Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 280: Continuous Birthday Surprises

There are few children who don’t like birthdays.

Although Villita has experienced many things that ordinary children have never experienced, when she was taken by Wright to Milan, the recognized fashion capital, she still smiled as innocently as a child.

She exclaimed at the ornate decoration of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, delighted in the many luxuries on the Via Monte Napoleon, and was overwhelmed by the variety of fashion jewelry.

However, Wright was more than prepared.

Travel, shopping, meals, fireworks, cakes.

Then, after finishing one set, Wright felt something was wrong for no reason.

Especially when he returned home and looked at the jealous whites of Chang Chu's eyes that were about to roll up to the sky, Wright could guarantee that he was really just a little bit away from dying on the spot.

But what else can be done? He can only prove his perseverance through his own actions.

The nightingale under the rose tree screamed all night.

The next morning, Wright, who was sallow, weak, with shaky legs and dull eyes, had no idea of ​​going out. He had to temporarily give up adding magic spells to the Golden Tower and instead spent the day quietly reading in the study. Book.

But compared to Villita, the other child was much easier to deal with.

Harry rarely looked forward to birthdays.

Growing up, he never got any birthday cards.

During the more than ten years that he had been living in the Dursleys' house, his uncle's family would always completely ignore his birthday on this day. Last year would have been the first year that Harry received a birthday card, but unfortunately, all his letters were intercepted by a little monster named Dobby.

So on July 31st of this year, when Harry walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen and saw the huge chocolate cake on the table, he just glanced at it with envy, and then stayed quiet as usual. He sat down and waited quietly for Jia Jia to bring him breakfast.

This made Chang Chu, who was about to cheer, choke in his throat.

Chang Chu slammed his hands on the table hard, making a loud bang, stared at Harry and said loudly: "Harry Potter! Didn't you see our costumes? And this one on the table Huge, luscious chocolate cake!”

"I saw it," Harry looked a little overwhelmed, "But whose birthday is it today?"

"Besides you, is there anyone else we know whose birthday is on July 31st?" Wright said amusingly, "Is it J.K. Rowling?"

"Me, mine?" Harry looked at the cake on the table and said in hindsight, "Is this for me?"

"Yes!" Chang Chu pulled off the pointed hat on his head and said dejectedly, "I heard from Wright that your life at the Dursleys was very pitiful, so I made you this super chocolate cake overnight, but you Such an expression!"

Harry jumped up from his stool, "Sorry! I didn't know this was for me! I thought it was someone's birthday again! Wright or you! Or Villita! Or which guest it was! I really I didn’t expect you would prepare a birthday cake for me! I thought only Hermione and Ron would!”

Wright helplessly raised his head, wondering what on earth this child was talking about.

"How could you treat our friendship like this!" Chang Chu hammered his chest sadly, "My heart has been deeply broken by you! It is bleeding out now!"

"Okay, stop teasing Harry!" Wright saw Harry's expression on the verge of crying and stopped Chang Chu's joke, "Harry, happy birthday."

Chang Chu changed his expression instantly and looked at Harry with a smile: "Happy birthday."

"Happy birthday, Potter." Villita also sent her birthday wishes.

Harry looked at the three friends in front of him in surprise. What he just said was not false. He really never expected that he would receive a birthday surprise today other than Hermione and Ron.

"What are you waiting for? Let's eat the cake first!" Chang Chu picked up a plastic knife from the table, quickly cut the cake into more than ten pieces, put them one by one on foam plates, handed them to Wright and the others, and then Even Lu Wei and Jia Jia got a piece.

As for dogs not being able to eat chocolate? Chang Chu said that was nonsense. Lu Wei was not an ordinary dog. The three-headed dog had very good teeth!

"By the way, this is your birthday gift." Chang Chu took out a paper box with a gift belt from under the table and handed it to Harry.

Harry stretched out his hands and solemnly accepted Chang Chu's birthday gift. There was also a birthday card on the carton, a deformable paper drawing version of Hogwarts Castle.

Harry's hands were shaking a little as he opened the box.

There was nothing in the box, just a pile of small colorful pieces of paper. Harry took out a piece of paper and saw "Cupcake Voucher" written on it.

"Because I know your birthday is quite late, and I have to prepare this huge birthday cake, so I don't have time to prepare other birthday gifts for you." Chang Chu said with some embarrassment, "So I stole it. If you’re lazy, each of these pieces of paper can be exchanged for a cupcake from me.”

"I will definitely make good use of these!" Harry said seriously, but in his heart he decided to keep this first birthday gift forever.

"I can guarantee that Chang Chu prepared this cake by herself, but I can't guarantee the taste, because..." Wright quickly closed his mouth under Chang Chu's warning gaze.

"This is my birthday gift to you." Wright walked out of the kitchen and brought a paper box from the outside that was much larger than Chang Chu's gift box.

Harry opened the box and found that it contained a set of moving models of the Quidditch field, with many little people flying around inside.

One of the seekers in a red uniform also had black hair like him and a lightning-shaped symbol on his forehead.

"The seeker in red was made in your likeness," Wright said. "Originally, I was going to give you a broomstick, but someone warned me that it was an enemy, so I changed it to this set of models. "

"Thank you, Wright!" Harry looked at Wright gratefully, "I like it very much."

Just when Harry thought it was over, Villita sitting aside also handed over a small box.

"This is my gift." Villita said briefly.

Harry took the box flattered. This was the first time that Villita had spoken to him in such a long time living in the Wright house.

The thing that Verita sent was nothing else, but a bottle of Smooth Hair Treatment, which is called Smooth Hair Scalp Care Agent. It is a hair care potion invented by Fremont Porter. Perhaps she wanted to remind Harry straightened his messy hair.

While Harry was thanking Villita, Wright turned his head away.

Maybe Harry thought that Villita was giving a birthday present, but Wright knew that this might be because Villita was cleaning out her hair conditioner inventory...

Some products, I have to say, are indeed not as good as those in the wizarding world.

For example, women's perfume, and another example is hair care lotion.

This is also the lesson Villita learned after ordering many advertising products in the Daily Prophet.

But unfortunately, Harry didn't know it. He even thought that the gift from Villita was very good. In addition to its efficacy, the inventor of the hair lotion was his grandfather.

While the four Wrights were tasting Chang Chu's special birthday cake, four owls were flying to the northern suburbs of St. Catchpore, carrying letters.

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