Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 226 Night Attack on Hogwarts (Part 2)

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light flashed, and the werewolf who was pounced towards him fell to the ground, but his body was still twitching, and Lockhart made it up again before he was completely killed.

"Which one is Lupin?" Not only Mag, but everyone present, except Tonks and Black, were probably blind to the werewolf after the transformation. Harry could only use the obstacles constantly in panic, for fear of hitting him. Lupin.

"It must be Lupin who is wrestling with the other werewolf, no matter which two!" Lockhart yelled. "There are many obstacles, die!"

A dozen werewolves, and soon a few rushed past them, chasing after the H.A. members over there. Everyone wanted to stop them, but then they found that the werewolf in the Response Room was still rushing out, and soon there was the sound of fighting and the screams of the students. It was obvious that they couldn't deal with this kind of thing.

The people present, except Tonks, who were not good at fighting and pregnant, were all powerful wizards who were not afraid of werewolves at all, but they still had to protect the students, so they couldn't easily win.

Werewolves poured into the room of responsiveness through the vanishing cabinet, the number is probably more than 30, and everyone seems to be unable to resist, allowing the werewolves to ravage Hogwarts.


Dumbledore finally didn't appear at the last minute this time - the werewolves rushed out of the Requirement Room within a few minutes, and no one was injured on the field, he appeared at one end of the corridor. With a wave of the elder's wand, the werewolf entangled with Lupin was knocked into the wall, and fell down with blood.

Although he kept waving his wand, Lockhart was still a little surprised when he saw this scene. How did Dumbledore accurately identify which one was Lupin? Could it be that the wizard has reached that realm and is extremely sensitive to everyone's magic fluctuations?

The arrival of Dumbledore brought the battle to an end soon - all werewolves fell to the ground in one move, and even 99% magic resistance would be useless when faced with an overwhelmingly powerful attack, not to mention There is nothing in the world that can achieve such a high magic resistance.

Dumbledore entered the Room of Requirement and smashed the vanishing cabinet...

"Voldemort is too cunning..." Looking at the werewolf who fell to the ground. Dumbledore stroked his beard and said, "The werewolf is actually allowed to come over. He doesn't feel bad about losing a few werewolves. I'm afraid we have tossed for nothing..."

"A few more went to the campus!" Mag hurriedly ran away, she was going to find the werewolves.

Dumbledore was also taken aback. It's no fun to have a few werewolves roaming around the school.

"Let all the students go back to stay in the dormitory and don't move! Come with me."

On the way, he encounters a downed werewolf and a shocked Professor Flitwick. "What's the matter, suddenly a student asked me to get up and come over, and I encountered a werewolf on the way, scaring me to death!"

"Merlin's beard. This... is really a werewolf!" Professor Slughorn also stared blankly at the werewolf lying on the ground, "How could Hogwarts let such a low-level magical creature intrude? I remember the protective magic was on."

"We'll talk about it later! There's another one wandering over our heads." Dumbledore hurried past several people and walked upstairs.

Hogwarts is full of monitoring magic, and even Harry's Marauder's map only has access to some of the magic information, and the headmaster of Hogwarts, who has full authority over these monitoring magic, can easily All the werewolves were found and caught. But unfortunately, two people were bitten: a hapless seventh-grader, a member of H.A.; and Mr. Filch, the night watchman.


"Guidero, why did you call the children here!" Dumbledore couldn't calm down, his face was annoyed. Filch is nice to say. In the future, every full moon will let Snape provide him with the wolf poison potion, but a student was bitten by a werewolf on the Hogwarts campus. What happened? The headmaster is seriously dereliction of duty, does Hogwarts dare to claim to be the safest place in the world!

"I..." Lockhart didn't know how to explain it at all. He took H.A.'s people for granted - because he remembered that Harry's Dumbledore's Army also participated in this battle in the original plot. The change in the plot caused Voldemort to learn too, and he actually sent a bunch of werewolves over. "I'm sorry, Mr. Principal... I'll take care of this..."

Snape's face was also ashen, and when the werewolf rushed in, Voldemort still hadn't notified him of the event! Does this mean that he is no longer trusted by him? Maybe Voldemort thought the event shouldn't expose him? But even if you don't need help yourself. Tell yourself it's alright.

"You can handle it best! I hope this doesn't appear in the papers!"

"It's not the professor's fault!" Ginny jumped out and spoke to Lockhart. "It's our fault. Several people can't deal with a werewolf!"

"If only a few kids could deal with a transformed werewolf, the Ministry wouldn't be devastated by them!" Dumbledore raised his voice. "Professors told you to go back to the dormitory immediately, why don't you do it immediately? Do you think this is courage, courage comes directly from caution, and you are reckless, although it looks similar, but it is a different thing. Being stupid and taking things for granted is not a virtue. Your recklessness has caused trouble for Professor Lockhart this time, go and apologize to him!"

Harry seemed very uneasy... Just now Professor McGonagall told all the children to go back to the dormitory, it was because he and Ginny and the others did not execute it immediately, which led to the presence of H.A. students when the werewolf rushed out. Student bitten by werewolf...

Draco Malfoy still had an uneasy look on his face. The scene of a dozen werewolves transforming in front of him terrified him. He just faced a real test of death just now. Fortunately, Lockhart rushed in in time to save him, and the series of battles that followed showed that Dumbledore saw through his plan from the beginning - which made him panic and bewildered.

"Don't be mad at the headmaster, it's not to blame Gilderoy, we didn't stop all the werewolves." Black also opened his mouth to help, Lupin hadn't changed back into human form, and went to hide with Tonks elsewhere. "It's the reason why our Order of the Phoenix lacks combat effectiveness."

"Obviously, the target of this operation is not on you at all, Mr. Headmaster." Snape also said with a sullen face. "If I'm not mistaken, the Dark Lord is probably trying to get the werewolves to bite a lot of students, to create a horrific event, to shut down Hogwarts - so he can attack Potter or you outside of school... If it wasn't for the students who were called by Professor Lockhart to stop a few werewolves, they would definitely attack the student dormitory, and if they rushed in, the consequences would be even more serious."

Lockhart felt a fire in his heart. Although many people spoke for him, he did make a mistake this time. He shouldn't have asked the people from H.A. to help him. He has done a lot for the Order of the Phoenix, and even saved the lives of Blake and Dumbledore, but it didn't help at all. If you make a mistake, you will be criticized. It's really unpleasant.

"Professor..." Hermione also grabbed Lockhart's hand to comfort him.

It's not a big deal. It's nothing more than being scolded by the parents of the students. Lockhart is thick-skinned. Are you still afraid of this? Come up with some benefits, make some promises, and suppress this matter...

Dumbledore also realized that he was a little rude. After all, Lockhart has been helping the Order of the Phoenix, and it hurts to blame him for the smallest things: "Forget it, Gilderoy, I will handle this matter. - But I hope this matter can not be leaked, and I hope that next term Hogwarts can start normally!"

——(To be continued.)

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