Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 3: The gift of blessing

Pansy Parkinson


Yun Ye said leisurely: "Really, then I can just ask Mr. Malfoy, does his son's derogatory remarks about Greengrass also represent the attitude of the Malfoy family?"


Draco's face flushed red, and he still knew that his father had a good relationship with the Greengrass family, and his words were known by his father Lucius, and it was a lesson indispensable.

In the end Draco didn’t hold back any rebuttals, so he could only walk away with two small attendants. After all, he also knew that Yun Ye was behind the Yun family, who was not inferior to the Malfoy family’s financial resources. It's not the civilians he bullies whenever he wants to.

"Bah, bah, Malfoy is finally gone~" Astoria made a cute face at Draco's back, "Thank you, Brother Yunye, for helping me drive him away!"

Yun Ye touched and slapped the little Lolita again. He was a crossing adult who wanted to clean up Draco, and there were so many ways to clean up a little kid like Draco, and there were so many ways to do it.

When he was a child, Draco still looked down upon Yunye because of his talent, but after being repaired by Yunye's repeated methods, now he dare not provoke Yunye at all.

"Oh, seriously, I really don't think you will do any good with Draco."

Yun Ye looked back at the little girl who was evaluating, it was Pansy of the Parkinson family: "When did I target Draco? Didn't you find that Draco was always targeting me?"

"Even so, having a good relationship with Draco Gao, who is also the heir of the pure-blood family, is also beneficial to you in the future." Pansy whispered, "I am also doing this for your good. Everyone is going to Hogwarts this year Isn’t it good to be mature?"

Yun Ye knew that Pansy was also sincere, but the characteristics of Slytherin were obvious to her, so her concern always made people feel very twisted, but Pansy had not been helping Draco to speak. It makes Yunye a little curious when he travels over.

You know that Pansy has never abandoned Draco in the original book for seven consecutive years. In fact, Yun Ye didn’t know how attractive a young boy with the mature temperament of an adult was in the eyes of little girls of the same age. , Pansy, who was heavily influenced by Slytherin's theory of excellence, certainly liked Yunye even more since he was a child.

"Hey, I just saw Draco walk over with a dull look, it must be because of you again." A little boy came up excitedly, "And I have to say, your gift is so cool!"

"Want to see Theodore, then take it, but only for viewing, not for use," Yun Ye waved his hand generously, "After all, I don't want to see it in the Daily Prophet the next day. The news that you fell to death."

Theodore said unconvincedly: "Of course not... I mean, haven't you learned how to ride a broomstick? This year I will also go to Hogwarts. Even if I start learning together, I will definitely be able to learn better than you. Quick! My talent has been praised by Mr. Horace."

The proud object of Theodore is the big fat man who communicated with Yun Sixuan in the distance. Horace Slughorn’s family is also well-known among the pure blood, and can be among the most invited by the Yun family. The key is that he himself is a potion master.

Noting that Yunye and Theodore looked at him, Horace walked over with a grin: "Why, did the little genius of the Knot family mentioned me? Oh, of course, Mr. Yun, I hope I didn’t disturb you and the two. A lady’s exchange."

Yun Ye nodded politely to him, but when Horace walked in, he let out a weird hey.

"You are that... Yunye from the Yun family?"

Yun Ye frowned: "If there are no imposters, then I think yes."

"Weird...it's so weird."

Horace repeated the whispering mumbles in his mind, of course, he knew what he was wondering in his heart.

Originally, Horace heard that the next generation of the Yun family was just a mediocre person, so Horace didn't plan to have a deep friendship with Yunye. He himself prefers and is good at discovering some talented people.

Maybe not everyone knows it, but in fact, Horas was one of the first few people who discovered Voldemort's talents. He was born with the intuition and ability to discover talents.

However, after Horace carefully observed Yunye, he found that Yunye was very different from the rumored version, and more than that. Horace only felt that Yunye was completely the opposite of the rumored version, and it was definitely owned by a young age. Super genius of amazing power!

Horace firmly believed that his intuition and judgment could not be wrong, he immediately touched his pocket with a smile: "It's rude, in fact, I want to personally hand a gift to Mr. Yun, so I made a special confirmation. ."

Yun Ye heard the words and made a generous move of shen. What gift would a world-famous potion master like Horace give is worth looking forward to.

Horace stayed in his pocket for a long time, and finally took out a dirty little bottle. Seeing this little bottle, Theodore's eyes were green with jealousy.

"A small bottle of blessing, Mr. Yun." Horace waved his hand and left, "After you go to Hogwarts, I hope you can come and learn about my slug club, which is all the same as you. Genius, I believe you talented young people can communicate happily. Then finally I wish you a happy birthday and good luck."

"What?" Theodore looked at Horace's back in disbelief, "You were actually invited by Mr. Horace to join the slug club? I didn't even receive the invitation!"

Horace likes to make friends with famous and powerful people. He founded the Slug Club at Hogwarts. The members of the club are all young witches and wizards with prominent family backgrounds or extraordinary talents. They are also very famous.

Although the size of the club has been greatly reduced due to Horace’s retirement, the glory of the past is still very influential among students.

However, what makes Theodor most unbelievable is the meaning of Horace's words: "Yun Ye, you are a genius? How is this possible!"

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