readx; "I communicated with Scrimgeour and the others, and everyone has no clue about the Gold Cup. What should we do next?" "Continue to search for its whereabouts aimlessly, before we were just looking for ways to destroy and also looking for Horcruxes... Now a mission has been completed."

"Isn't there another Horcrux that is a snake? Find a way to get it out..." Hermione suggested.

"Uh, I want to say something..." Harry raised his hand: "After we destroyed that crown just now, I wanted to see what the You-Know-Who was thinking now, and then saw him go to get that cup..."

Everyone looked at Harry at once.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Lockhart put down the cup. "Where is that cup?"

"I just saw him Apparate into a large garden...and into a house protected by the Faithful Charm," said Harry embarrassedly, "and took out a cup in a cupboard..."

"And then, don't be hesitant!" Hermione asked anxiously, "to death."

"Then he found out I was spying on him..." Harry said embarrassedly, "and then couldn't see anything."

"Shit!" Blake angrily slammed the glass on the table, spilling a lot of red wine.

"Do you remember who owned that house?" Lockhart asked.

"Do not--"

"Do you remember what that garden was like, the surroundings, or any prominent landmarks?" Hermione asked. "Or what's the weather like, how are the plants growing?"

"That's not my experience...the memory is hazy, but if I'm there, I'll recognize it, and there's nothing special about it..." Harry tried to remember, "Oh, there's no snow in that place!"

"That's in the southern counties of Britain, where there's no snow or no snow now." Hermione concluded, "But now that the Floo network has been cut off, is the You-Know-Who afraid of us Apparating?"

"Unlikely..." Lockhart said. "Anyway, I'll contact Arthur first and ask him to help me find out which families in southern England are protected by the Faithful Charm..."

"But the mysterious man transferred the glass from that manor. What's the use of you looking for that manor now?" Blake opened another bottle of wine and filled himself. "We don't know if he was moved to another family estate, or put in the Gringotts vault or even decided to keep it himself."

"Don't drink, you don't want to watch the night when you're drunk!" Lockhart said dissatisfiedly. "We just destroyed a Horcrux, and we're far from winning. What does it look like to be drunk!"

"It's alright, it's my turn to keep watch, Harry, can you take a moment for me, okay?" Sirius said with a smile.

"All right……"

"Really—" Lockhart was speechless, but he still picked up the note contacting Arthur and asked him to find a way to get the distribution of the Faithful Charm in southern England. "My idea is that finding the Death Eater where the cup used to be may be able to get out of his mouth to find out where the You-Know-Who hid the cup... Harry, try not to keep Occlumency from now on - he Every thought and action of a man has the potential to reveal the location of the cup."

"Well, I'll try my best," said Harry.

"Harry, do you know where we are now?" Hermione panicked. "Don't let the mysterious person discover our location, now there is no Floo network..."

"I don't know, I'm Apparating, I just know we're on the edge of a large forest in northern England, yes."

"Well, it's fine if you don't know the exact location. Don't tell him." Lockhart nodded. "You can go to rest after eating. I'll keep a vigil first. In fact, there is no need for a vigil. The magic I set has an automatic alarm. function, and now the Floo network is broken,

The minions of the Death Eaters couldn't be running around. "

"Where are we going tomorrow?" Albert asked. "There has to be a plan."

"Or we can consider going to the seaside. Go abroad secretly..." Lockhart came up with a bold idea: "Go to Germany to save Grindelwald in Nurmengard, he is not a good base for Dumbledore Friends, You-Know-Who killed Dumbledore, he must want revenge."

"That's a dark wizard!" Hermione said with her mouth wide open, horrified, "and locked up for decades. Who knows he's not a psychopath now... If he doesn't do anything else when he comes out, attack first. what should we do?"

"This is not the crux of the problem... As the only wizard prison in Germany, Nurmengard is still imprisoning a guy like him. The guards must be very strict. We can't take this risk for no reason." Blake shook his head: "Take ten thousand steps back. Speaking of, we rescued him, and he was willing to help us deal with the mysterious man, but it still did more harm than good: we rescued a dark wizard who shocked Europe and came out to help us, doesn't it confirm the Ministry of Magic that Harry is a dark wizard It's a real mess if the German Ministry of Magic comes to deal with us too..."

