Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 341: Planning (Part 1)

"Sev—" Lockhart looked at him uneasily, at the man almost destroyed by regret and desire for revenge.

"I'm sorry...but no matter what, I must kill the Dark Lord. This is what keeps me alive." Snape took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth.

"Then we can take back the Ministry of Magic first, right?" Lockhart advised, "After all, the Dark Lord can't escape—"

"You hide for a moment, someone is coming!" Snape suddenly raised his eyebrows and said nervously. He pointed at the window with his wand and opened one: "Window, quick!"

"Yeah." Lockhart didn't waste any time. He immediately turned into a white light, got out of the window opened by Snape, found an empty corridor and landed, and quickly put on the invisibility cloak.


There was no danger... In fact, it wasn't even that much of a shock. There were few Death Eaters on this campus that he couldn't knock down and control in an instant. He was just afraid of encountering someone who had the Dark Mark and couldn't silence them, but also had a brain. It's just a Death Eater who can't modify the memory of Occlumency and is exposed.

Lockhart slowly walked back to the Room of Requirement, opened the door, and found that Hermione had woken up and was sitting in a daze on the hammock, her legs hanging from the edge of the hammock, dangling unconsciously. When she saw him walking in, she smiled.

"You're awake, are you feeling well?"

"It's comfortable for you," Hermione suppressed her smile and rolled her eyes at him, "When I woke up, I found you weren't there. If it weren't for your body being dirty... I would have thought it was just another erotic dream."

"Okay, honey, I apologize," Lockhart hugged her, "I was a little emotional just now and went too far. I won't be like this again."

"It's not too much... but you have to respect my opinion or say something..." Hermione said with a flushed face, "Gilderoy, you seem to be younger than before, you look like you are twenty years old. How does your new body feel?”

"Great, you've already experienced it and you still ask this question?" Lockhart said with a smirk, "Now we should discuss what to do next. Severus and I discussed it and we didn't have a clue, mainly about the soul. The whereabouts of the weapon are unknown, and I don’t know if I am the opponent of the mysterious man now——"

"You are no match for him. Don't touch the mysterious man!" Hermione suddenly shouted, "You are not allowed to think of ways to deal with him. There are so many Aurors... Let's find a way to take back the Ministry of Magic now, and then If you go on the defensive, it’s better to drown him with a sea of ​​people!”

"Yes. I will consider your opinion. Let's rest now. We will discuss it with Severus tomorrow..." Lockhart said.

"Okay, does your new body still need blood?"

"Yes, but it's not as urgent as before. The magic power in the body is enough not to suck blood for a few weeks, but if I hold it in, I will definitely look in bad condition..."

"Ginny came to you just now and asked if you want to suck blood...what did you do to her?" Hermione was extremely confused. "Isn't she most afraid of vampires? It seems that it was because of George and Fred when they were children. Like to scare her with vampire stories..."

"So that's it... I just suck blood. Unless I inject my blood into her body after sucking the blood, she can't become a vampire." Lockhart said with a smile, "She probably figured it out. , decided to make some contribution to the resistance against the mysterious man."

"Dedicate your sister," Hermione said pretending to be angry, "You are not allowed to suck her blood anymore. If you need to, suck mine, or go to the school to find other students or Death Eaters. The Weasleys are all members of the Order of the Phoenix. .It’s not used to suck your blood!”

"Okay, okay..." Lockhart nodded, fully agreeing. "I will find a way to get rid of the curse as soon as possible. Being a vampire all the time is not an option."

"Well, I want to take a bath before going to bed. I'm too dirty and sticky..." Hermione was satisfied with Lockhart's answer and no longer pursued the matter.

"I go with you."

"don't want."

"I promise not to do anything!" said Lockhart, "and I'm not worried about you going alone... Come on, put on the cloak of invisibility."


On the second day of resurrection,

Lockhart gave it some thought. Still, he activated all the communication notes and announced his resurrection to all Order of the Phoenix and Aurors.

He informed everyone that he was now hiding in a safe place, but he still did not tell them that Snape was an undercover agent. Safety came first. Mundungus could no longer be contacted and must have thrown away the note. Lockhart did not have high hopes for him. Mundungus and Voldemort had no grudges or conflicts of interest... it was just that He joined the Order of the Phoenix in order to repay Dumbledore. He did not betray the location of the Burrow to the Death Eaters, which was already very loyal.

