Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 844: People who kill me will not end well!

The Muggle government wants to be above the wizarding world, so Yunye will naturally not let the Muggle government's wishful thinking start.

Dave was also embarrassed. Yun Ye completely guessed their intentions, so he rejected them decisively. The key is that he really couldn't find anything to refute Yun Ye.

Dave's face turned purple and red, and said: "In fact, we can still discuss the conditions, isn't it..."

"No need to discuss."

Yun Ye interrupted Dave's words abruptly, and said, "I look forward to seeing you come to me to sign an agreement after this war, but it's not necessary now."

Dave's face is extremely ugly. He is a commissioner sent by the British Prime Minister to perform tasks, but now he can't complete a single task. What does the Prime Minister think of his ability to work?

Moreover, the British government and any forces in the wizarding world have not signed a good agreement. If this wizarding war affects the real world, it is really not enough to compensate Dave for 10,000 lives!

Dave was afraid of the consequences just thinking about the consequences, making Dave angry and yelling: "Yun Ye, don't be shameless! Our British government signed a treaty with you because we can look down on you evil wizards. If you are stubborn, Don't blame us for tearing up our skins!"

Yun Ye gave a cry, looked at Dave with interest, and said, "How are you going to tear your face with you and us? Are you really so capable?"

After Yunye glanced at it this way, Dave felt that his heart was about to jump out.

After all, Yunye's strength is still very powerful for ordinary people. The two heavily armed soldiers behind Dave immediately took up the MP5 in their hands and pointed at Yunye in a ready form. wap.wuxiaspot.com

Lilith outside the door naturally saw this situation, but Lilith didn't look nervous at all.

Although she didn't know the power of human weapons, Lilith obviously felt that such weapons could not cause any harm to her, let alone Yunye?

There were two MP5s pointing at Yunye. Dave was obviously back with confidence and shouted: "Yunye, I will give you another chance. Either you sign an agreement with us, or you become a pile of mud, Ministry of Magic If you call here, just wait for the entire army to be wiped out~々!"

Yun Ye looked at Dave with a smile, and said: "Mr. Smith, it seems that you still don't understand our wizarding world."

Dave's heart tightened and he said, "What do you mean?"

Yun Ye said indifferently: "Muggle's light heat weapons can be used for sneak attacks, but a frontal attack like this is not lethal to a wizard. Don't you know that?"

Dave took a deep breath and said, "Don't scare me, the wizard's body is more fragile than ours, and there will still be blood holes when bullets hit you!"

Yun Ye said: "What you said is indeed correct, but that is only a part, you can't generalize it all!"

Dave's chest was ups and downs because of tension, his eyes fixed on Yunye, and said: "Your scare is useless to me, I will ask you one last thing! Will you sign an agreement with us!"

Yun Ye slowly stood up, spread his hands, Yun Ye's actions had already indicated his attitude.

As soon as Dave gritted his teeth, since the task could not be completed, he probably wouldn't have any good fruits when he went back to England, so let everyone be unlucky!

Dave slammed his hand down, and two RAF soldiers pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...!"

The anger that belonged to the Muggle's thermal weapon was blooming in this room.

Two MP5s with a total of sixty bullets hit Yun Ye's body in just one second. The wizard's robe on Yun Ye's body was broken into pieces by the fire, revealing Yun Ye's refined torso.

The bullet eggshell fell to the ground with smoke, Dave and the two Royal Air Force soldiers were dumbfounded, staring at the Yunye in front of them in a daze.

The wizard's robe on Yun Ye's body had been torn apart, but Yun Ye's body was intact, not even a drop of blood flowed out, and their bullets seemed to hit the strongest steel plate!

Dave stayed where he was, his mouth opened so that he could lay an egg and said, "How... how is it possible?!"

Yun Ye lightly brushed his body, as if a mosquito bit him just now, and said: "What's impossible in the world? You know, I don't even use defensive magic."

Dave had completely lost his reason, collapsed on the ground, and shouted angrily: "... this is impossible! You must have used some sorcery, or you would have died early!"

The corner of Yun Ye's mouth raised slightly, if he hadn't accepted the vampire heart to strengthen his body, he would really not dare to carry the bullet with his body.

But since his body strengthened, Yun Ye's body has long surpassed ordinary people's imagination, and ordinary bullets can no longer cause damage to Yun Ye.

That's why Yunye didn't apparate from the bullet to avoid the bullets, or the armor protects the body to block the bullets, but instead carried the bullets from the front.

Yun Ye calmly said: "It seems that you have a murderous intent on me, do you know that people who usually have a murderous intent on me will not end well."

Dave hugged the thighs of the Royal Air Force soldiers among them in a panic, and shouted: "Quick! Take me away, they are all a bunch of demons, demons!"

The two soldiers also reacted (Zhao Li's). As expected of the well-trained Royal Air Force, they threw the empty MP5 on the ground. At this time, there was not enough time to reload, and the two grabbed the smoke from their bodies. Bullets must be thrown out.

But at this moment Yun Ye had disappeared in front of the three of them. Before the two air force soldiers had thrown out the smoke bombs, a **** arm appeared in front of them!

The appearance of the arm seemed to emptied their whole body's strength, they could no longer throw the smoke bomb in their hands, and could only slip softly to the ground.

Dave's face was earthy, looking at the chests of the two Air Force soldiers in front of him being directly pierced by Yunye!

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