Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 275 Chuyue’s debut

Harry felt that sometimes, the development of reality was more bizarre than the legends.

For example, it was like he never expected that his sophomore summer would still be spent in the village of St. Catchpore or at Wright's house.

For another example, Harry never thought that the Weasley family would be so lucky to win the Daily Prophet's annual Gold Galleons Award.

This is not to look down on the Weasley family.

To be honest, Harry felt that the Weasley family were all very good people, from his best friend Ron to Fred and George who were two grades above him; From Percy to the soft-spoken Ginny; from the gentle and gentle Mr. Weasley to the hard-spoken and soft-hearted Mrs. Weasley.

Harry felt that there should be no one in the world more qualified to win that pile of gold coins than the Weasley family. They were very kind, but also very poor.

On the fourth day of July, Harry did not expect the usual visit from Fred and George. You know, these twin brothers would land on the grass in front of Wright's house on time on their flying skateboards at close to one o'clock almost every day. There was no day like this.

However, on that sunny Sunday, Harry did not see Fred and George flying in the sky.

He entrusted Hedwig to find out what happened, and then he learned that Mr. Weasley had won the "Daily Prophet" jackpot.

Harry was happy for Ron and his family.

Then, Harry learned that the Weasley family, after discussions at a family meeting, decided to spend the huge sum of 700 Galleons on a summer trip to Egypt, and by the way, they could also visit the Weasley family. son Bill.

Harry once met Ron's second brother Charlie. After graduating from Hogwarts, he went to work in a dragon farm in Romania. According to Ron, although his second brother has a high talent for Quidditch, his favorites are those dangerous magical creatures, such as dragons.

In the first grade, Harry, Hermione and Wright once handed the little Norwegian Ridgeback raised by Hagrid to Charlie and him who had come all the way on the school's astronomy tower. friends.

But Harry had never seen Bill Weasley. He had only seen the stern-looking eldest son of the family in a family photo of the Weasley family, wearing a glittering student body president badge on his chest. Harry secretly compared Bill and Percy and felt that Percy was probably greatly influenced by Bill, as if he was a carbon copy of him.

And Egypt.

Harry has never been to Egypt.

In other words, since he was a child, Harry spent almost ten years of his life in Little Whinging, Surrey, Diagon Alley in London, Hogwarts in Scotland, and St. Catchpole.

Before Harry came to Wright's house, he had never even watched a serious movie, and he had an almost instinctive expectation for the colorful world outside.

What's more, it was the magical world of Egypt.

Will there be a pharaoh? High priest? Or the pyramid?

Harry didn't know, but wanted to know.

But when Mrs. Weasley invited Harry to go to Egypt with her, he still hardened his heart and refused Molly's kindness. This is what the Weasley family deserves, and no outsiders should get involved. Harry told himself this in his mind.

But when he thought that Ron, Fred, and George were about to leave St. Catchpole and go to Egypt, Africa, far away from the UK, and would not return until around the end of August, Harry couldn't help but feel a little envious.

He put down the spoon in his hand, held his chin, and stared at the ceiling blankly.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Wright noticed Harry's strange behavior and asked in confusion.

When she heard Wright's voice, Verita, who was sitting sipping oatmeal, moved her ears. But when she heard the topic about Harry, she immediately counted the top layer of the bowl without interest. The number of oats.

Harry came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "Nothing..."

"Fred and the others haven't left yet, have they?" Wright seemed to have guessed what Harry was thinking, "Aren't we going to see them off later? Why do you look so weak?"

Harry forced a smile and brought up another topic: "Wright, do you know how Ron and the others will get to Egypt?"

"It won't be enough to go by plane anyway." Wright casually said a cold joke.

Harry grinned. Ron didn't even know how to use a phone. He thought the Weasleys didn't even know how to buy plane tickets.

Wright continued: "I guess they will use portkeys. Fred, George, Ron and Ginny are not adults yet and cannot disapparate; although Percy, Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Molly may This magic, but they wouldn't be so bold as to use intercontinental apparation to go as far away as Egypt. It would be a joke to risk their lives, so I guess they should use portkeys, and maybe use several portkeys in succession. ”

"Portkey?" Harry asked with interest. He had seen many alchemy props refined by Wright these days, including the pensieve that looked very advanced, so he was quite interested in these magical artifacts. .

"The function of a general door key is to transport wizards from one place to another within a specified time. There are clear regulations on use time and frequency of use." Wright explained, "But there are also many more advanced door keys. , can be used multiple times, no matter how long it takes.”

"What kind of thing is a portkey?" Harry asked curiously.

"It's all kinds of things, it's all there." Wright shrugged, "When this thing first existed, it was for concealment, so it probably uses some small items that don't look very eye-catching, and it can also avoid ordinary people who don't understand magic. Someone touched it accidentally...that's what I thought."

Wright looked at the time, put the chopsticks on the table, took out a clean tissue and wiped his mouth, and then extended an invitation to Harry: "It's almost time, we can go to the Burrow now."

Harry stood up from his chair.

"Vilita, you stay at home first, I will probably be back soon." Wright looked at Villita who was still playing with the oatmeal.

Villita lowered her head and shook her head randomly.

The next moment, Wright grabbed Harry's shoulders and apparated directly to the vicinity of the Burrow.

"Hiccup -" Harry held his stomach dripping with cold sweat. Even though this was the second time he had experienced the effect of Apparition, the uncomfortable feeling of jumping through space was still disgusting.

Fortunately, this feeling went away as quickly as it came, and Harry quickly returned to normal.

By the time he and Wright arrived at the Burrow, the Weasley family had almost packed their things.

"Harry, are you really not going with us?" Ron asked loudly, "That's Egypt!"

"I won't go." Harry shook his head. He glanced in Molly's direction and lowered his voice, "Is my wand okay?"

"That's great!" Ron said with a hint, "Ginny will wipe it clean every day!"

Harry scratched his head strangely. What does this have to do with Ginny? But the wand can still be kept at the Burrow, so there's no big problem. He didn't want to be warned by the Ministry of Magic again because of Wright's magic.

Not long after, a group of Weasleys carrying large and small bags left the Burrow holding hands on a broken-handled Portkey spoon.

According to Arthur, their next stop will be Greece, and then directly from Greece to Egypt.

Wright took Harry, who looked a little lonely, and used Apparition again to return to the north of the village.

"Hi! Harry! Me and - ah -"

A little girl with fluffy brown hair, sitting on the back half of the broomstick, let out an ear-piercing scream as the real driver suddenly accelerated.

The next moment, Chuyue stopped steadily in front of the two of Wright.

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