Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 346: Genuine magic stone?

She made a small cut on the base of the unicorn's front legs, and the unicorn's front hooves twitched. Lockhart was so startled that he quickly wrapped a vine around it to prevent it from kicking.

The wound was so small that blood almost oozed out slowly. Hermione put the crystal bottle close to it and waited for the blood to flow in slowly.

"You are too careful. Anyway, the wound can be healed later, so what are you afraid of?" Hagrid was also a little impatient. "The centaurs will come over at any time. They will be very angry when they see you attacking unicorns."

"I've been bleeding for the past few weeks. It's very uncomfortable when there is less blood." Hermione said, "And she already has a child. I don't want her to shed an extra drop of blood in vain..."

Lockhart's nose felt sore, he hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"It doesn't matter, I'll wait for you as long as it takes."

"It's nothing, just a little... a little uncomfortable." Hermione realized that what she just said was different from the words she comforted Lockhart when she donated blood earlier, "As long as you need..."

"You have been bleeding, what happened?" Hagrid was a little confused. "Haven't you already known the wound healing spell? Are there many Death Eaters chasing you?"

"It's nothing." Hermione shook her head and stopped talking. If she continued talking, she would mention Lockhart's need to suck blood.


Fang suddenly let out an uneasy whimpering sound, and Lockhart also felt the vibrations on the ground. There must be many centaurs running over. Lockhart held the wand in his hand and stood up straight, looking at the direction of the sound.

"Oh my god, Hermione, are you okay?" Hagrid asked nervously.

"How much blood is enough, Gilderoy?" Hermione looked up and asked, "Is one tube enough? About fifty milliliters."

"That's enough, let's go." Lockhart nodded.

Hermione put away the collected blood, took out her wand and began to heal the unicorn's wounds. At the same time, the shaking on the ground became more obvious, and it seemed that a fight was inevitable.

The first centaurs came into view, their eyesight was excellent. At a glance, he saw the three Lockharts and the unicorn lying under their feet. Without saying a word, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow at Hermione, who was holding up her wand to heal the wound.

Lockhart blocked the arrow with the Iron Armor Charm. Then he became furious: What are you doing! If he was shooting himself, he would admit it. After all, he was the one attacking the unicorn. He could just get through it by fooling around, and he didn't want to conflict with the centaurs. But the centaurs actually attacked Hermione first. Don't let him tolerate this for any reason!

Lockhart waved his wand angrily, and shot out a spell without any hesitation. The centaurs were still a few hundred meters away. The spell hit the forest land between several centaurs, and exploded with impact. Immediately a large number of centaurs were blown up. The centaurs were rough-skinned and thick-flesh, but none of them died. There were just several lying on the ground, writhing in pain under the fallen leaves and dirt.

"Dear, don't do this!" Hagrid and Hermione raised their hands at the same time to stop Lockhart from continuing to attack, and the centaur on the opposite side was attacked. They immediately roared like a pot exploding, and at the same time scattered into the jungle, shooting arrows at the three of them from all sides. Fang Ya was so frightened that he hid between Hagrid's legs and trembled.

Lockhart put the Iron Armor Curse on the three people and the dog, and arrows kept hitting them, which made Hermione a little panicked.

"I don't want to make a scene, but they shot you with arrows!" Lockhart said angrily.

"Don't be impulsive. They just wanted to protect the unicorn. Maybe they saw me holding up my wand to cast a spell on it!" Hermione held his arm to stop him from continuing to attack. "Do not be angry……"

"Forget it." Lockhart now doted on Hermione, "Then let's go."

"Undo the spell on it."

"Yeah." Lockhart removed the vine entanglement and stun spell from the unicorn. Then he protected the three people and retreated towards the way they came. The centaurs followed behind and kept firing arrows, but they couldn't do anything to them. Lockhart also used a spell to knock away several centaurs' weapons. After a while, he also consciously retreated.


"Hagrid was seen!" Hermione suddenly remembered something,

"It doesn't matter to the two of us, but Hagrid lives on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Will he be in trouble in the future?"

"They won't take the initiative to trouble me." Hagrid said, "And the unicorn is fine. You didn't kill any centaurs."

