Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 226 The Exposure of the Secret Gathering

Today Umbridge gathered all the students of the school and announced an important decision in public. In view of Filch's report, there was a Dumbledore's Army hidden in the school. In order to investigate this matter, she decided to set up a Only the "special investigation team" is dedicated to investigating Dumbledore's Army, and Drake has become an important member of it

. one.

This was all expected by Augustus, and that night Augustus came to Drake.

"Cousin, what's the matter with me? Drake looked at Augustus with some anticipation, because he knew that there was nothing particularly important, and Augustus would not find him alone.

"Didn't you want to trouble Potter? Here's your chance." A mysterious smile appeared on Augustus' face, his words instantly intriguing Drake.

"What chance?" Drake asked, with his eyes lit up, Potter has been a man with his tail tucked between his tails recently, and he's not so easy to find "seven hundred zeros".

"Tonight Potter and Weasley will gather some students to practice spells near the Forbidden Forest. You can bring people over there, in the name of capturing members of Dumbledore's Army, and bring them to Umbridge. , Umbridge has been waiting for a long time. I don't think Potter's end will be better. Augustus said lightly.

"Is this true?" Draco's eyes widened.


"It's great cousin, I'll do it now!" Hearing this news, Drake was overjoyed, it really was a good opportunity for Potter!

"Make sure Potter understands how stupid he is this time. 35 Drake laughed.

"But you have to remember that you must be careful when you go, and don't miss the rumors. If Potter and Weasley run away, it will be bad. Augustus instructed.

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore." Drake said excitedly.

"That's good." After speaking, Augustus turned and walked away. As for why he knew about Potter and Ron's action plan, it was very simple. That illusion seed was more than just a hallucination.

Because of her disdain for Potter and Ron in her heart, Hermione had no idea of ​​participating in any of their spell practice parties, and, in Hermione's view, the level of those gathered by Potter was not half as high as hers, so why waste it? time.

In the evening, Potter and Ron came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest together. "Ron, let's wait for Hermione, maybe she's already on her way." Potter said, it seemed that his emotional intelligence was low enough, and it was impossible to see Hermione's disgust towards the two of them.

Ron looked reluctant, but he didn't object, he still had Hermione in mind.

But Ron and Harry waited a long time without seeing Hermione.

"I knew she wouldn't come. She's being swept up and down by Augustus fans, how will she remember us?" Ron said with a cold snort.

Potter sighed: "Forget it, don't wait, let's start practicing by ourselves. Today I'm going to teach everyone the Patronus Charm."

The more than a dozen students they summoned are also low enough to a certain limit, otherwise how could they be deceived by these two scumbags.

Potter took out his wand and chanted the incantation "God Guard." With a wave of his wand in his hand, a wisp of silvery-white smoke emerged from the tip of his wand, turning into a tall stag before Ron.

"Is this your Patronus, Harry?" Ron looked very surprised, looking at the stag carefully, "I don't know what my Patronus will look like."

"You can try, the spell is very simple, just four words to call the guardian of the gods, remember that when you recite the spell, you must try to remember the good things in the past so that you can summon the guardian angel. 35 Harry Potter said to Ron.

"Okay." Ron nodded, looking eager to try.

"God Guard." Ron waved his wand like Harry did, but there was no response, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "Why is Harry not working?

Not only Ron, but the other students were embarrassed after trying, because the wand and the spell were correct, but there was no response.

How could Potter know why they couldn't summon the Patronus, so he could only say vaguely: "It may be because of inexperience. I tried three times before I succeeded."

So everyone started to try, but after half an hour, there was still no response.

The teaching level is poor, and the learning level is even worse, how can it be possible to summon the patron saint.

Just when the students' faces became more and more ugly.

"Not bad, not bad. You practiced really well." At this moment, the sound of applause sounded from the woods not far away.

Ron was startled, his practice stopped, he and Potter looked at the bushes at the same time, but could see nothing.

At this time, a man walked out of the woods. With a wicked smile, he clapped his hands, and slowly walked from the shadow of the trees to the moonlight. With platinum-blond hair and cold gray eyes, no need to ask about nature. Laco... came out after him, Crabbe and Goyle, with smirks on their faces, staring at Ron and Potter with ill will.

'Dear Potter, I have received reliable information that you and Ron secretly formed Dumbledore's Army, demagogic people in the school, disrupted the order of the school, and tried to collude with the former headmaster Dumbledore in secret to resist the Ministry of Magic. Please come with me now. ' Draco looked at Harry and Ron half-smiling.

"You are slandering us!" Ron Weasley stepped forward. The advantage of the number made him not afraid of Drake. "We are just practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts against Voldemort."

"Enough of Drake, now that the school is in danger, how can you do things for the tiger and Umbridge?" Potter also looked very angry.

"The school has a Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and it's still taught by our current headmaster Umbridge. You are practicing in private, obviously you have other plans. The current headmaster is assigned by the Ministry of Magic, how could she let Hogg Woz is in danger. Don't listen to their nonsense, everyone." Drake beckoned, and from the shadows many members of the special investigation team emerged, and they surrounded Ron and Harry.

Ron Weasley raised the wand in his hand, and seemed to want to resist, but Potter grabbed Ron and whispered: "Now that they have the upper hand, it's not good for us to do it 2.8.

Potter's persuasion immediately made Ron Weasley cowardly, bowing his head angrily and saying no more. In the end, Potter and Ron Weasley were undoubtedly brought to Umbridge's office by Drake and others.

"Lord Headmaster, we have brought the people from Dumbledore's Army." Drake smiled at Umbridge. Crabbe and Goyle dragged Ron and Harry towards Umbridge.

"It really is you." Umbridge looked at Harry and Ron proudly, she finally seized the opportunity to punish Harry Potter, "You Dumbledore's sworn followers, you secretly formed Dumbledore in the school Lido Army, trying to oppose my reforms in the school, do you still want Dumbledore to come back?

"In view of your bad behavior, I decide!

Umrich said with a smug look on his face, and her words lifted the hearts of Potter and Ron Weasley.

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