Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 1060: A thousand years of fame

Slytherin saw the scene where Gryffindor was knifed by Yunye, and couldn't help but sighed secretly. Although he had guessed it in the end, there was still an unspeakable feeling when Gryffindor had fallen. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Yun Ye turned his head and took a deep look at Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw trembled all over, as if being watched by death, she didn't dare to look directly into Yun Ye's eyes.

You know, not long ago, the Big Four of Hogwarts and Dumbledore defeated Yun Ye and fled. Yun Ye couldn't compete with their strength.

Who knows that now, the Hogwarts Big Four are dead and rebellious. In the end, only Lavenclaw is left. The attitude towards Yun Ye has also undergone a tremendous change.

It's really making things happen.

Yun Ye glanced at Ravenclaw and didn't mean to Ravenclaw's laborers. Yun Ye knew in his heart that it was Dumbledore and Gryffindor who really had enemies with him.

Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and even Slytherin are all innocent, bewildered by Dumbledore's myths, and led by Gryffindor in the wrong direction.

The most important point is that now only Ravenclaw and Slytherin are left among the Big Four at Hogwarts. Slytherin has decided to leave Hogwarts and devote himself to building Nobvis.

Ravenclaw is the only surviving giant at Hogwarts. If Yunye disposes of Ravenclaw, chances are that Hogwarts’ history will change as a result, and there is no ability to continue for thousands of years.

This is not what Yunye wants to see. Yunye is a student of Hogwarts after all, and her affection for Hogwarts will not be weakened by Dumbledore in a small area. Of course, Yunye will not want Hogwarts’ millennial heritage Something went wrong.

However, these reasons are secondary. The most important reason is that Yunye feels that the power of space-time repulsion has reached a peak!

This era can no longer accommodate the unstable factor of Yunye, so the powerful repulsive force will repel Yunye!

A time crack opened silently behind Yun Ye, a powerful suction exploded with terrifying power, and Yun Ye was about to be absorbed.

Slytherin and Ravenclaw watched this scene in shock, a little bit unsure of what was going on.

Yun Ye explained with a smile: "This is the repulsive force of time and space in this era. It seems that time and space cannot allow me to change history in this way, so I must forcibly send me back to the original time and space..."

Slytherin didn't react a little, and said in surprise: "If you say that, you are leaving?"

Yun Ye nodded slowly, and said: "I am not a person of this era after all, I always want to return to my own era."

A trace of loss inevitably flashed in Slytherin's eyes. Although the time spent with Yunye was very short, Slytherin found his shadow in Yunye, and Yunye had also changed Slytherin a lot in many ways.

For Slytherin, Yun Ye is not only his friend, but also a mentor who taught him many things. If there is no Yun Ye, Slytherin still doesn’t know how to resolve the relationship between himself, Gryffindor and Hogwarts. Contradiction.

If it weren't for Yunye, Slytherin had never thought of recreating a magic school, let alone going to war with Hogwarts.

Yun Ye allowed Slytherin to find his true self and did what Slytherin wanted to do the most!

Slytherin took a deep breath and said, "Since this is the case, I can only say goodbye to you."

Yun Ye smiled and shook his head and said: "I won't see you again. You don't have to think so much. I'm just a passerby in this era, and also a passerby in your life. You still have a long time in your life, so remember to do it well. To build Nobvis well, I hope that after a thousand years, I can see the glory of Nobvis."

When Yun Ye was talking, the repulsive force of time and space was continuously strengthened and then strengthened. Even Yun Ye could not resist this mighty force from the nature of time and space, and was slowly sucked into the cracks of time and space.

Seeing Yunye was about to disappear, Slytherin nodded heavily and said, "I will definitely!"

Yun Ye's figure slowly disappeared in the cracks of time and space, and no figure was seen again. The location where Yun Ye was located was empty, as if Yun Ye had never appeared before.

If it weren't for the traces of the war still remaining on the ground, and Gryffindor's corpse that hadn't been cold, they would have doubted whether Yunye really existed.

Slytherin sighed helplessly. Yunye's arrival in this era has changed his life a lot. Although he is very grateful to Yunye in his heart, Slytherin can't tell whether Yunye is doing right or wrong. Anyway, everything has its own later history clarified.

At this time, only Slytherin and Ravenclaw were left here, and Ravenclaw stared at Slytherin warily, as if he was ready to do something with Slytherin at any time.

Slytherin glanced at Ravenclaw and said, "... Do you still want to continue fighting?"

Ravenclaw was taken aback for a moment and didn't seem to expect that Slytherin would ask her that. From the bottom of his heart, Ravenclaw was naturally unwilling to continue the fight, after all, the price they paid was already very heavy.

(Good money)    Slytherin took back his wand and smiled lightly: "Anyway, I don't want to fight anymore, how about you?"

Ravenclaw saw that Slytherin had retracted his wand. It was a bit unbelievable, but he soon put down his wand and said with a wry smile: "I'm not a fighting demon, so how come I like to fight?"

Slytherin opened his hand and said, "There is no grudge between me and you, and you have to go back and look at Hogwarts College. No matter who wins or loses in my battle with you, there will be no good results. It is better to let go of grievances. , Live in peace."

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PS: Please give me a reward! .

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