinner time, but now people are all gathered near the notice board in the auditorium.

Just when Mike felt strange, a familiar voice suddenly stopped him.


Hearing the sound, he saw Ron running towards him, while Hermione and Harry followed behind him.

"Mike! Hermione just said that the hero of Hogwarts will be Cedric. You tell me, how can it be possible for you to be in Cedric..."

Ron was panting, but before he could finish speaking, Hermione pushed him away.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Hermione's face was flushed, and she kept twisting the hem of her blouse with her hands, "I said that Cedric may also become a warrior! After all...after all, he is quite strong .”

"Stop messing around! How can that Cedric guy compare to Mike?" Ron yelled angrily, "You must like him because he is handsome! Don't be naive, he already has a girlfriend, you No chance!"

As soon as this remark came out, Hermione's face became redder, and the hem of her jacket was twisted into a ball by her.

"You...you're talking nonsense! I don't like Cedric!"

As he spoke, his eyes continued to glance at Mike.

Ron coughed loudly as if he had grasped the truth, his voice was weird, it sounded like Lockhart.

"Hey, why are you guys talking about this all of a sudden?"

Facing Mike's inquiry, Harry finally stood up and replied:

"Because of that."

Harry pointed to the notice board.

"It says that representatives of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at Hogwarts in a week's time, that is, at six o'clock in the evening on October 30th, and we will hold a welcome dinner by then.

Oh, right. It also said that Professor Moody was coming back. "


Franklin, who was still thinking behind Mike just now, suddenly jumped out, roared and came to the notice board, and rudely pulled the person in front of him away.

With his opening, Mike also got into the crowd.

The content on the notice board was exactly the same as what Harry had described. The first thing that caught Mike's eyes was the notice about the upcoming arrival of representatives from the other two schools in the Tri-finals. Below this notice, it was written in smaller font:

‘The trial of our school’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Alastor Moody has ended. The Ministry of Magic believes that the reason why Professor Moody committed xxx and other 18 crimes was entirely out of Moody’s education of students. Therefore, the Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot Council have always decided to acquit Professor Moody, but prohibit him from continuing to teach students in the previous way, and fine him 100 Galleons. Professor Moody will return to school tomorrow to continue teaching, so stay tuned. '

"Looking forward to you ghost!"

Franklin slammed his fist on the sign.

The notice board in the auditorium was strengthened by magic, so it didn't move at all, but the surrounding students were still startled, and they all took two steps back, leaving a large open space.

Harry and Hermione looked a little embarrassed, this feeling of being in full view made them a little uncomfortable.

Mike didn't care, and he didn't care about Franklin, he directly pulled Harry, Hermione and others out of the crowd.

It seemed to him that now Franklin was just incapacitated and furious.

This is not Muggle society, let alone America.

Because no matter what race people have their own powerful magic system, like Asia has Taoism and Yin Yang, and Africa also has voodoo, so the concept of racial discrimination does not exist in wizard society at all, they only have blood discrimination .

That is to say, Franklin had nothing to do with Moody.

"Harry, have you gone to see Dumbledore?" After walking out of the crowd, Mike asked Harry seriously.

Hearing that Harry was silent, he said after a while:

"Sorry, Mike. I'm fine now, maybe the headache is just a psychological effect, so I don't think I need to go to Dumbledore anymore."

"This is not a joke Harry, I suggest you think about it again." Mike's face darkened, but he still said softly, "What about Black, what does he say?"

"Black is busy with his own affairs, and there are really too many things that he needs to deal with recently." Harry said as if nothing had happened, "He said he would come back to see me, but I refused. After all, I have never mind."

"Well, as long as you are happy." Mike said, "I will also help you solve the matter between you and Black. If there is no accident, you will be able to live together this summer vacation."

"Really!" The smirk on Harry's face disappeared in an instant, and he jumped up and down excitedly, "I really thank you so much!"

"Don't say that, we are friends, this is what I should do."

Franklin, who was still angry just now, lowered his head and stood behind Mike without saying a word.

His arrival made Harry and the others feel a little unnatural, after all, the way Franklin got angry just now was really scary.

Mike didn't say much when he saw this, and after saying goodbye to Harry and the others, he took Franklin and left the auditorium.

But just as soon as he came out of the auditorium and came to a place where there was no one, Mike's fists were clenched together, and the joints even made a crisp clicking sound due to excessive force. At the same time, the gentle smile on his face immediately disappeared. Disappeared, replaced by a frosty expression full of hostility.

Franklin, who was still upset at first, seemed to have sensed something, and glanced at Mike.

Suddenly, Franklin's body trembled violently, and then he quickly looked away, silently lowered his head and slowed down, walking slowly behind Mike like a frightened quail.

At this moment, the matter of Moody is nothing to him. Mike's current appearance is really too scary. Franklin has never seen Mike so angry since he met him.

Franklin thought it was what he did in the auditorium that made Mike angry, so he restrained his temper instinctively.

And Mike was indeed very angry at this time, but he was angry with Harry.

He didn't know whether Dumbledore knew that Voldemort had returned, but as long as Harry told Dumbledore about his headache, no matter how much Dumbledore knew about it, he had to tell Voldemort Take action.

In this way, with Dumbledore, the big Buddha standing in front of him, Mike would save a lot of effort.

It's a pity that Harry ignored what Mike said before, and the years of life at Hogwarts still haven't cured Harry's original low self-esteem and sensitivity, which made him choose to hide it.

Now that the Triwizard Tournament is about to start, without Dumbledore's shot, Mike can only fight against the pure blood and Voldemort who are hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

This made him extremely irritable.

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