"We'll talk about it later. In the worst case, I'll go negotiate with the centaurs." Lockhart said nonchalantly.

The strength shown by Lockhart obviously scared the centaurs. The three of them successfully left the forest without any further obstruction. When they approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, they put on the invisibility cloak again.

"We're going back first," Lockhart told Hagrid. "If the centaurs come to trouble you, just let me know with a note."

"Don't Snape know where you are hiding?" Hagrid asked.

"Hide in a safe place, you don't have to worry." Hermione answered for him, "Be careful, we're leaving."

"Do not worry."


After Hagrid broke up with them and walked towards his cabin, the couple returned to Hogwarts along the same route and then came to Snape's office.

"Blood of a pregnant unicorn?" Snape was a little surprised. "What a coincidence. Did a unicorn happen to be pregnant..."

"It's no coincidence that the unicorn's pregnancy cycle is quite long. It should have been pregnant for more than half a year." Hermione said proudly, "It's just that you didn't expect this."

"Hmph -" Snape took Hermione's small bottle. "Then let's give it a try. Come to my potion warehouse with me and put on the invisibility cloak."

The three of them arrived at Snape's old office. Although the current Potions professor was Slughorn, he was using another office. Snape's old office was now his exclusive potions experiment. room.

The furnishings hadn't changed much, and it was probably Hermione's first time coming in, curiously looking at the various strange potion ingredients on the surrounding shelves.

"Don't touch it blindly, even if your husband can afford it." Snape said with contempt, sat down behind his desk full of things, took out some half-finished magic stones, and controlled them with his wand. The blood from the vial dripped into it. "These are made of the same materials as real magic stones. They are extremely precious... If unicorn blood without curse is added, theoretically it will turn into a magnificent blood red..."

"Could it be that the magic stone you used when I was resurrected was made of alternative materials?"

"What do you think?" Snape glanced at him.

Lockhart shrugged and watched Snape continue to operate - he waited for the unicorn's blood to seep into the gray-white magic stone, then pointed his wand at it, silently recited some spells to levitate it in mid-air, and continued to cast spells, which seemed to be Refining it. Lockhart didn't know much about alchemy or potions. Although he could get excellent grades back then, he never touched them again after graduation and gave them all back to Professor Slughorn.

After Snape ceased to be a professor, it seemed that his Potions Office no longer welcomed outsiders. There were only two chairs including the one where Snape was already sitting. Lockhart looked at Hermione and found that Hermione was also looking at him, her mouth slightly opened as if she wanted to say something, but without saying a word, he pulled Hermione over and pushed her to sit down. He stood behind her, gently massaging her shoulders, and began to think about what to do next. Order something.

She had always thought of ways to please Lockhart, and now that she had finally succeeded, she could enjoy the treatment of Lockhart giving her a massage. Hermione was still a little unaccustomed to it, and was left flustered.

Lockhart didn't think much about it. He felt that no matter what he did for Hermione, he could not repay the suffering she had endured for him. He pinched the flesh between the little witch's shoulders and neck in his hand, and his mind flew to Scrimgeour, and then Flying towards the Ministry of Magic...until Hermione patted her hand on her shoulder.

"Look, it seems to have turned red!" Hermione grabbed Lockhart's hand and showed him that the Sorcerer's Stone in mid-air seemed to really glow with a red light under Snape's spell!

"But it will take a while before it becomes like the Philosopher's Stone, right?" Lockhart also stared at the Philosopher's Stone, thinking back to the Philosopher's Stone given to him by Nico Flamel, both large and small. The color is still quite different. If the blood of a pregnant female unicorn could make a real magic stone, wouldn’t it mean that the magic stone has really become a commodity on the street?

Oh yes, Snape said that other raw materials of the Sorcerer's Stone are also very precious, but substitutes can be used...

He was staring at the magic stone, but Snape shook his head, put down his wand, and reached out to catch the fallen magic stone.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked nervously, "Could it be..."

"It's finished, but look at it," Snape held the small magic stone between his thumb, index and middle fingers and raised it in front of the two of them. "It's still gray-white, but with a hint of pink..."


[There are still 1800 recommendation votes left before adding more]

——(To be continued.)


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