"Help?" The Prime Minister frowned and thought for a while, then asked a question: "Were you not seen by the staff outside when you broke in?"

"There is a kind of magic called the Muggle Confusion Charm, which can make ordinary people turn a blind eye to us."

"Well, okay." The Prime Minister nodded, and then suddenly raised his voice. "Carly, come in!"

A few seconds later, a Muggle woman who was working next door opened the door and came in. She must be the secretary.

"What's the matter, Mr. Prime Minister?"

"Tell Rand to come over and say it's an emergency."

"Rand, you mean Stephen Rand?" The female secretary was obviously a little surprised, "Sir, this is not on your schedule, and-" She glanced at the three Lockharts in the room and discovered that the Prime Minister was actually An off-schedule interview is already taking place. "This is also against the rules, sir."

"Just say it's an emergency!" the Prime Minister emphasized, "Go and handle it immediately, and then pour tea for these three gentlemen!"



"Who is he and what did you ask him to do?" Kingsley asked strangely.

"The British government is not ignorant of the existence of the wizarding world." The Prime Minister said, "Although I only learned about these things after taking office, some institutions have always been fully aware of the existence of wizards."

"That's it." Kingsley nodded, expressing understanding. "But the Muggle Intelligence Bureau of the Department of Mysteries should also know this organization very well. I don't know. It must be because the level is not high enough."

"I don't know. You can talk to him then."

At this time, the female secretary also walked in to pour tea for the three Lockharts. She was shocked when she saw the appearance of Kingsley and Scrimgeour, but was immediately confused by Lockhart using a confusion spell.

The four people drank tea and waited for the Muggle named Rand to arrive. During this period, they listened to the Prime Minister complaining about a large number of inexplicable events that had occurred in recent years-murders, missing persons, bridge collapse, and an inexplicable accident. Forest fires occur in winter. Of course, Lockhart, as the perpetrator of the last incident, could only sit there and rub his nose in embarrassment.

The Prime Minister gets angry when he talks about the collapsed bridge. After review, the bridge did not cut any corners, but it certainly couldn't collapse on its own for no apparent reason. The Prime Minister couldn't say that it might have been a wizard, so he had to push out one of his unlucky officials as a scapegoat. Bear the wrath of the people. .


"We are here today, asking for some assistance is secondary." Lockhart almost forgot the most important thing, "We need a nuclear bomb to destroy something."

"Nuclear bomb!" said the prime minister in surprise. "Destroy something. Where are you going to deal with it?"

"You won't understand what I'm talking about, but the location is probably underground in London. I don't know how deep it is." Lockhart glanced at Scrimgeour. "Rufus, do you know where the energy supply room is?"

"The Department of Mysteries at the bottom of the Ministry of Magic is one hundred meters deep underground." Scrimgeour said. "To be safe, the energy supply room is at least one hundred and fifty meters deep, but we were forcibly teleported away that time. , should have only been unconscious for more than ten seconds - this shows that the teleportation distance is not far. My conclusion is that it is between 150 and 500 meters underground."

"Any nuclear weapon used at this depth will cause huge damage to the ground!" the Prime Minister said. "Although I am not an expert in this field, I have seen photos of underground nuclear tests!"

"The power of the explosion may not be leaked. We placed the nuclear bomb in a room protected by magic..." Lockhart comforted the Prime Minister and said, "The power of the explosion will be blocked by protective magic. I heard that the power of the nuclear bomb is also Is there a different one? I don’t know how powerful it is. If you can choose..."

The Prime Minister was about to say something more about what the person they were waiting for had arrived. The female secretary who had just poured the tea opened the door, and the first people who came in were a man who looked smart and strong, and a woman with brown hair. Both of them were wearing suits and ties and looked to be government workers.

"Mr. Prime Minister, what do you want to see me for?" The secretary left the office and closed the door. The muscular man looked at the three Lockharts in the room. asked the Prime Minister with a smile. "You came to me suddenly. It is said to be an emergency. If I hadn't happened to be there..."

