Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 187 Voldemort's Ancestors (Part 2)

"Exactly!" said Ogden angrily, wiping his face. "I suppose you are Mr. Gaunt?"

"That's right," Gaunt said. "He hit you in the face, didn't he?"

"Yes!" said Ogden angrily.

"You should have notified us when you were here, shouldn't you?" said Gaunt arrogantly. "It's private territory. Can my son not act in self-defense when you walk in so swaggeringly?"

"What does he have to defend himself?" said Ogden, struggling to get up.

"*\u0026...%¥#H%¥*@." The attacker spoke, obviously a curse word.

Ogden's nose was still bubbling with yellow pus, and he pointed his wand at himself, and they stopped immediately. Mr. Gaunt pouted and said to Morfin: "%¥\u0026*@"

Although it was still Parseltongue, several people understood from Morfin's actions: Morfin seemed to want to defend a few words, but his father gave him a stern look, and he changed his mind and walked in a strange way. He walked slowly towards the wooden house with shaky, shaky steps, and after entering, he closed the door heavily, and the snake swayed pitifully again.

"Why would Parseltongue hurt a snake?" Tonks said with a sullen face.

"No one says Parseltongue has to love snakes, my dear." Lupin seemed to want to pat Tonks on the shoulder, but none of them were real...

"I've come to meet your son, Mr. Gaunt," said Ogden, wiping the last bit of yellow pus from his coat, "that was Morfin just now?

"Ah, that's Morfin," said the old man casually. "Are you pureblood?" he asked, suddenly so aggressive.

"Neither side," said Ogden coldly. This can't help but make Lockhart admire him a bit. Although he is also mixed blood, it is not his style to admit this frankly. He will definitely tell the other side aggressively that pure blood is not necessarily a mixed blood opponent.

Gunter clearly disagreed. He squinted at Ogden's face, and muttered in an apparently offensive tone, "Now that I look back, I did see noses like yours in the village."

"I have no doubts about that, since your son is attacking them so casually," said Ogden, "perhaps we can come in and talk?"

"Enter the house?"

"Yes, Mr. Gaunt. I told you. I'm here for Morfin. We sent an owl--"

"Owls are of no use to me," Gaunt said. "I never read letters."

"Then you can't complain that you didn't know someone was coming," Ogden said sharply. "I'm here to deal with a serious breach of wizarding law that occurred early this morning—"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Gaunt yelled. "Just go to the damn house and you'll be much more comfortable then!"

The house seems to consist of three small rooms, the large one in the middle doubles as a kitchen and living room, and two doors lead to other rooms. Morfin sat in a filthy armchair by the smoky fire, with a live little poisonous snake between his thick fingers, humming softly in Parseltongue that no one could understand. of a song.

There were slow footsteps in the corner by the open window, and several people were not really there, so it was only then that there was another person in the room. It was a girl whose tattered grey dress was almost the same colour as the filthy stone wall behind her. She was standing beside a steaming saucepan on the soot-covered stove, looking for something in a pile of filthy pots on the shelf above the stove. Her straight hair was dull and her face was pale and plain, with a gloomy expression. Her eyes were the same as her brother's, staring in opposite directions. She looked cleaner than the two men, but still looked listless.

"The Gaunts are so miserable?" Black frowned.

"There are still many treasures in the Black family in Gringotts, right?" Lockhart guessed that Hufflepuff's gold cup might be in Gringotts, but Bellatrix had already been killed by him, he was not very Sure.

"Hey, a lot, but I don't want to use it." Black was a little proud, and then a little lonely. He is now the only person who can open the Black family's vault. If he dies, I don't know if his godson Harry has the right to open it. that vault.

"My daughter, Merope," Gaunt introduced reluctantly, seeing Ogden look at the girl questioningly.

"Good morning," Ogden said.

The girl didn't answer, gave her father a panicked look, then turned around quickly and continued to play with the pots and jars on the shelf.

"Merope is Voldemort's mother," Dumbledore said casually, as if it were a matter of no importance, but the other four immediately turned to look at the girl.

"How could this be?" Lockhart said a little reluctantly. This girl had a miserable life, no wonder she went to have a child with a Muggle.

