Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 273 Pensieve and Golden Tower

The summer in St. Catchpore is sunny and extremely long.

Wright gave up the extravagant hope of completely mastering the Patronus Charm in a short time.

On the first afternoon of July, he sat in a newly built moon-white pavilion in the back garden. While admiring the beautiful pastoral countryside scenery outside, he began to design the two alchemy tools he needed now.

There is a faint atmosphere of silence and serenity surrounding the pavilion.

Villita in a white dress sat across from the round stone table, reading the most popular fashion magazines alone; Lu Wei, who had shrunk in size, was crawling at his feet, waving his short tail in boredom; and Ha Lee and the twins went to the Burrow party on their flying skateboards as early as after lunch.

On the table in front of Wright was a thick plate of parchment, and what was drawn on it was the first alchemy tool he needed.

It was a shallow stone basin. The edge of the basin was inlaid with a circle of smooth and shiny metal. It was engraved with densely packed runic characters that looked like ants crawling, as well as some other mysterious and simple magic symbols.


This is a word unique to the wizarding world. If it needs to be explained with words used by ordinary people, it is a portmanteau, probably composed of the words pensive and sieve. Among them, Sieve means "sieve" and "slip through the net", while the word "pensive" comes from the Latin pensare, which means "thinking".

The composition of the words well reflects the effect of using this alchemical tool.

The Pensieve is an alchemical item used to view memories. A wizard can extract his own memories from his brain and then put them into the basin to view them. But unlike direct recall in the brain, the memory in the Pensieve allows oneself or others to observe it from a third-person perspective.

This is a very personal and private alchemy tool. Since the extracted memories are highly personal and may be used indiscriminately, most pensieves, like wands, will be used after you own them. After the owner died, they were buried together.

Among the alchemy classics collected by Nicoléme, there are many methods for refining the Pensieve, and Wright memorized all of them as early as the summer vacation of the first grade, so he did not need to deliberately go there at this time. Dumbledore asked for advice on how to make a pensieve.

In fact, the Pensieve is somewhat similar to a one-time alchemical item that Wright once refined, namely the forged Horcrux diary.

At that time, Wright relied on the magical knowledge about memory and brain learned from Lockhart and Snape, coupled with his own rich reserves of alchemical abilities, to create the pseudo-Horcrux that could make people fall into spiritual illusions. diary and secretly delivered it to Harry.

It's just that compared to the Horcrux Diary, the effect of the Pensieve is more specific and advanced.

Wright's idea was to extract the happy memories he had seen, experienced, and felt into the Pensieve, and then use them to practice the Patronus Charm.

Although it was unclear whether the pensieve could achieve the desired effect, Wright could only hope that it could for the time being.

After tidying up all the pensieve design drawings on the table in order, Wright put them into the Mock bag. After that, he took out a new pile of parchment and began to design the second alchemy tool at his desk.

When the sun gradually set in the west, Wright hastily completed the first draft of the second alchemy tool.

At this time, lying quietly on the parchment was a simple line drawing of a castle.

Different from Hogwarts Castle, which stands quietly in the Scottish Highlands, the thousand-year-old castle has a relatively strong Gothic architectural style, and each steep tower is like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

The castle painted by Wright is even more solemn.

There is no auxiliary tower, only the main building.

The fortress embodies a strong Arabic architectural style and is composed of 12 equilateral brick towers. Each brick tower represents a direction; the high-rise dome looks rough but has a unique charm; or pointed arch, or The openings of the horseshoe arch are scattered on the walls of the fortress, with clear priorities and rich changes.

This is the first fortress chess piece in Sixteen Kings that Wright plans to make for himself - the Golden Tower, which will serve as his magic experiment site, alchemy workshop, and wizard's residence.

Regarding the Sixteen Kings chess piece, Wright completed the refining of eight pawns and two knight chess pieces early on.

In May of this year, Wright also lent some alchemy props including the Sixteen Kings chess piece because he was worried about the safety of Chang Chu and Harry.

What they didn't expect was that the four of them, Chang Chu, actually launched a vigorous campaign to clear out the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest. Not to mention all the one-time attack or defense props, the two pawn pieces were left directly in the Forbidden Forest that time. Later, Wright took advantage of a certain free time and ran there deliberately to find the No. 4 pawn and pawn. Soldier No. 7 retrieved it.

But that’s a long way off.

Regarding the Sixteen Kings chess piece, Wright originally planned to refine it in the order of pawns, knights, priests, fortresses, kings, and queens. But the plan could not keep up with the changes. It had been almost a year since the knight chess pieces were refined, but he still could not find suitable materials for refining the priest chess pieces. He had to skip the two priest chess pieces and start refining the fortress chess piece first.

After glancing at the setting sun, Wright stood up from his chair and put away the construction design drawings of the Golden Tower. If nothing else, the design of the drawings will take a few days, which also includes a series of things such as magic patterns, protective spells, etc. that need to be attached to the outer wall of the golden tower.

Just when Wright was about to walk back into the house, Gaga suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Master Paz, dinner is ready. Mademoiselle Huppert and your dog Fluffy are waiting in the kitchen. Master Porter is still at the Burrow and has not returned. He said he might come back later today." Jia bowed deeply, his big nose almost touching the grass on the ground, "Do you want to eat outside, or go back to the kitchen?"

Wright did not correct Gaga's behavior, and those repeated words in the past few days had proven to be ineffective. Not only that, if Wright persuades Gaga to ignore the identity barrier between them as much as possible, it will make it doubt whether it has fulfilled its obligations, thus punishing itself severely.

The only thing Wright can do is to prevent himself from being arrogant and not caring about this ideological difference.

"Thank you for your hard work, Gaga." Wright bent down and straightened Gaga's body.

He passed the house elf and walked to the front, "I'm going to the kitchen to eat now. If Harry comes back tonight, remember to tell him that the movie we are showing tonight is "Home Alone."

"Okay, Mr. Paz." Gaga jumped behind Wright and walked into the house together.

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