"Okay, then we can only rest here, let's see how long the Ministry of Magic is going to cut off the Floo network." Lockhart knew that his brain might not be very good after he made a Horcrux, and his way of thinking was different. There were some changes, and no good ideas came out, so I humbly accepted their criticism. "If the floo network doesn't show any signs of recovery, we'll go, whether to go south or wherever Harry remembers, we'll talk about it later. Okay, now pack up, you can go to rest or do whatever you want. done."

"I'll do it." Hermione quickly stood up and used her wand to help pack up and clean up.


Night had fallen, and Lockhart was sitting on a bench by the tent door.

"Aren't you going to bed?" Lockhart asked Hermione. "I'll just keep vigil by myself. Go and rest."

"No, I'll accompany you," Hermione said softly, sitting down on the edge of the stool beside him, leaning lightly on his shoulder, "This isn't a night watch, it's watching the stars with my husband!"

"Okay, dear lady, let's look at the stars together." Lockhart stretched out his right hand and hugged Hermione tightly, his left into her arms, and grabbed her cold little hand.

The weather in early January was very cold, but under the influence of protective magic and warmth spells, the two wizards sat comfortably at the tent door and continued to cultivate their relationship. There are no clouds in the sky, the moon is not round, and through the branches with fallen leaves - you can see the blue night sky is like a huge mirror, dotted with small diamonds, the night is quiet and serene. If you look closely, you can see a white silver phantom spanning the entire sky, which is the Milky Way.

Sirius was probably drunk, and the two boys hadn't slept yet. They were happily discussing something in the tent, and successfully destroying a Horcrux made everyone feel at ease.

"It's my first time watching the stars with someone." Lockhart suddenly realized this.

"Really, that's great, in the future you will keep watch and I will accompany you to watch the stars every day, okay?" Hermione's surprised tone was full of joy, and finally there was something she and Lockhart did first. Hermione of many of his books certainly didn't know—in fact, it was Lockhart's first real life-or-death adventure.

"Okay." Lockhart looked down at Hermione, and found that she was also staring at him with big brown eyes... What else can I do at this time, of course, bend down and kiss her.


"Is there a wolf in the forest?" Although the atmosphere didn't seem awkward if she didn't speak, Hermione couldn't stop her mouth, hoping to talk about something.

"No, you should have seen the history of shepherds hunting wolves. I am afraid that there are only wolves in zoos in the UK now." Lockhart said, "Even if there are wolves, it will be confused by the protective spell."


"Dinner tonight was delicious."

"Of course, cooking is also a skill that practice makes perfect, and I'm not as clumsy as a wizard duel..." Hermione said proudly, "and now that I'm your wife, I'm going to prepare you breakfast for a lifetime. , Lunch, dinner, can you make it delicious?"

"It's touching—" Lockhart remembered something and cried apologetically when it came to his whole life: "Ah! Hermione, I'm sorry... I even forgot your birthday... When did you come of age? I mean Muggles. World-standard adulthood."

"September 19th, when we were still hiding in that small hotel." Hermione said, "I managed to escape and get together, how can I be in the mood to celebrate my birthday..."

"I don't seem to have proposed to you before I got the certificate - I was negligent, and I didn't even go through the process, and I didn't even have a proposal ring..." Lockhart was a little annoyed when he heard Hermione tell him that he had seen I went to a registration office and took her to get the certificate without saying a word. Even if there is no wedding, he even forgot to propose.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I don't care about that..." Hermione was a little embarrassed. When she was fifteen or sixteen, she had imagined the scene of Lockhart proposing to him more than once, and she had even thought about what she should do. look like that and say something - as a result, her dream jumped this step hastily, and entered the marriage stage hurriedly and directly.

Lockhart took a small golden ball from his bag, and a thin, enchanted chain, and strung it together. At the same time, he stood up from the stool, knelt down on Hermione on one knee, and raised his Horcrux in front of Hermione.

"Hermione, will you marry me?"

Hermione jumped up from the stool at once, so panicked that she didn't know where to put her hands and feet. Fortunately, it was dark and the lights in the tent were mostly blocked by the canvas.


Recommended ticket!

——(To be continued.)


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