"Well, Mr. Gaunt," said Ogden, "let's get straight to the point. We have reason to believe that your son Morfin performed a spell in front of a Muggle late last night."

A bang, deafening. Merope knocked a can off the ground.

"Pick it up!" Gaunt yelled at her. "Why, get down on the ground like a dirty Muggle? What's your wand for, you bastard?"

"Please don't do this, Mr. Gaunt!" said Ogden in a tone of astonishment, when Merope had picked up the jar, but suddenly her face turned red and white. Her hands loosened, and the jar fell to the ground again. Tremblingly, she took out her wand from her pocket, pointed at the jar, and whispered some incantation in a panic. .

Morfin let out a frantic giggle. Gaunt screamed, "Fix it, you big useless fool, fix it!"

"She uses magic like a child who has just entered school, what's going on?" Lupin had also been a professor and saw something wrong, "But she's not a Squib..."

Merope stumbled to the other side of the room, but before she could raise her wand, Ogden pointed his wand in the direction, and said calmly, "Return!" The jar repaired itself immediately.

For a moment, Gaunt seemed to want to yell at Ogden, but seemed to change his mind. He sneered at his daughter and said, "It's a good thing that this wonderful guy from the Ministry of Magic is here, isn't he? Maybe he'll get you out of my hands, maybe he doesn't hate nasty Squibs..."

Merope didn't look at anyone, didn't thank Ogden, just picked up the jar and put it back on the shelf with trembling hands. Then she stood motionless, her back against the wall between the dirty window and the stove, as if all she wanted was to sink into the stone wall and disappear.

"Mr. Gaunt," said Mr. Ogden again, "as I said, the reason I'm here is—"

"I got it the first time!" said Gaunt angrily. "So what? Morfin taught a Muggle a lesson—so what?"

"This kind of pure-blood wizard family deserves to disappear from history." Tonks couldn't stand it any longer. "What do they think of Muggles?" But Dumbledore made a silent gesture towards them.

"Morfin is against wizarding law," Ogden said solemnly.

"Morfin violated the Wizarding Law," Gaunt imitated Ogden's voice, and deliberately dragged his tone with a hint of arrogance. Morfin laughed again. "He gave a filthy muggle some color and see, what, it's illegal now?"

"Yes," said Ogden, "I'm afraid so."

He took a small roll of parchment from the inside pocket of his coat and unfolded it.

"What is this, the sentence for him?" Gaunt raised his voice angrily.

"Summon him to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation—"

"Subpoena! Subpoena? Who do you think you are to call my son?"

"I'm the captain of the Magical Law Enforcement Team," Ogden said. This guy turned out to be a captain? The captain of the striker is not as good as an ordinary Auror, Lockhart thought with some dissatisfaction.

"You think we're scumbags?" screamed Gaunt, stabbing Ogden in the chest with his dirty yellow fingers as he closed in on him. Run away? You know who you're talking to, you filthy little mudblood, eh?"

"I remember as if I was talking to Mr. Gaunt." Ogden looked wary, but didn't flinch.

"That's right!" Gaunt roared, and Lockhart thought for a moment that Gaunt was making an obscene gesture toward Ogden, then he realized that Gaunt was showing Ogden the ugly one he was wearing on his middle finger. Black gemstone ring. He dangled the ring in front of Ogden.

"See this? See this? Know what it is? Know where it came from? It's been in our family for centuries, our family's history, and it's always been pure Bloodline! Do you know how much someone thought of buying it from me? Peverell's coat of arms is engraved on the gem!"

"You should have seen this ring," Dumbledore reminded them. "We destroyed that Horcrux."

"Ah..." Tonks rushed over to look at the ring.

"I really don't know," said Ogden, blinking as the ring dangled an inch before his nose, "and it has nothing to do with this, Mr. Gaunt. Your son did— "

Gaunt roared angrily and rushed towards his daughter, with a hand straight down her throat as if to strangle her. Then he grabbed his daughter by a gold chain around her neck and pulled her to Ogden.

"See this?" he growled at Ogden, rocking a heavy gold locket above him, and Merop coughed so hard that he couldn't catch his breath.

(Including the original plot, according to the rules, three nights in the evening)

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