Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 158 The Wizard (1)

(The author's front row reminds readers who are blown away when they see the wizard blood theory: please remember that the protagonist of this book is of mixed blood, and blood is not everything.)


"Tell me, the status quo?" Lockhart looked at Hu Xinya, who was wearing a uniform and looked heroic.

"That's a long story, Mr. Lockhart. I'll tell you what to eat when you eat."

Thousands of years ago, the spiritual world in China was actually the wizarding world, which was very powerful. Practitioners call themselves "immortals" and have created countless legends that only belong to China. At first, subconsciously, practitioners did not marry mortals, and the behavior of breaking the rules was called "going down to the mortal" or "moving the mortal heart". This was quite despised behavior at the time, and might even be punished by the upper-level practitioners.

But after hundreds of years of reproduction, it was found that mortals and mortals can also give birth to practitioners, practitioners and mortals can also give birth to practitioners, but practitioners and practitioners can also give birth to mortals. In the end, the ancient practitioners concluded that the ability to practice is not determined by blood, but by "fate".

"It is impossible for wizards and wizards to give birth to Muggles." Lockhart interrupted Hu Xinya's narration, "only squibs can be born."

"Do you call people who can feel mana but can't practice Squibs," the leader asked with interest, "then call them Squibs."

"Okay." Hu Xinya nodded in agreement.

After this conclusion was reached, practitioners in the spiritual world began to live with mortals at ease, and intermarryed each other. In the beginning, everything was normal, and the number of practitioners steadily increased. It seemed that the ability to practice only depended on fate.

"Isn't it," Lockhart asked curiously, "I always think that it is not a wizard, or whether a wizard is powerful, has little to do with blood."

"It seems to be irrelevant in the short term," Hu Xinya said bitterly, "but in the long run, it will not be the case."

Practitioners live with mortals and hold the power of the land behind the scenes. Hundreds of years have passed, and everything has been normal, but gradually, some people began to discover that the strength of the cultivators began to become weaker and weaker, and they gradually began to be unable to use the powerful spells inherited from their ancestors.

Some people suggest that this is because the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner, not because the quality of the practitioners themselves is getting worse and worse. This theory is called the Age of Ending Dharma Theory, and its central idea is that no matter what we do, the spiritual energy or the power of speaking between the heavens and the earth will become weaker and weaker, and eventually dry up, making it impossible for people to continue to practice.

"Interesting idea," Lockhart nodded. "I guess, then you find out that's not the case."

"That's right."

The Doomsday Era theory has prevailed for many years, and the practitioners have indeed become weaker and weaker as the prophecy said. Finally, a theory that has been abandoned for a long time has been turned out - the bloodline theory. These people believe that the total amount of the circulation of spiritual energy between heaven and earth remains unchanged, and it is the blood of the practitioners in our bodies that weakens, and the intermarriage between practitioners and mortals over thousands of years has caused this phenomenon.

"Sounds like the theory is finally confirmed?" Lockhart guessed uncertainly.

Several old Chinese wizards sitting at the state banquet sighed and shook their heads. Hu Xinya nodded to Lockhart and continued.

The practitioners who proposed and believed in the bloodline theory broke away from the secular world and called themselves the secular sect, and no longer contacted worldly things, and the rest were the so-called secular sect. At first, the WTO members ridiculed the hermitage faction, and even had a fierce conflict with them, the two most serious conflicts led to the Wuhu chaotic China and the Liao, Jin, and Mongolian invasions of the Song Dynasty. The invasion of foreign enemies forced the WTO members to give up the conflict with the hermits and concentrate on running the country.

"As far as I know, there is another Manchu entry, why is that?" Lockhart asked curiously.

"You know our country's history quite well!" The leader raised his glass to Lockhart again, "I'll give you another toast.


After Lockhart drank this glass of wine, he was already a little drunk. The power of white wine was too great, but his mind was still sober, and Hu Xinya continued to speak.

Facts have proved that the Hidden World sect is right. After hundreds of years of internal intermarriage of practitioners, the Hidden World sect began to gradually appear relatively strong practitioners, which seriously stimulated the practitioners of the worldly sect. Around the 17th century, all Chinese practitioners were isolated from the mortal world, and the sect that joined the world disappeared. All practitioners hid in remote places and intermarryed in order to restore the purity of their bloodlines.

"Now, you should understand that the last complete invasion of foreign enemies - the Manchu entry into the customs, was not because of the internal conflict between the wizards, but because all the Han wizards reached an agreement."


"Understood, then, at the beginning of this century, you re-entered the WTO?" Lockhart suddenly realized.

"Indeed, the practitioners did not expect that the current situation outside has become so corrupted. Many practitioners who feel sorry for their own clansmen have left their seclusion and helped the founders to establish this new country." The leaders were full of respect. "They are all great wizards."

"We don't think of ourselves as a sectarian, but the hermits in the mountains think we have betrayed them and refuse to accept us again. We even launched some campaigns to force them to accept us again, but the hermits are much stronger than us. There are too many... There is no way to start. As a last resort, we have once again lived a life of sectarianism. Although we try to avoid intermarriage with mortals, living together is really..." An old Chinese wizard with white hair and white beard was angry. He rushed to say that it seemed that he was one of the wizards behind the founding heroes of the country. "We've been pushed to the point of marrying mortals or close relatives!"

Lockhart felt that the three views were severely impacted - the bloodline theory was actually right! So, isn't the behavior of the Death Eaters expelling the hemp seeds and belittling the half-blood wizards the right thing to do, and the Order of the Phoenix, who thinks that they are fighting a just war, is actually doing something bad?

Lockhart's wanderlust didn't last long when the Chinese interrupted.

"Mr. Lockhart, we are trying to communicate and intermarry with outsiders, wizards like you, but obviously..." The leader's face flushed, not knowing if it was because of alcohol or embarrassment, "The wizards are of weak blood and weak We are despised by all outside wizards."

"Weak?" Lockhart interrupted him, and he finally understood why in theory, he should be the strongest wizard in China, but he felt that none of them could be his opponent, but he still had doubts: "According to my opinion I know that the Ministry of Magic of many European countries has been trying to enter and control China, but it seems that they have been driven out by the Chinese, and even disappeared in China, why is this?"


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