Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 123 Conflict with the Centaurs

"Magoren, how are you?" said Hagrid warily.

The branches behind the centaurs swayed, and four or five centaurs came out. Harry seemed to know a few of them, and Lockhart didn't know any centaurs.

"Then," said one of the centaurs, turning his head quickly to Maguren, his voice becoming terrifying, "I think we've agreed what we're going to do once this human reappears in the Forbidden Forest?"

"'The Human', now I'm the 'The Human'?" Hagrid said angrily. "Just because I stopped you from killing?"

"Hagrid, you shouldn't meddle in your business," Ma Guoren said. "Our ways are not yours, and our laws are not yours. Firenze betrayed us, and he brought our dignity to the ground."

"I don't understand why you think that," said Hagrid impatiently. "He didn't do anything but try to help Dumbledore—"

"Firenze became a slave to mankind," said a grim-faced gray centaur.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Centaurs, Firenze is not a human slave. He is now a professor under President Dumbledore like me. We are colleagues." Lockhart stood up and said loudly.

"That's right!" said Hagrid angrily. "He's just doing Dumbledore a favor—"

"He sold our knowledge and secrets to mankind," Ma Guoren said quietly. "Nothing can redeem this shame."

Lockhart frowned: "He imparts knowledge to everyone, which is a great sentiment!"

"Humans! You have our knowledge--" said the first to speak, "of course he is great--"

"Okay! Now, listen to me," said Hagrid angrily. "I don't want to hear about 'our' forest if you don't mind. It's not up to you who comes here—"

"It's not up to you, Hagrid," Ma Guoren said calmly. "I'll let you go today, because the cub beside you—"

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, didn't you understand the situation? It's not that you let us go, but humans have been protecting the centaurs!" Lockhart said angrily, and he still had confidence in dealing with a few centaurs. , he doesn't mind letting these ignorant centaurs know that the traitor in their hearts - Firenze's colleague, the Hogwarts professor is very powerful.

"Sanctuary? You're too presumptuous, human!" One of the centaurs shot Lockhart angrily.

Lockhart could sense that the arrow was being fired at the ground beneath his feet, so he decided to show mercy - he waved his wand - and the bow in the centaur's hand was instantly sent flying.

"Professor!" Hermione shrieked in horror, and several centaurs began digging with their hooves and aiming at Lockhart. "Let's go, please go!"

Lockhart waved to Hermione to calm down: "Central! If you still insist that you want to let me go today, I don't mind letting the entire forest of 'your' turn into the black patch on the edge of the wood. Scorched earth!"

The centaur opposite immediately became agitated in surprise, and one centaur asked, "Is that what you did?"

"Hmph, do you really believe that it was done by a dragon?" Lockhart snorted coldly. He used his wand to spew out a large devil's flame and turned into a big bird full of destructive aura. He circled overhead, then quickly extinguished it—it was his own limit. Lockhart was not in the least ashamed that he had falsified his power once. First of all, he can indeed deal with these centaurs; secondly, it can indeed be said that he did the scorched earth...

Feeling the powerful destructive power of this devil's flame, the centaur opposite immediately put down the bow and arrow under the gesture of a leading centaur.

"Dear Mr. Wizard, today I apologize for our rudeness, you can leave with your friends." Although the centaurs' words were neither humble nor arrogant,

But it was obviously softened.

So a few of them swaggered away in front of the centaurs, who watched them leave, not daring to say a word. After a while, they finally walked on the path again, and after walking for more than ten minutes, the tree trunks began to thin, and they could see the blue sky again.

"Children," Lockhart said with emotion, "remember that only when you are strong can you really solve all your troubles and protect those you love."

"Understood, Professor." The three children really took it to heart this time.

"Hagrid, you go back, I'll take the three kids back to school," Lockhart said, pulling the leaves from Hermione's brown hair.

"Giant!" Hermione said excitedly after Hagrid had left. "Get the giant into the Forbidden Forest! We've got English lessons for him, too! Of course, if we can get through the group safely as we come and go. Centaurs who can kill! It's-is-too-excessive-!"

"Don't get excited, Hermione," Lockhart reassured her. "Hagrid will be all right."

"Professor," said Hermione worriedly, stopping abruptly in the middle of the road, "we all know you're amazing, but Hagrid really got Umbridge in a hurry this time, and a lot of people even thought Hagrid should be kicked out. …”

"Harry! Ron! Where have you been? I didn't see you at the training ground!" Ginny ran over angrily. "Oh... good afternoon, Professor Lockhart."

"Okay, Ginny~" Lockhart smiled at her, "Okay, Harry, Ron, let's go practice Quidditch."

"Professor, let me help you with labor..." Hermione suggested.

"Hermione, the exam is coming soon, go and study, I'm not going back to the office."

"Oh... well." Hermione was a little frustrated.

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