Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 381 Fierce Battle at the Ministry of Magic

At this moment, the battle at Hogwarts has entered the second stage - the protective shield is about to be broken down, the elves have been driven back to the underground kitchen, and the sculptures, centaurs and wizards are ready for close combat.

In London, a hundred miles away, all Aurors and agents were already in place. The first two groups had already begun to enter the examination room connected to the hall through the toilet fireplace and telephone booth. There was a slight change in the plan here. Because Lockhart discovered that the inspection room was newly constructed and did not have defensive magic, the first two groups of Aurors could start fighting in the inspection room first, and the last group and the Ministry of Magic's guard forces were all attracted by the fighting in the hall. time, break through the wall again and attack the interior of the Ministry of Magic.

The first two groups of Aurors and MI5 wizard agents entered the examination room one after another. Because they were required to inspect wands when entering the Ministry of Magic, they all held wands in their hands and did not attract the special attention of the Death Eaters.

But when the squib agent who couldn't use magic appeared in the examination room with a large-caliber assault rifle, the Death Eaters guarding the door immediately became nervous. But before they could ask, Scrimgeour gave the order and the surprise attack began!

The several Death Eaters standing at the door were killed immediately, and the defense system of the Ministry of Magic Hall was immediately activated. However, Scrimgeour and the others stood in the examination room without entering the hall door. No matter how powerful the defense system was, there was nothing they could do. , we can only close the passage first, and then issue an alarm to all Ministry of Magic employees. All combat members without specific positions in the Ministry of Magic began to gather in the hall, preparing to eliminate these intruders.

At this time, there was still one minute before nine o'clock, Lockhart and Snape finally flew to the area where they could disapparate, and decisively began to disapparate.


Lockhart followed Snape's request and did not go to a specific place, but still apparated to the outskirts of Tonge, far away from Hogwarts and London. As soon as he landed, Snape decisively broke away from Lockhart's hand, raised his wand and pointed it at his left arm.

A divine blade disappeared, and the forearm left his body with a sound.

The man who had done this did not hesitate at all, and motioned Lockhart to grab his intact right arm and continue to disapparate.

Lockhart was startled by Snape's quick and harsh movements. But in an instant, it became clear: there was still nearly a minute before the nuclear bomb exploded, and Voldemort could use the Mark of the Dark to track them!

Sure enough, as soon as the disembodiment casting step was completed, Voldemort's figure appeared more than ten meters away. The Apparition was barely over when he fired a killing curse at Lockhart and Snape as quickly as possible, but the two had already disappeared into the air...

Watching the enemy escape from under his nose again, the Dark Lord exploded the entire large field with rage. Fortunately, there was no one nearby. Otherwise a massacre is inevitable.

After his anger subsided a little, Voldemort immediately became nervous: he had just received a notification that the Ministry of Magic had been invaded, and it stands to reason that he should immediately apparate to London to help. But the intruder is still stopped in the examination room, but there is another matter related to his life that needs to be done immediately - he only has one Horcrux left, and he wants to go back and get it, and then carry it with him forever!

It was 8:59 minutes and 50 seconds, and Voldemort performed the last long-distance apparation with the help of the Floo Network in his life.


At the same time, the Ministry of Magic was in chaos. Ordinary staff were nervously hiding in their offices. Death Eaters and employees who could not see the situation clearly wanted to rely on defensive magic to resist - if the defense system was activated normally. Easily kills any invading Auror or agent. It's a good idea, but they don't have the chance.

At nine o'clock, during a slight vibration, all the magic runes on the walls of the Ministry of Magic instantly went out, the elevators stopped running, and even the lighting equipment stopped shining. The two groups of Aurors waiting in the examination room immediately broke the communication Door to the hall.

A second later, the protective barrier on the wall of the Ministry of Magic and the anti-deflagration magic covering a large area failed. The third group of Aurors and agents,

The outer wall of the Ministry of Magic was blown open through a directed blast. Enter directly from the unsuspecting underground level!

Amidst the chaotic shouts of "Activate backup energy!" "Illumination!" and other chaotic shouts, the Ministry of Magic's offensive battle officially began.

It goes without saying that the Aurors' fighting prowess, and the power of Muggle firearms far exceeded the expectations of the Death Eaters, except for the stronger wizards. The armor spells of ordinary wizards could not stop the impact of several large-caliber rifle bullets. Although the wizards guarding the Ministry of Magic had numerical and geographical advantages, the enemies began to attack from inside and outside at the same time. Not only did a group of Aurors break through the wall from an unexpected underground level, but there were also resistance wizards like Mr. Weasley and his son Percy among the employees of the Ministry of Magic.

The Death Eaters could not resist and retreated steadily. The blood and corpses instantly made the marble floor of the Ministry of Magic no longer monotonous.


Two heroic wizards who had just successfully completed the two arduous tasks of killing Nagini and containing the Dark Lord for an hour. The second Apparition landed in a wilderness more than ten miles away from Hogwarts. As soon as he appeared and landed on the ground, Lockhart quickly used the Elder Wand to stop the bleeding from Snape's still bleeding left arm.

"Are you going to use that magic stone to restore your arm now, or are you going to wait until we find uncursed unicorn blood?"

"I don't want to become a vampire." Snape didn't look like a wounded person who had just cut off one of his arms. He said coldly: "You should go to the castle to help immediately. I will come later."

"Okay." Lockhart nodded. After saying this, he felt that the floo network at his footing suddenly failed. Of course, Snape also reacted immediately.

"Your bomb worked." Snape forced out a cold smile, "Congratulations, but you'd better hurry up and help. Mrs. Lockhart, who has a beautiful frown, is still surrounded by Death Eaters."

"Although there were some accidents, everything was within the tolerance of the plan." Lockhart felt happy and almost wanted to laugh, but he immediately restrained himself and became worried about Hermione. "Okay, I'm going to the castle right now."

He rose into the air and began to absorb the magic power in the air to restore himself while flying at a constant speed. However, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. As the magic power recovered, he suddenly felt an urge to suck blood.

That's not right. I just sucked enough blood last night. How could I be aroused now?

Combining the previous encounter with Ginny's sudden onset of blood thirst, Lockhart thought carefully for a while and figured it out - the urge to suck blood did not come from how long he had not sucked blood, but from the process of restoring magic power. He had three days ago. When he met Ginny, he suddenly went crazy and bit people. It was because he spent some magic power installing a time bomb at the Ministry of Magic that day. He regained his magic power before going to bed, and then he was stimulated by the fragrance of Ginny's body, and he instantly lost his mind.

He almost didn't fight that day. He only activated a teleportation magic and consumed some magic power in the energy supply room. When he came out, he blocked the defense system's attack. He used less than one-tenth of the magic power. After returning to full power, he barely fought. He almost lost his mind... So today, he fought with Voldemort for nearly twenty minutes and exhausted all his magic power. If he regained it, how much sanity would he still have left?

He was frightened, and for a moment he did not dare to absorb the magic power in the air. The polyjuice potion he drank had also expired, and Lockhart began to return to his original appearance. Harry's clothes were obviously a bit too small, so he changed into his wizard robes in the air.


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——(To be continued.)


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