Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 233 Cedric Reborn

After quietly listening to Mike finish his plan, Franklin's face immediately showed an expression of admiration.

Since the day Franklin met Mike, Mike had established an image of almost omnipotence in front of Franklin. Now, when he heard that Mike had such a desire, Franklin naturally nodded in agreement.

And Penello, a girl, is much more careful than Franklin. Franklin may regard Mike as a good-hearted good man, but Penello would never think so.

After getting along for so long, Penello can be sure that Mike is a pure egoist.

He will not refuse to help those in need while making a profit, but he will never harm his own interests in order to help others.

So the reason why Mike did this must have other purposes.

However, Penello did not expose Mike, but agreed with Franklin.

Because she knew that Mike must have his reasons for doing so. And Mike would never hurt her.

"Okay, I didn't see you wrong." Mike said happily, "Then let's start now."

After that, Mike began to teach the two of them.

Regarding the magic spell of Shenfeng Wuying, Mike himself has just learned it, and naturally he is not qualified to teach others.

So he explained a little about Shen Feng Wuying's release process and feelings, and let Franklin and Penello teach themselves later.

After all, the difficulty of learning the magic spell of Shenfeng Wuying is really not high. Mike believes that with the talents of the two of them, even if it is not as good as himself learning Shenfeng Wuying in one night, he can be proficiently released in two days. Yes, at most it's a little weaker.

Therefore, his teaching focus is still on the Patronus Charm.

Surprisingly, Franklin, a simple-minded guy with strong limbs and a simple mind, made faster progress than the delicate Penello in the study of the Patronus Charm. After Mike gave them a few hours of theoretical lessons, Franklin The Patronus Charm was successfully released.

Even if it's just a little haze, it's much better than Penello not letting out anything.

This made Mike have to wonder if the release of the Patronus Charm had anything to do with a pure and pure mind.

Although his progress on the Patronus Charm was very slow, Penello was not at all lonely.

Penello is not Franklin. She has studied the Patronus Charm in detail since she was attacked on the train, so she knows the difficulty of this curse.

And Mike didn't care anymore, let Penello and Franklin learn the Patronus Charm just to let others know that he has the ability to teach others the Patronus Charm, which is a 'weapon against dementors'.

If Penello and Franklin's Patronus Charm surpasses Mike's,

He will be unhappy.

After all, if you are an apprentice, you are stronger than your master, so how can you eat after the master?

In the days that followed, Mike would run to the Requirement Room every day after school.

Apart from teaching Penello and Franklin every night, Mike was thinking about the future.

Mike has been thinking about the idea of ​​enhancing his combat power and combat strategy for a long time. Now, although he has the magic spell of Shenfeng Wuying, it is still not enough.

So after careful consideration, Mike decided to make the next magic spell that he should master:

The Fiery Fire Spell, the Transfiguration Spell, the Unbreakable Oath, and the Ten Thousand Spells are all final spells.

The first is the Fire Spell.

This is an extremely terrible black magic, the English literal translation should be the devil's flame.

From the name, it should be understood that the fire released by this fire spell is very different from ordinary fire.

In fact, Lihuo is a flame with a cursed power. Its power is so amazing that it can almost ignite most substances at will, including souls.

Special items like Horcruxes can also be destroyed.

And it is very difficult to destroy. Once it is ignited, it will gather and transform into ordinary beasts or magical creatures and continue to devour and ignite everything around it to strengthen itself.

The above are its advantages, but it also has a very fatal disadvantage, that is, it is extremely difficult to manipulate and consumes a huge amount of magic power.

These two shortcomings often lead to a weak wizard, after taking the risk of releasing this spell, but instead being swallowed by the fiery fire he summoned.

But this does not prevent Mike from eager to learn it. In Mike's opinion, the advantages of this spell are enough to make him ignore the disadvantages behind.

The Fierce Fire Spell is a spell that can be used as his strongest attack method in the future!