Lockhart told McGonagall and the Order of the Phoenix in their respective hiding places not to act rashly. He has not fully recovered yet and will not let anyone come to meet him. It is too dangerous. Hagrid was definitely going to visit him, and now he was going to start looking for unicorn blood that did not contain the curse. In the past, Snape only did research out of academic curiosity, but now Lockhart is doing it to restore his body. .

Scrimgeour has contacted twenty or thirty reliable wizards who are willing to resist, but these forces are simply not enough to take back the Ministry of Magic in a head-on attack. Scrimgeour is also trying to take back the Ministry of Magic by placing people in the Ministry of Magic. They agreed to meet up next month to discuss the next move.

Now the Room of Requirement has completely become Lockhart and Hermione's new house. They even put up a curtain inside to separate it into a living room and a bedroom. Let Snape or Ginny deliver meals every day... Lockhart has asked Ginny to suspend h.a. activities. Whether it is his own existence or Snape's position, he cannot let these young people know that they cannot keep it secret at all. secret.

And Albert, who successfully escaped from several Death Eaters, unlocked his memory a month later, and hid in London. Although the matter was later revealed and Lockhart was wanted for a while after he was killed, he did not attract much hatred and the matter was eventually dropped. Lockhart told him to remain hidden and do nothing until further notice.

No one asked him how he was resurrected in the note, which made him relieved. Although he would have to escape this question sooner or later, he didn't want to start arguing too early about whether making Horcruxes was the right thing to do.


"I thought about it last night. If we can't find the gold cup, let's deal with Nagini..." Snape took the initiative to come to the Room of Requirement this time, and a bunch of people sat on the mattresses left by the piled-up H.A. members. There were a lot of mattresses outside for 'reception', and inside the curtain was where Hermione and Lockhart slept. "Because he is afraid that the power of the deflection spell will decrease if Nagini is far away from him, the Dark Lord will not let him leave his side at all now, but this will make it easier for us to find it - as long as I go to see the Dark Lord, I will definitely be able to see Nagini. Ni!"

"So, should we go to the Dark Lord to deal with Nagini?" Lockhart asked doubtfully.

"Your current body is of the same type as the Dark Lord, so you should be able to defeat him, right?" Snape looked at Lockhart and said, "I have a plan, pretend that you have been subdued by me, and I will kill you Send it to the Dark Lord—"

"No!" Hermione said loudly, "Gilderoy, you are not allowed to take any more risks, any risks!"

"Mrs. Lockhart, the men are discussing something..." Snape said impatiently.

"What's wrong with men? Gilderoy is my husband, and now you want him to take risks!" Hermione said angrily, "Not even if you save his life!"

"Hermione... don't worry, listen to Severus' plan first. It's too dangerous for us to try." Lockhart squeezed her hand and comforted her. "Um...Ginny, what are you doing here?"

"I'm out of class - uh, let's see if you need any help..." Ginny walked in from the door of the Requirement Room and said with a blush on her face, "Professor Snape is here too, are you discussing something?"

"Well... we don't need any help at the moment, Ginny." Hermione said, "You can go back."

"Oh, it's okay, I'll listen to you guys..." Ginny sat down on her hammock and stared at Lockhart secretly.

Hermione looked at Ginny and Lockhart suspiciously, but said nothing.

"You pretend to be someone the Dark Lord wants to kill, and I will bring you to the Dark Lord -" Snape said, "The Dark Lord likes to feed captured wizards to Nagini... You can use This, close to it..."

"Do you want Gilderoy to let himself be bitten by Nagini?" Hermione looked at Snape angrily, "This plan is nonsense. Let's talk about how to get Gilderoy back to normal."

"That's a bit ridiculous, Severus. What can you do if you get close to it?" Lockhart asked, "Didn't you say that as long as the Dark Lord's magic power is not used up, it is invulnerable."

"The deflection spell can only deflect magic, not objects. As long as you use physical methods - such as piercing its skin and casting spells in its body, the deflection spell will not work."

"The mysterious man is not that stupid, right? Nagini's skin must have physical protection magic, otherwise wouldn't any Muggle be able to kill it?"

"Not necessarily. Think about it, it is meant to bite and eat...that is to say, when it opens its mouth, there is no protective magic in front of it..."

"Just put the wand into its mouth and cast a spell..." Ginny said next to her, "The professor can definitely do it!"

"It's a ghost if you can do it..." Lockhart's face was full of black lines. "Do I have to go to the Muggle world to practice swordsmanship to ensure that it can thrust the wand in the moment it opens its mouth to bite me? In its mouth?"

"That's impossible." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "Now we can discuss how to make Gilderoy no longer need to suck blood!"


[There are still two hundred recommendation votes left~]

——(To be continued.)


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