Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 359 The Prototype of the New Wizard Law

"Oh?" The Prime Minister became serious and took out a notebook and a pen.

"The initiators of this war hate Muggles and want to rule and enslave Muggles." Lockhart said, "Oh, you don't need to write it down, it will be bad if others see it. We will discuss the details after the war."

"Okay." The Prime Minister put the things away.

"His followers are called Death Eaters. Of course, they don't eat dead people, it's just a code name." Lockhart explained, "Of course they don't like Muggles, but they follow the mysterious man to start this war. It's impossible. Just because they hate Muggles. Some of them are pursuing power - unfortunately, the mysterious man is indeed the most powerful wizard, at least he can provide wizards with a way to become stronger quickly; some are pursuing immortality - - So the mysterious man claimed that he had a way to live forever, and he had indeed come back to life, which led people to believe this even more; of course, there were also some who simply worshiped him, followed him blindly or were afraid of him. These are the upper-level Death Eaters. status."

"Well, these are all very strange reasons..." Rand said gloomily, waiting for Lockhart's next explanation.

"Indeed, why would the lower-class Death Eaters follow the mysterious man? Because in the social structure promised by the mysterious man, even the most useless wizard will be far above the Muggles with the highest social status. Muggles and wizards will become almost two kinds of creatures. Everything you produce, your family property, your beautiful wives and even daughters will be plundered and enjoyed by wizards who are not even qualified to hold a wand, and you ——Because the military and political leaders are under control and have no ability to resist at all."

"It's terrible... This is exactly what the Secrecy Act is trying to prevent." The Prime Minister said with a pale face.

"Yes, this is a war to regain our status for us, and even more so for you. The key is that the wizards at the top of the wizarding world live like nobles, while the wizards at the bottom live worse than Muggle civilians. To be honest, this is obviously unscientific - these wizards who have not lived a good life have obviously abided by the Statute of Secrecy." Lockhart said, "And what happened to the properties of those upper-class wizards? Is it completely passed? Normal means? The most reasonable explanation is that after they complete primitive accumulation through means prohibited by the "Secrecy Act", they can use the money to make money, and they can live a good life without doing illegal things."

"Especially the Malfoy family. They can live better than most wizards just by collecting land rent." Scrimgeour gave an example.

"Understandable, you mean..." Rand asked, "Maybe we could give all wizards a social security?"

"This is exactly what I hope. I heard that this is how wizards and the government in the United States cooperate. The US government provides a large amount of funds to the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic sends it to all wizards in exchange for their compliance with the Statute of Secrecy." Luo Hart said, "And the Ministry of Magic will also restrain all wizards for the American Muggle government - do you know why the mysterious man can easily capture the Ministry of Magic, because the Ministry of Magic is basically in the hands of those rich pure-blood wizards: The Ministry of Magic itself does not have much income. There are only tens of thousands of wizards in the UK. There are only 3,000 wizards with complete information, payment of management fees, and their own exclusive wands... This means that the Ministry of Magic should actually have insufficient funds, so it The majority of the daily maintenance costs come from donations from those big families.”

"Political donations?" the Prime Minister asked.

"I've never heard of this term." Lockhart shook his head, "We just need to understand that the Ministry of Magic receives money from these big families, and important positions are naturally reserved for these pure-blood wizards... and many pure-blood wizards The blood wizard openly or covertly supports that devil."

"Understood." The Prime Minister nodded, "So the best way is for the Ministry of Magic to accept funding from the Muggle government. To keep its own economy close to independence, it will not be easily controlled - but I can't just make a batch. Get you a grant and I'll be challenged by parliament and the opposition."

"Let's talk about it then,

Wizards have the Imperius Curse and the Confusion Curse. If you need to convince or silence someone, just let us know. "

"This is not a problem, just let this funding appear in other forms - strictly speaking, this money should be regarded as security expenses, and you can add it to the funding for MI5 in the name of stability. " Rand suggested, "As long as society does become more stable after this increase in funding, basically no one will question it. The key is, can Mr. Lockhart guarantee that all wizards will be restrained?"

"I will kill anyone who refuses to accept restraints." Lockhart said calmly, "I lost my most beloved elder in this war. I myself was injured and even died once. I love The girl who also loves me has also suffered a lot. I will no longer be merciful to any enemy. I don’t mind playing a bad role. No one can do anything to me anyway.”

"Died once?" the Prime Minister asked in surprise, "Do wizards have the technology to bring the dead back to life?"

"No. That's all." Lockhart didn't want to explain this.