And the shadow-shifting spell and the final spell of all mantras were decided to learn in order to be able to better master the fiery fire spell Mike at a certain level.

Among them, there is no need to say more about the ability to change shadows. When the time comes, you will cast a fierce fire spell, and then immediately change shadows and run away, isn't it beautiful?

Although Mike has two tools, Shuke and Beta, who can teleport with him, but Shuke and Beta's shadow shifting cannot achieve short-distance precise positioning transmission like ignoring.

In this case, the teleportation slash that Mike was thinking about couldn't be released.

As for the unbreakable oath, it is simply a spell to make an oath, said to have been invented by fairies.

After the oath made by this spell, once violated, the betrayal will pay the price of life.

The last ten thousand mantras are actually an advanced version of the mantra standing and stopping mantra.

The effect of the Spell Stop Spell is to stop the effect of the magic effect. It is often used to remove mischievous spells such as 'Incisor Match Big Stick', and powerful people, such as professors, can Rely on the Spell Stop Spell to dispel the attack spells 'All Petrified' and 'Stunned'.

What's more, it can also dispel the enchanting effect on alchemical items.

And the Ten Thousand Spells is much stronger than the Spell Stop. It can eliminate most of the magical effects including Li Huo. Some people even call it the universal anti-curse, which means that it can act as the power of all spells. Anti-curse.

It's just that the Ten Thousand Mantras is not as powerful as others advocate. Not to mention the huge amount of magic power required to release it, the talent and time required to learn it are enough to persuade most wizards.

Although it is extremely difficult, Mike still wants to try to learn this spell.

After all, whether the Fierce Fire Spell can be turned into a controllable power as soon as possible depends on it.

But although Mike's idea was very good, the fact slapped him hard.

The above four spells are not within the scope of teaching at Hogwarts. The End of All Spells and the Unbreakable Oath are better. Since the difficulty is too great and there is no harm, the Ministry of Magic does not control them. It is not difficult to buy a volume of tutorials on the market with the current financial resources.

However, the Shadow-Transforming Fiery Fire Spell is different. These two spells are controlled spells by the Ministry of Magic, especially the latter. This extremely harmful spell is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic, and its strength is even stronger than that of the Ministry of Magic. Stronger than the Three Unforgivable Curses.

In the final transformation, Mike originally thought that he could easily obtain this spell, after all, Professor Flitwick would.

But to his disappointment, when he found Professor Flitwick and informed him of his intentions.

Professor Flitwick refused him without the slightest hesitation.

The reason is that the Shadow Shifting Charm involves the use of space shuttle, and if you use it accidentally, you will hurt yourself, so Mike is asked to wait for two years.

Although he couldn't learn the two spells he wanted to learn the most, Mike was not idle either.

He devoted the rest of his time to the study of ancient rune and alchemy.

It has to be said that the way of thinking of people who study alchemy is rigorous. The book "Alchemy: From Beginner to Mastery" written by them for beginners is much more rigorous than books on other subjects.

At least the description of the quantifiers in the book is very precise, and there is no such word as the right amount and a little.

It even records the production methods of some alchemy toys to improve beginners' interest in alchemy.

But the second half of the book is less beginner-friendly.

I don't know what the author thinks, but the overall difficulty of the second half of this book has suddenly increased, even so high that people can't understand it.

However, Mike did not give up. Instead, he studied harder. After all, if alchemy could be combined with the ever-changing modern technology, it would be a force that cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, the boring ancient Rune course was also very interesting in Mike's view.

Because of Ms. Ravenclaw's legacy, the progress of Mike's ancient rune class far exceeded the professor's teaching progress, which led him to be exposed to more esoteric content earlier.

Such as enchanting.

Ancient rune and alchemy are really interesting and wonderful combination.

Mike wished he could stay in the Requirement Room forever if he could, but in fact there were still a lot of things out there for him to deal with.

Just like Quidditch.

"Mike!" Roger Davis, who was wearing a complete Quidditch suit, grabbed Mike's shoulder and pleaded excitedly. "The Quidditch league is about to start, we need you!"

