Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 108 The Disappearing Heir

Everyone present was relieved to see Dumbledore's arrival. With this recognized as the strongest white wizard, the Basilisk was simply vulnerable.

This is exactly the fact. The basilisk has been tightly wrapped by countless stones at this time, and the originally fierce struggle became less and less, and in the end, it didn't move directly.

But Dumbledore obviously didn't want to let it go just like that. He pointed the elder wand at the basilisk, and saw that the stone that wrapped the basilisk began to shrink again. The power directly turned many stones into stone powder in an instant.

The basilisk, which had stopped moving, began to struggle again, but to no avail.

Gradually, bright red blood began to flow out of the cracks in the stone, and the basilisk's painful cry became weak, until it finally disappeared.

By the time Dumbledore put down his wand, the basilisk's entire body had been crushed and tattered beyond recognition.

Mike and the others watched Dumbledore show off his prowess there, and they didn't dare to let out the air. It took a long time for him and others to slack off a little bit of snake scales, but Dumbledore killed the basilisk like a worm as soon as he made a move. The strongest white wizard really deserved his reputation.

Dumbledore looked at the sluggish people and explained again: "I'm sorry, I'm late, I didn't expect you to find the basilisk so quickly. Before I went to France to solve the petrification caused by the basilisk. Visited an old friend and got some mandrakes, so it took some time."

Abbott and the others turned a blind eye to each other, only Mike frowned slightly and sneered inwardly.

Mandrakes are very valuable, and there are immature mandrakes in Hogwarts, which means that as long as you wait for a while, you can use free mandrakes without spending money at all. purchase.

It seems that the strongest white wizard really loves his savior, Mr. Mister. In order to allow him to recover and return to school as soon as possible, he made a special trip to France to get some mandrakes back.

At this time, more and more Aurors came from the pipeline at the beginning. When they saw the basilisk on the ground like a pool of mud, they all gasped. After being surprised, they cast adoring eyes on Dumbledore. .

And Dumbledore saw that the people were almost there, and he said: "Leave half of the people to take care of the wounded, and the rest will continue to explore with me. Remember to be vigilant, although the basilisk has been eliminated, there is still a Slater. Lin's heir has not been found."

The Aurors at the scene had no objection to Dumbledore's taking over the command, and they continued to move forward behind Dumbledore's ass.

Mike didn't go with him to explore Slytherin's secret room because he consumed too much mana in the battle just now. Seeing the white-robed wizard walking in front of the many Aurors, Si Mingwu also appeared in Mike's heart.

This is what it means to be strong. Only the weak need to form a group, and the strong only need to continue to improve themselves. As long as you are strong enough, whether it is wealth, power, fame or women, you will come uninvited. This is the biggest difference between the idealistic world of wizarding society and the materialistic Muggle society.

Of course, it is not easy to do this. Throughout the history of the wizarding world in the past 100 years, only three people have really done it, Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort.

"Mike, I thank you so much. If it weren't for you just now, I might...maybe..." Abbot said sincerely to Mike.

And Mike, who was thinking, was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Abbott, but he was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "There is no need to say thank you between friends, in that case, I saved you just by hand, don't worry about it. "

Abbott was still very nervous at this time. The scene of the basilisk opening its bloody mouth and biting him just now gave him a great shock. Although he was born in an Auror family, his father was also the deputy director of the Auror office, and he had undergone a lot of training under the influence of his family since he was a child, but the first time he encountered such a situation, he could not calm down for a long time.

Reaching out a slightly trembling hand and scratching his hair,

He said to Mike: "You're right, it's my birth. You are my friend, my best friend."

Mike couldn't help laughing as he looked at Abbott, who was grabbing his neatly backed hair in a mess in front of him. Gently patted Abbott's arm and continued to comfort him aloud.

Of course, he could see that Abbott was very grateful to him at this time and wanted to repay him. He estimated that even if he made any excessive demands, the other party would satisfy him. But from a long-term perspective, it is obviously better to be friends with each other.

And Abbot clearly understood what Mike meant, and did not continue to make a request to repay himself.

The two chatted like this, and Abbott's mood gradually returned to normal, and he turned into the elegant and polite gentleman again, but the messy hairstyle on his head still made Mike want to laugh very much.

Dumbledore soon returned with the Auror troops, who found Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, but found nothing.

Mike is not surprised by this. Now that the entire Hogwarts is firmly controlled by the Aurors, the heir has no chance to run out and continue to give orders to the basilisk.

Although the heir to Slytherin was not captured, everyone still had a smile on their faces. The basilisk is their target this time. Compared with the harm of the basilisk, the heir of Slytherin, an underage wizard who has not graduated, is obviously not worth mentioning.

Leaving a few Aurors to deal with the basilisk's corpse, Dumbledore took Mike and others back to Hogwarts Castle through the pipeline.

When they came to the auditorium and announced that the basilisk had been eliminated, the little wizards who had been looking forward to it all cheered, and the sound was so loud that it almost overturned the magic ceiling of the auditorium.

Everyone who returned was treated like a hero. Originally, Mike should have stayed in the auditorium to enjoy this moment of glory that belonged to him, but at this time there was a more important thing waiting for him to do.

In the special ward of the infirmary, Mike was nervously watching Madam Pomfrey who was giving Penello medicine. After sticking to Harry's light, Penello could finally be freed from the petrified state. Fortunately, Dumbledore also bought Penello's share when he went to help Harry buy medicine. If he only bought the medicine Harry needed, Mike promised that he would never let him in the next few years. He feels good.

The pale yellow medicinal liquid flowed into Penello's slightly opened mouth, and Penello's body became soft again after a while. The originally stiff and twisted posture also became normal.

Mike, who found this, hurriedly squeezed up. Madam Pomfrey saw her eager look and shook her head with a smile. Madam Pomfrey picked up her medicine box and left the ward, leaving the rest. time for the young boy and girl.

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