After the school settled for a while, it seemed that everyone had forgotten the poor cat, as if nothing had happened, but before Harry asked them to Hagrid, the rooster’s death still cast a layer on it. Shadows make people unable to see the truth.

They still have doubts about this. If Basilisk really exists, is it living in that Chamber of Secrets? The words on the wall seem to have been ignored by everyone.

But Hermione didn’t, she asked Professor Binns about the Chamber of Secrets in the A History of Magic class, and Professor Binns looked at her very unhappy. As an old-fashioned ghost, Bins does not like myths and legends. He likes facts, true and reliable facts, but his level is not high. He only reads according to his dry, low-pitched voice. Like an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner, the last class of students was groggy, occasionally came back to his senses, copying a name or date, and then falling into a semi-sleep state.

However, today’s class may be the most serious class that students have listened to since his teaching career. He can’t help the students’ unusual interest. He also told the story about Chamber of Secrets.

“Basilisk is the horror thing in the Chamber of Secrets?” Hermione continued to ask, but before he answered the question from Professor Binns, he inferred to himself: “The symbol of Slytherin is also a snake, and this possibility is too great. Then I sat down and immersed myself in my reasoning. From time to time, a low whisper is heard.

“I really regret telling you this ridiculous story,” Professor Binns screamed at the students because they started talking directly and regarded him as nothing. He coughed and finally pulled everyone’s attention back.

Without the 5 points clock, the students were caught in the groggy drowsiness.

After class, trio began to discuss the information about the Chamber of Secrets that I just heard.

“I already knew that Salazar Slytherin was a twisted old loony,” Ron said to Harry and Hermione. “But I don’t know if he came up with this pure bloodline. Even if white gives me money, I won’t enter him.” House. To be honest, if Sorting Hat put me in Slytherin, I wouldn’t say anything, just take the train home..”

Hermione was a little reluctant to point to nodded, but she still felt that she could not use a house to distinguish one’s good or bad.

As for Harry’s heart, it was even more complicated, because Sorting Hat had seriously considered putting him in Slytherin. He clearly remembers the little voice that he spoke in his ear when he put hat on his head a year ago. It all happened like yesterday.

“You will be very successful, you know, they are hidden in your head, Slytherin will help you succeed, there is no doubt.”

If Slytherin stands for evil, does it have an evil place in its character or essence?

They then went to the corridor where the attack occurred, hoping to find some clues. When they found it, they went to the girls’ bathroom. When they were about to ask Myrtle about Halloween, Percy – Ron’s Prefect big The brother found them and drove them out after deducting their 5 points. Of course, he didn’t have the right to deduct points.

That night in the common room, Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried to stay away from Percy. Ron’s mood is still terrible. When doing the magic homework, he always spills ink on the paper. When he absently took out the wand and wanted to clear the stains, he unexpectedly lit the parchment. Ron was so angry that he also picked up the flame and slammed the “The Standard Book of Spell, Grade 2”. To the surprise of Harry, Hermione also forced the book closed.

“You talk about who will be the heir of Slytherin.” Ron fiddled with his broken wand and asked.

“I don’t know.” Harry shook his head.

“Me too.” Hermione felt Ron say the name she didn’t want to hear, but she shook her head.


“I want Salazar Slytherin.” Ron lowered his voice and then looked at all around. He found that no one looked at it and continued: “I will definitely find an absolutely excellent heir, and it is pure blood. Also willing to deal with the muggle and muggle bloodline wizard.”

“You mean Draco?” The name blurted out of Harry’s mouth.

None of them found Hermione’s lips tight.

“Who would it be?” Ron’s voice was pressed lower. “You think about it, although we don’t want to admit it, but he is really amazing in magic. I feel that the students of the six Seventh Year are not as good as him. “As if I had thought about what happened in the Hagrid hut at First Year, Ron deeply took a deep breath and said, “You can’t imagine Crabbe and Goyle being the heir of the Chamber of Secrets?”

It was said that Harry couldn’t help but laugh out. The two people and heir really didn’t stand. If Salazar knew that his heir was such a thing, maybe Basilisk was the first to kill, not the muggle, or the two fools.

“You think about it again, before his rumors, tortured a muggle with a curse, and the result wand was confiscated,” Ron continued.

Harry also remembered his experience that day, and now he wants to return to his heart. He was almost transported to Malfoy’s house with the cabinet. That day he heard a lot about Lucius, as if he was dealing with some things about dark magic. After they met at the Flourish Bookstore, the atmosphere between Weasley and Malfoy’s home was with swords drawn and bows bent, and Harry was standing on the Ron side, no matter how reasonable.

“But these are all speculations,” Hermione said, and she was hesitant to speak for him, because she didn’t even know who to trust. “You said it makes sense. He is the most suspicious, but we have no evidence.” She is helpless.

“Yeah, we can’t come to him and point to him and ask, “Hey, Draco, is the Chamber of Secrets you opened?” “That’s stupid. If he would answer us, he would be more stupid.” Ron also shrugged.

“Maybe I have a way.” Hermione hurriedly turned her eyes to Percy at the end of the room, putting the sound lower. “Of course, it’s not easy to do, it’s dangerous, it’s very dangerous. We’re probably going to violate 50 school rules.” “”

“After another month or so, if you are willing to tell us, will you tell us, right?” Ron said impatiently.

“We can become a person he knows and ask him directly.” Hermione didn’t know what he thought of this suggestion.

“Are you kidding?” Harry and Ron laughed, and they looked at Hermione incredulously.

“I didn’t.” Hermione shook her head. “Although Snape is annoying, the knowledge in his class is really useful. He mentioned a kind of potion – Polyjuice Potion when he was in class a few weeks ago.”

“What is that?” Ron and Harry asked in unison.

“This potion can turn you into another person,” Hermione said slowly. “Of course, these are time-sensitive and will change back after time.”

Suddenly Hermione found that Harry and Ron both looked at her silently, not talking.

Hermione only remembered that Crabbe and Goyle were just Malfoy’s nominal followers. In fact, Malfoy was not always with them. They were not very familiar. Who else besides them?


Ron and Harry are not willing to become girls, even for a very short period of time.

Hermione felt her stomach start to pick up and she dug a pit for herself.

“Hermione, the safety of all the teachers and students in the school depends on you.” Ron looked at her with a look of hope.

Harry clicked on nodded.

“But the recipe is hard to get,” Hermione said. She was somewhat reluctant and wanted to excuse me: “Snape said that in a book called “Moste Potente Potions,” it must be in the Restricted Section of the library.”

There is only one way to borrow a book from the Restricted Section: get a piece of autographed by a teacher.

“I thought of a good candidate,” Harry said.

“Me too.” Ron laughed too.

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