The Prime Minister was about to introduce them to each other, but something unexpected happened - the woman behind Rand changed her face when she saw Scrimgeour and Kingsley, and put her hand into her collar. It seemed like he was going to get some kind of weapon.

But she immediately stopped moving - Kingsley had taken the lead and pointed his wand at her.

"Maggie, believe me, you cannot deal with any of the three wizards in this room." Kingsley said softly, moving the wand in his hand and pointing to the chair aside: "I suggest you sit down and listen. Let's discuss it, and then obediently let Gilderoy wash your memory before leaving."

The woman froze there with her hands in her collar. After a while, she slowly took them out and sat down on the side under Kingsley's instructions.

"What's going on?" the muscular man asked doubtfully. He was baffled by this scene. At the same time, he also saw the assistant minister lying down in the corner.

"The Miss Maggie you brought here is a wizard and used to be my colleague." Kingsley put away his wand.

Lockhart nodded. He was curious about why Kingsley could tell so quickly that the woman in front of him who perfectly hid the magic in her body was a wizard...it turned out to be because they knew each other.

"What?" Rand glanced at Maggie in surprise, sitting in a chair and obediently putting her hands on her knees.

"I'm sorry, Stephen, this is my job..." She glanced at the man and apologized to him.

"It seems that wizards are really pervasive." The Prime Minister shook his head dejectedly, "Sit down, let me introduce you. This is the Director of the Security Bureau, but people are accustomed to calling him the Director of MI5, Stephen Rand. "

"Are these three wizards? Huh..." Rand also saw Scrimgeour's most wanted face.

"Yes, and he is a wizard that the Ministry of Magic is hunting." Scrimgeour nodded towards him. "I've heard something about MI5..."

"Have you heard anything? Hey-" Rand looked like a barrel of dynamite had been ignited, and sat down on another chair angrily. "MI5! and MI6 have complementary functions and carry out internal intelligence work. They are responsible for safeguarding the security of the UK and responding to threats from secret organizations that endanger national security. Including terrorism, espionage and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction... …But this is just an appearance. What ordinary people don’t know is that when this organization was first established, it also had the most important responsibility-to infiltrate and monitor the wizarding world in Britain, so that we non-wizards can also have a little understanding of the wizarding world. , preferably with some degree of control.”

"To be precise, it is containment. No ruler would like to have a group of completely uncontrolled guys in his own country." said the Prime Minister.

"MI5 is a great organization." Scrimgeour smiled casually, "The quality of your agents is very high. Our Aurors at the Ministry of Magic have imitated you in terms of structure and training, and the results are very obvious. --pity……"

"It's a pity that we have been in a complete defeat in the intelligence and spy war with wizards. The agents sent out often come back with a blank mind, or even disappear directly... Over the years, apart from some common sense that any wizard knows, we have , knows nothing about the wizarding world, especially the operations of the Ministry of Magic!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. The identity of our wizard has been exposed. The memory canceller of the Ministry of Magic will handle it for him. And if your identity as an agent has been exposed, the best result is to be brainwashed by the Forgotten Curse. If you are unlucky enough to meet a dark wizard, If you don’t, you can’t go back.”

"Yes, we once thought it was because of the differences between wizards and ordinary people, so we also tried to instigate those wizards whose parents were ordinary people, the so-called marrow wizards you call them, and let them investigate the changes in the magic world. The reason." Rand babbled bitterly, "The result is still the same, his memory was wiped and he was sent home."

"Very few Muggle-born wizards can enter the upper echelons of the Ministry of Magic." This is a fact. Let alone the upper echelons, it is a miracle that a Muggle-born wizard can enter the Ministry of Magic.

"This is not the key. I only know now that our world has been infiltrated by wizards for a long time. I am trying to think of ways to deal with wizards, but even my most trusted assistant - is a wizard!" He was furious. Pointing at Maggie. "Under such circumstances, it would be strange to succeed if you want to do something to the wizarding world!"


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——(To be continued.)


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