Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 159 Two or three things before the game

After Ollivander left and the photographer took a few photos of the warriors, Augustus left with Fleur, and only Potter was left alone by Rita Skeeter for an in-depth interview. Potter looked a little uncomfortable, obviously not being treated like this, probably flattered, but he didn't know that Rita Skeeter was not actually praising him.

Early the next morning, Rita Skeeter's article about the Triwizard Tournament appeared in the Daily Prophet. It's not so much an introduction to the game as it is a promotion of Augustus, and a poignant portrayal of Harry's personal life.

The two took up a huge amount of space, and several articles were devoted to introducing Augustus' strength and talent. Honors, deeds, etc., many of which even Augustus forgot, but were revealed by Rita; as for Harry, the article described him as a child who was fragile and only knew how to cry, purely for vanity Just stumbled into the ranks of the warriors.

As for the other two warriors, Fleur was duly praised, while Krum was mocked for being a Quidditch-only Bulgarian.

Slytherin's little snakes can now find the best weapon to attack Harry. A group of students represented by Draco will quote the words in the article and attack him whenever they see Harry. Cynical.

"Want a handkerchief, Potter, so you don't cry 670 in Transfiguration, and oh yes, and wipe your wand!

"When did you become the top student at the school, Potter? Maybe you and Ron Weasley started this school together?"

Harry could hear things like that for a while, and he just felt like his head was going to explode.

"Hey - Potter!

Potter finally found a place where no one was there and wanted to be quiet, but was stopped again!

Unable to bear it, he shouted, and turned sharply in the corridor

"Yeah, that's right! I just cried for my dead mother, and now I'm going to cry again..."

But just halfway through, he stopped as if someone had strangled his throat.

"No—I just said—your quill fell off." It turned out to be Qiu, and the girl was looking at him in surprise.

Harry felt his face turn red. "Oh—okay—sorry," he murmured, taking the quill.

Qiu couldn't help frowning. She regretted that she shouldn't kindly remind Potter, and felt that the other party... something was wrong.

Qiu walked over frowning, but her beautiful face still looked particularly attractive in the sunlight. It made Harry feel dazed, his mind went blank. He has been looking at this beautiful girl secretly for a long time, but he has never been able to summon the courage to speak to her. Today is the first time he has spoken.

This encounter made Harry's mood a lot better, and even Draco's malicious taunt became a lot more lovely in his eyes. How could he know that Qiu had already defined him as a stupid fool in his mind just now.

On the Saturday before the first program, the school gave permission for students from Year 3 and up to visit the village of Hogsmeade. The twins told Harry that it would be better for him to relax outside the castle, but Harry was eager to go out and relax, without the twins' persuasion. Lately he's been very upset about Ron and the game.

Not wanting to meet Ron, Harry donned his invisibility cloak. This invisibility cloak was given to him by the old empress Deng. Although it is not as good as the original Deathly Hallows, the effect is not bad. Anyway, Potter is really just holding the invisibility cloak for the purpose of invisibility, basically there is no difference.

He felt particularly at ease under the Invisibility Cloak. As he entered the village, he watched other classmates pass by them, most of them wearing badges of support for Augustus on their chests, but no nasty remarks or quotes from the stupid article.

Due to the closeness of the game, the number of people in Hogsmeade has increased significantly, and many wizards in different clothes have appeared here. Harry decided to go to Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer, it was a little cold and it was too easy to bump into people in the street in an invisibility cloak.

The Three Broomsticks Tavern was full of people, mainly Hogwarts students, enjoying the freedom of the afternoon. Harry leaned on his side and moved slowly towards an empty table in the corner. Harry saw Lo (bhci) Eun as he was walking through the tavern, sitting with Seamus, Neville, and Lee Jordan.

Harry looked away, not wanting to look at Ron again, and snatched a butterbeer from a table and tucked it under the Invisibility Cloak.

He drank his butterbeer and looked at the people in the tavern. They all seemed lighthearted and cheerful. Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbott were exchanging cards from the Chocolate Frogs with the table next door, and they both wore badges of support for Augustus on their robes.

Just by the door, he saw Qiu chatting with a few Ravenclaw girls. She's not wearing a badge of support for Augustus... which makes Harry a little happier...

He didn't know, Qiu actually wanted to wear it, but Augustus thought it was too ugly and childish, so he didn't let her wear it.

The tavern door opened, and Harry was surprised to see Augustus walk in, who came alone. The beautiful proprietress Mrs. Rosemerta smiled and greeted him to sit in front of the bar and served him a drink without asking. It seemed that Augustus was a regular here.

Augustus sips a warm butterbeer while joking with Mrs. Rosemerta, what better way to pass the time than a good wine and a pretty little widow proprietress? If there's anything he doesn't like, it's here There are too many people. Hagrid, who was on the side, took up all three of them, and Moody was there, but he was drinking from the curved wine bottle he carried with him. There was an empty space around the two before anyone sat down.

Of course Augustus sensed Potter's breath, but he didn't bother to look at it, he wasn't here to pay attention to the poor bastard.

Harry, who was hiding in the corner, puzzled to find that Qiu seemed to have changed a bit at this time, and his conversation with friends also became inconsistent, obviously a little absent-minded. But before he could think of anything, he saw Professor Moody and Hagrid walking towards him.

As they approached, Moody whispered, "The Invisibility Cloak is awesome, Potter. 35

Harry was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Moody to see him. In fact, if it was his original Deathly Hallows invisibility cloak, even if Moody had magic eyes, he would not be able to see it, but now, not only Moody, but wizards above the professor level can easily detect him.

Hagrid smiled down at Harry too. Harry knew Hagrid couldn't see him, but Moody had apparently told Hagrid he was here. Hagrid leaned down, pretending to be looking for something, and said in a low, low voice that only Harry could hear: "Harry, come to my cabin today at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Wearing an invisibility cloak. "

Before Harry could answer, Hagrid straightened up and went out with Moody.

Although he didn't know what Hagrid was up to, Harry decided to see him at night.

Harry, who was full of thoughts, turned his head, just to find that the girl he had a crush on was hurriedly walking out the door by himself. Harry couldn't contain his curiosity, and followed up furtively.

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