All gifts of destiny have already been marked in the dark.

Malfoy thought of the sentence he had seen before.

Now Lockhart proud of one’s success on the stage, obviously everything is up to him, but now he is like a savior in general, it seems unfair.

But in fact this is very fair.

He has already paid a heavy price for this.

Because now only Merlin knows how long Lockhart can live.

Even in the world of magic, there are some rules to follow, such as Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration, which are similar in some sense to some of the theorems discovered by physicists in the muggle society.

That is conservation.

The original Ginny, who could escape because of the destruction of the diary, can be explained as the vitality deprived by the diary and returned to her.

What about Lockhart? Maybe he is not so lucky, because he may have overdrafted his future long before.

The people at the top of the pyramid in the magic circle are Dumbledore, Voldemort and Grindelwald. There should be no controversy. They are hundred percent “God” characters in terms of mana and use spell skills.

As for the second echelon, some of the professors in Hogwarts who are proficient in combat should be able to count. Even so, Snape can be considered a leader. In the original story, he can have a slight advantage in the battle with Professor McGonagall. After Flitwick joined the battle. Can also retreat from the whole body, the strength must not be underestimated.

So the question is, how much does Lockhart have to pay to beat Snape in a formal duel? Even Snape may be somewhat underestimated.

This question may only be handed over to Merlin.

As a evil Instructor, Voldemort, even in youth, it is quite unusual to master some of the dark magic of overdraft life.

Lockhart may have to thank his innate talent for being in the middle, or maybe now, he can’t continue to stand on the stage and brag about the merits that are not his.

Time returned to not long ago.

“Professor, I suggest you pay attention to Lockhart.” Some hoarse and low voices came from Snape’s mouth. A first-class wizard wouldn’t be arrogant, and wouldn’t be arrogant. Snape, who has a clear understanding of his strength, has no students. They looked so arrogant, even though Ron and Harry felt his face white and scary after the defeat. Compared with winning and losing, he cares more about someone’s abnormality and the safety of someone.

So after the Duelling Club ended, Snape suggested to Dumbledore.

The office was still hazy, the silverware was constantly smog, and Dumbledore was tearing a piece of candy in front of the table, as if he didn’t notice Snape’s advice.

“Severus, please help an old man whose hands and feet are not so good, such as tearing the candy out of his packaging.” Dumbledore didn’t lift his eyelids and threw a piece of candy in front of him to Snape.

This is really a poor way to transfer topics.

“哒”, the sugar fell to the ground. There was a slight slamming sound on the floor, as if to announce Snape’s protest.

Obviously, he has no next.

“Oh, okay, Severus.” Dumbledore felt the anger of the person in front of him rising, even though he still kept silent silence.

“You are too suspicious.” Dumbledore slowly spit out such a sentence, the old and heavy voice seems to have a magical power of stability.

“We don’t have the extra energy to care about the strength of a professor. As far as I know, Lockhart is also an integral figure during school. Is it not normal for a good student to grow into a good teacher?” Dumbledore laughed Said Snape.

“But…” Snape clenched his wand.

“I know what you want to say, and no good teacher can’t avoid accidents in the classroom. After all is his first class, tension is inevitable.” Dumbledore looked at Snape and continued: “I want to You can’t guarantee that Neville Longbottom will not make a mistake in class?”

“But…” Snape still wants to say it, and was interrupted again by Dumbledore.

“Professor Snape, my advice is that you’d better care about your potion. Mandrake will rely on you to make potion after it matures.” Dumbledore’s tone was serious and deeper, and it seemed to think of his petrified students.

“Good, Mr. Headmaster, I think you will be satisfied.”

Snape no longer insisted, slamming his wide robes back and walking outside the door, but when his last foot was about to step out of the door, his cold voice still contained a hint of heart. The anger.

“Just I hope that next time you look for the potion I configured, there is no word for resurrection as a prefix.”

After all, the door of the office was automatically closed, but it was quiet, perhaps undercurrent.

“Waste is not an act worth promoting.”

Dumbledore gently sighed, groping for the candy that had just fallen, and rubbing the dust on it. Then I started looking for a place where I could easily tear the package.

“Prick.” The package was torn open.

Unlike the situation that was just a headache, Dumbledore is now more than comfortable.

Was it just selling crazy, or using magic now, maybe this old talent knows it.

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