Mike broke free from Roger's hands, frowned and continued to walk in the direction of the Requirement Room.

"Sorry, I'm busy, there are too many lessons in ancient rune."

"Please Mike! The Weasley brothers updated their brooms this year! With Harry's, they now have three Nimbus 2001s!" Roger quickly followed Mike and shouted excitedly, "Without you We will definitely lose!"

Roger's voice was so loud that Mike had a slight tinnitus, which made Mike's frown even tighter.

"Listen, Roger! I've been busy lately! No time for Quidditch!"

Mike turned his head and looked at Roger with a bad expression. Now Roger has nothing to do. Since Mike won the championship of the fighting competition, his reputation has increased greatly. Everyone at Hogwarts knows that Mike is a powerful wizard, so Roger also I can't forcefully press Mike to participate in the game, I can only lower my head in disappointment.

Seeing this, Mike also understood that what he said was too much, so he slowed down and comforted:

"I wish you all good grades too, after all, it's a win for Ravenclaw. But I've been really busy lately."

After thinking for a while, Mike continued: "Well, I will lend you my broom first. After a while, if you really need help, I will come to the competition."

Mike's words made Roger's face look better, he nodded to Mike and planned to leave.

At this moment, an acquaintance walked out of the crowd on the side, only to hear the acquaintance say in a mocking tone:

"Oh, it looks like we can win this year very easily."

Roger exploded as soon as he heard this, and walked quickly to the man and said viciously: "The defeated generals dare to come out and fart! You are really going back the more you live! Cedric!"

One of them is the captain of Ravenclaw's Quidditch school team, and the other is the captain of Hufflepuff.

Their movements naturally attracted a crowd of onlookers.

In front of everyone's eyes, Cedric took a step forward and pressed Roger's forehead with his forehead, while cursing constantly in his mouth.

And Roger naturally wouldn't show weakness, and pushed back hard.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Mike finally tried to persuade the two of them.

Hufflepuff's students are not unreasonable people either. Knowing that it was their own captain's fault, they surrounded Roger and started to move outside, and they said different things.

When Roger saw that there was a step down, he naturally no longer struggled, and he was pulled away just like that.

After Roger disappeared from sight, Mike smiled at Cedric and said, "Long time no see, Cedric. It looks like you are doing well."

"If you're referring to the after-effects of that transformation, it's really not bad." Cedric said with raised eyebrows, "I'm no longer as angry as I used to be, but my character is still affected. ."

As soon as he finished speaking, a smirk appeared on Cedric's face before Mike could answer: "But I quite like this change, to be honest, I feel much more dashing now than before! "

From the very beginning, Mike was wondering why Cedric would do something so arrogant as to satirize Roger, and now he finally understood after listening to Cedric's explanation.

Cedric is his good friend. Although Mike thinks that Cedric, the character he used to be, is easier to get along with, but since Cedric himself said that it is better now, then Mike can only bless him.

That's the way to be friends. You can't force your thoughts on others. After all, your thoughts are only what you think. Maybe people think that they are better now.

"That's really congratulations on your new life!"

Mike hurriedly went to the Requirement Room to do the experiment, and after a hurried blessing, he planned to leave.

However, Cedric's eyes lit up after hearing Mike's blessing, and he put his arms around Mike's shoulders and said:

"Hahaha! You're right! I just got a new life! I'm in a really good mood today, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we go have a drink together!"

He said the invitation, but in fact he didn't give Mike the right to refuse at all.

Before Mike could speak, Cedric laughed wildly and dragged Mike to Hufflepuff's lounge.

Cedric didn't hide his intention to take Mike to drink at all, and even said it loudly.

If this is only on Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff's territory, it's not a big deal. After all, these two are the most influential figures in their respective colleges, and no one from the same college is willing to offend them.

But this was in a public place, and it wasn't just Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students.

So, not long after the two left, a Slytherin student left the crowd skeptically and went to Snape's office.

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

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