Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 284 Diagon Alley

At the same time, Harry and Ron on the other side also met Hermione who had returned from vacation in France in Diagon Alley. She was sitting outside the Florin Popko ice cream shop.

Harry felt that Hermione looked much darker than he had seen her more than a month ago. In the more than a month in Dijon, her skin had been tanned to a light brown, completely losing its original fair and smooth color.

However, Harry was very conscious and did not mention this matter.

"Harry, Ron." Hermione greeted them first. She stood up and looked behind the two boys. "Where are Wright and the others? Why didn't they come with you two?"

"Changchu and Wright met her father when they entered the Leaky Cauldron just now." Harry said, "They and Violetta are all staying there now."

"Mr. Chang is there too?" For some reason, Hermione looked a little nervous. "Should I go visit him now?"

"I don't think so. He drank a lot of alcohol. I've never seen a wizard drink as much as he does. Empty bottles are piled up everywhere." Ron shrugged. "So Wright and the other three were left there. It will probably take a while for them to come. Drunk people are not easy to deal with."

Hermione glanced at Ron speechlessly. Among the three, Ron was the one who had the least confidence to say this! Ron got drunk once before when Rupert, the little fire-breathing dragon raised by Hagrid, died.

Hermione still remembers Ron's appearance at that time, his face flushed, he mumbled nonsense, and he would shout loudly, just like a drunk.

"Hermione, have you bought all your things?" Harry asked.

"No." Hermione shook her head, "I just arrived not long ago, and I just exchanged some Galleons from Gringotts. Seeing that you haven't arrived yet, I ordered a cup of ice cream here."

"Gallons!" Ron tutted meaninglessly, "I spent a full 700 Galleons during the summer vacation! 700! But my mother just gave me some money and asked me to buy books and a new wand later."

"I have to go to Gringotts now to get some money." Harry said, "Then can you wait here for me for a while?"

"No problem."


Harry quickly took out the money from Gringotts' underground vault, and the trio was not in a hurry for the moment, and began to stroll around Diagon Alley with ice cream.

"What happened in front? Why are all the people gathered together?" Ron saw from a distance that there were a bunch of people crowded there, talking excitedly about something.

"That's the Quidditch boutique," Hermione glanced over there and immediately turned back, "I heard what those people were talking about when I passed by just now. It seems that there is a new broom, called a rocket crossbow."

"What do you mean by 'broom'?" Ron said dissatisfiedly, "Your tone is really disappointing. Everyone is gathered there, which means it must be a very good broom."

"Will it be as good as the first moon made by Wright?" Hermione asked back.

"What? Wright made another broom?" Ron was shocked, "Fred and George are still making flying skateboards now. The flying brooms they made themselves always malfunction, either the brakes are broken or they suddenly lose control. It's as if they are born with a conflict with stability!"

Just as Hermione and Ron started arguing again, Harry, panting, got out of the wizards.

"Ron! Come here! I promise you won't regret it!" Harry took a long breath and said loudly, "And Hermione, the name of that broom is not Rocket Crossbow, it's Firebolt!"

However, the screams of the crowd had already come out with him.

"It's out! The Firebolt is out!"

"This is the fastest flying broom in the world!"

"They are the hottest goods in this World Cup! Many Quidditch clubs have already placed orders!"

"Represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present!"

Harry and Ron left Hermione behind and immediately got into the crowd to admire the magnificent Firebolt sample with them. In the crowd, the two also met their roommates at school: Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. The good friends were also there staring at the Firebolt with envy.

Harry and Ron had not come out until Wright and Violetta arrived.

"Hermione, didn't you see Harry and the others?"

Hermione pointed helplessly at the crowd, indicating that the two were inside.

"Where is Senior Changchu? Didn't she come with you?" Hermione asked.

"No, Uncle Chang is drunk. I booked a room on the second floor of the Leaky Cauldron, and Chang Chu is staying there to take care of him." Wright explained.

Hermione looked a little disappointed, but immediately adjusted herself: "So what should we do now? Stay here and wait for Harry and the others, or go buy books first?"

"Wait a moment." Wright's shadow perception was fully activated, and two thin shadow energy ropes emerged from the shadows under his feet and probed into the crowd.

Harry and Ron, who were in the crowd, looking at the Firebolt with an obsessed look on their faces, suddenly felt something pulling their waists, and they couldn't help but struggle.

Wright increased his strength, and the energy rope immediately pulled the two boys out.

Ron, who was originally horrified, knew what was going on the moment he saw Wright. He complained loudly: "Wright! You can't do this! That's a Firebolt! I haven't seen enough! I think. So is Harry!"

"That may be true, but let's go shopping first." Wright said neatly.

The group first went to Ollivander's Wand Store, where Ron bought a new wand: willow, unicorn hair, fourteen inches long.

When Ollivander wrapped Ron's wand, he specifically warned him to treat his wand carefully.

Then, they went to the drugstore together to buy some ingredients for potions class, and then went to Madam Malkin's robe store to buy new robes.

Although Wright and Villita have not received the admission notice to Hogwarts until now, in order to avoid accidents, he still bought one copy for each of them, and also bought one copy for Chang Chu.

Finally, the group arrived at Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore.

Harry and Ron took two new courses. Although Hermione listened to a lot of Chang Chu's suggestions, she finally chose all the courses. As for Wright and Villita, they had to buy the textbooks they already had for their grade.

Flourish and Blotts at this time was very different from what it had been before.

The bookstore usually displays gold-gilded magic books as thick as paving stones, but now these books are gone, replaced by a large iron cage, which contains about hundreds of "Monster Books of Monsters". The books were all tangled together, fighting each other menacingly, with broken pieces of paper flying everywhere.

When several people walked in, the staff of the bookstore took two steps in three steps and came forward.

"From Hogwarts? Already in the third year?" he asked a little abruptly, "Are you here to buy new textbooks?"

Harry and Ron nodded confusedly.

Hermione frowned. This employee's attitude was a bit bad, wasn't it?

"We want "The Monster Book of Monsters."" Wright said with a smile, "Five copies."

The clerk almost staggered.

"You want five copies?" He glanced at the noisy iron cage over there and swallowed hard, "Then this may need to be handled by our manager."

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