Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 62: The most famous

"Obviously being late and triumphant," Snape snorted coldly, "Slytherin deducted five points!"

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Snape must be targeting Yunye. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, Yun Ye didn't respond much, but looked around: "Who has a pocket watch to borrow me?"

Immediately a Slytherin girl blushed and said, "I have, Master Yunye!"

Yun Ye knotted his pocket watch smoothly, and several female students who were digging out the watch were tickled with hatred when they saw it.

The girl's hand speed is too fast!

Snape looked at Yun Ye's attitude, as if ignoring his own attitude, and was trembling with anger. When he was about to get into trouble, Yun Ye suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Dean, I have good news to tell you." Yun Ye carefully "Seven-Five Zero" looked at his pocket watch, "You can take back the five points that made you feel so distressed that your whole body shakes like this-because in fact There is one minute left before the time on the class schedule, and I am not late."

As he said, Yun Ye smiled: "After all, punctuality is also the traditional etiquette of nobles."

Who is trembling with distress because of the deduction!

I'm obviously trembling with anger because of you!

Snape was about to vomit blood in his heart, but he couldn't really say that. He could only stare at Yun Ye fiercely, then snorted again and stopped talking.

"Thank you."

After Snape was sickened, Yun Ye was also happy physically and mentally. After thanking the girl, she returned the pocket watch, and the girl's face became more ruddy when she got her pocket watch. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"I also heard that Professor Snape had a bad temper, so why didn't he scold Yunye at all? Could it be that their nest of Slytherin snakes and rats deliberately sheltered Yunye?"

Ron was very surprised when he saw this. It was incredible that Snape hadn't taught Yunye the way he expected.

"Humph," said Hermione who was sitting behind him disdainfully, "if you can also impress the whole school, maybe you can be treated specially by Professor Snape."

Obviously little Lori was still angry about Ron's remarks to Yun Ye last night, and she still had a bit of grudge in her heart.

Ron blushed when he heard the words, but for some reason his face was especially red easily.

However, after thinking of Yunye's strength that made him shocked, Ron found that he could not say anything. This was the power that made people speechless!

"Okay, don't quarrel." Harry really felt that he was living in an embarrassment every day. The first to see Hermione and Ron, who had a good conversation, Harry regarded them as good friends.

But how come these two people fight each other as soon as they meet each other?

But when it comes to Yunye, Harry's heart is still full of longing.

In fact, this vision was there from the beginning, but as Yunye's various famous deeds continued to pass, this vision in Harry's heart became bigger and deeper.

"Obviously they are all students of the same age. Why can Mr. Yun be so strong? It's great..." Harry said to himself, "Even if I can have half of Mr. Yun's...no, one tenth is good."

Looking at the attitude of Slytherin College towards Yunye, it was such a beautiful scenery, it was the ultimate dream of all little boys.

"Harry, don't be so pretentious, you are the savior!"

Ron didn’t know whether he was really comforting Harry, or filling his own confidence: "The savior who brought down the man who can’t say the name! Ha! Who else can do it for so many years? That little Yunye is comparable to this. What's wrong!"

Hermione said coldly: "You, who can't do anything, are the least qualified to talk about Yunye like that."

Ron's face turned redder, but not because of shame but because of anger, Harry murmured: "But you all said that, I don't have the impression of defeating Voldemort, after all, I was so young then..."

Harry's voice finally caught Snape's attention, and Yunye found that his sharp eyes had been completely focused on Harry.

In order to look at Harry better, Snape even wandered over like black smoke sweeping across the classroom.

It was almost as if he had found a perfect outlet for the anger that Yunye had caused..

"Potter!" Snape called Harry suddenly, "what would happen if the powder of daffodil bulbs were added to the juice of absinthe?"

What kind of powder is added to what kind of juice? Harry glanced at Ron. It seemed that Ron was as at a loss as him, but Hermione kept her hands high.

"I don't know, Professor." Harry replied in a low voice.

Snape snorted and sneered.

He completely ignored Hermione's raised hand: "Okay, let me ask you one more question. If I ask you to find a stomach stone, where would you go to find it?"

Hermione raised her hand as high as possible again, so high that her hand seemed to leave her body and fly into the air, but Harry didn't even have the idea of ​​a stomach stone.

He tried his best not to look at Malfoy, Crabbe and Gore, the three guys were shaking with laughter.

"I don't know, Professor."

"Don't you never preview before you go to class? Huh? Potter?"

Harry tried his best to face those cold eyes. He had indeed read the textbook once, but wouldn't Snape ask him to just read it once and remember every word in that textbook?

Snape still ignored Hermione's shaking hands. "Grass and Aconitum, what's the difference between 2.1?"

This time, Hermione stood up, her right hand almost reaching the top of the classroom.

"I do not know."

Harry's voice became smaller and smaller, and some of his classmates laughed loudly.

Harry glanced at Yunye and found that Yunye was actually looking over. For a while, under Snape's question, he felt a little happy that he was finally noticed, although it was not a glorious good thing to be noticed.

However, Snape wasn't happy at all: "Tsk tsk, it seems that the reputation is nothing but that."

Obviously Snape was talking about the name of Harry's savior, but it was a pity that he had forgotten that the most famous person in this classroom was actually Yunye. .

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