"Then, after this funding is allocated, at least the Ministry of Magic should be more transparent to us..." Rand said, "No matter how hard we tried in the past, we couldn't enter that circle at all, and we didn't ask for things that could influence your policies. After the war, we requested that at least one Muggle wizard from MI5 join the Ministry of Magic's high-level decisions as a representative of our government."

"You don't need to tell me that I will do the same. Even if the first batch of Ministry of Magic officials are less capable after the war, I have to make sure that they are against the mysterious man." Lockhart glanced at Scrimgeour and said, "Ruthless Firth, there is no doubt that you will be the first Minister of Magic after the war, and you must agree with this."

"Yes, I have had this idea for a long time. The first batch of high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic after the war must be from Aurors or the Order of the Phoenix. The middle-level officials should also try not to choose people from pure-blood families. Maybe I can provide you with a few. For the quota, you choose the Muggle wizards you want to put in." Scrimgeour nodded, "Wait until the mysterious person is completely killed, or the situation stabilizes to a certain level, and then select the right person."

"Great, I can't wait to witness this joint battle between Muggles and wizards..." the Prime Minister said excitedly, "So, are there any questions?"

"I can't think of anything at the moment. We still have some problems to solve." Lockhart shook his head. "Let's wait until I figure out how to sneak into the Ministry of Magic. Now, who will take me to get a nuclear bomb?"

"I will arrange a visit to the nuclear military base for you, but it is impossible for you to take away the nuclear bomb." The Prime Minister said, "When the time comes, you can use magical magic to confuse the soldiers there and bring them out. Rand and we will bring a few together." Mr. Wizard goes."

"Are you going now?"

"You can come back at this time tomorrow. I need to make some arrangements. This matter is more troublesome." The Prime Minister said, "My assistant, and this Miss Maggie——"

"I will take care of it, change their memories to what we need, and even turn them into our own in an instant." Lockhart said, "It depends on whether these two friends are regularly inspected by the Ministry of Magic or practice Occlumency. Technique."

"I can let you modify my memory. I'm not a Death Eater." Maggie said stiffly.

"Well, come with me to the next room, and I'll modify your memories." Lockhart took out his wand, cast a levitation spell on the assistant minister lying in the corner, pointed at Maggie and took them both to the next door. assistant's office. "You guys wait for me here. I'll come out after I modify the memory."

After arriving in the next room, Lockhart placed the assistant minister on the chair and at the same time communicated the magic in the room and enveloped Maggie.

"I don't know who is more powerful than an agent of the Muggle Intelligence Service or an Auror, but I am stronger than any wizard you have ever seen," Lockhart said without any action, just stating a fact. "So, just stand still and don't make any small moves. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Poor Miss Maggie was just a novice wizard agent who had only been working for a few years. She was enveloped by Lockhart's unreserved aura and could not even think of resisting. She said with chattering teeth. "I won't move!"

The new body is so powerful, the aura is so terrifying, and the threat is so effective - maybe the reason why Peter immediately surrendered and rebelled when he saw Voldemort, and sold the Potters cleanly, is not entirely his fault. In the face of huge terror, the lives of friends are of course not as important as your own.

Lockhart thought this, looked at Maggie with satisfaction, squatted down and began to examine the assistant minister's brain.

There is no Occlumency, just look at the memory. He is not a senior agent who was sent to monitor the Prime Minister to ensure that he has no plans to resist the Ministry of Magic. Wizards, especially Death Eaters... their contempt for Muggles is so complete and Deeply rooted, I never expected that the Order of the Phoenix and Aurors would contact and cooperate with the Prime Minister.

We can't blame them. Even a wizard like Lockhart, who somehow obtained a Muggle's incomplete memory of this world, more or less carried this kind of attitude before he truly saw the power of Muggles. contempt.


Although this guy does not have Occlumency, he needs to go back to the Ministry of Magic once a month for a check-up to make sure that he is not violating the rules or being controlled by the Imperius Curse. But it seems that there is no need to worry so much. If things go well, they will start within a few days.

Lockhart simply used the Imperius Curse to control the wizard, and then - he needed to drink some blood.

Maggie watched in horror as Lockhart sucked a few mouthfuls of blood from the unconscious wizard's neck, then walked towards her...

"Men's blood tastes really bad." Lockhart wrinkled his nose in disgust and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Now it's your turn."

"No, no, no... don't kill me..." The young witch was so frightened that she backed away. "Didn't you say that you want to modify your memory? I will remove my Occlumency!"

"First make some contribution to the stability and harmony of the wizarding world, and then modify the memory all at once." Lockhart used a paralysis spell to stop her from taking out the wand, hugged her and started sucking blood...


【Recommendation ticket】

——(To be continued.)


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