Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 252 Ron’s phone call

When Wright used Apparition to go to the third floor of his house and left St. Catchpore with Verita who had been waiting for a long time, Fred and George, who were in a mess, also after cleaning up the messy hygiene situation, hugged a large He piled up things and flew back to the Burrow on his flying skateboard.

No one knows how they managed to hide from the eyes of their family members and deliver the pair of huge crow wings and some other bits and pieces to the third floor of the Burrow.

Anyway, when Fred and George put on a baseball cap respectively and walked back to the kitchen on the first floor, Ron, who had always been a little careless, thought that the two brothers were still here just now.

"Dad, have you fixed the phone?" Fred put his hands on Ginny's shoulders and asked Arthur.

"No, it will be fine soon, trust me." Arthur wiped the sweat from his forehead and returned to the work of repairing the phone.

"But Dad, you said that fifteen minutes ago!" Ron complained bluntly, "Percy couldn't bear to move so slowly and had already gone upstairs."

"How do you know Percy isn't hiding to write to that Ravenclaw girl named Penello?" George rubbed Ron's hair vigorously.

"Oh! Fred, why are you doing it so hard! You're about to rub my scalp off!" Ron screamed in pain and slapped George's hand away.

"I'm not Fred, I'm George, little Ronnie." George said with a smile.

"I think he's jealous of your hair," Fred said, "but I can guarantee he's not George, I am."

"Okay! Stop playing this little trick about who is who, okay?" Molly turned her head impatiently and looked at Fred, "George, if you were kinder, you would know this. It’s time to help mom take care of the tableware and leftover food instead of chatting here.”

"Mom, I'm Fred." Fred said, pretending to be aggrieved.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I admitted my mistake again." Molly apologized skillfully. She turned to look at George again, "So Fred, will you be kind enough to help mom with some housework?"

"I'm George, mom." George pointed at Fred, "He's Fred."

"Okay! Okay!" Molly scratched her hair with a headache. Recognizing Fred and George was simply one of the most valuable and difficult challenges in her life. "You can calm down now! Quietly watch your father fix your phone, then call Harry, and then do some housework or go outside to drive away the goblins..."

"Then lunch, then lunch break, then dinner, and finally bed." Fred added with a smile.

"Quiet!" Molly yelled, "Either you stay! Or you go back to your room!"

Looking at Molly who was finally angry, George zipped up his mouth obediently, and so did Fred.

Molly turned around with satisfaction and looked at Arthur's forty-seventh phone call experiment again.

The forty-eighth time...

The forty-ninth time...

"Dad, are you okay yet?" Even though she was a super fan of Harry, Ginny couldn't hold it any longer at this time. She basically spent the entire morning on this crappy phone, but she hadn't heard anything yet. Where's Harry Potter's voice!

"Right away, right away." Arthur said without turning his head, staring at the rotary phone.

At this time, Arthur had given up using Muggle methods to solve the problem of unable to make calls. According to his previous experience in repairing cars, this thing called a phone should require a little magic to return to normal.

Arthur took out his wand from his clothespin pocket and started poking at the black rotary phone, mumbling something. From time to time, bursts of white light would penetrate from the top of his wand. into the phone.

After a long time, Arthur put the wand back. He straightened up and looked at the four children behind him.

"I guess that's OK now," he said. "Who wants to be the first one to call Harry?"

Molly consciously withdrew from this childish fight. Ron glanced at Ginny, who was blushing and backed away. Not everyone could bear Fred and George's jokes.

"Ahem!" Ron cleared his throat and stood in front of Arthur with a proud look on his face, "Then let me do it. After all, I was the one Harry asked to call him at that time."

"Okay, then Ron, you go first." Arthur nodded obediently.

Ron picked up the receiver with one hand, pressed the white number dial with the other hand, and pressed the phone numbers given by Harry one by one. "That's it, right? Dad?"

"That should be true. I've seen other people make phone calls like this." Arthur looked a little hesitant, "But as you just saw, Muggle items are not that reliable. I think using a machine A phone call is unlikely, so Ron you should probably speak a little louder."

At this moment, a beeping sound suddenly rang in Ron's ears, startling him.

"This thing is ringing! But no one is talking!" Ron said excitedly, his voice twice as loud as usual, "I didn't hear Harry's voice either!"

"Then you don't have to speak so loudly now." Arthur smiled bitterly and picked his ears. "This should be a normal process. We may still have to wait for the person over there to answer the phone."

Ron nodded confusedly, but his hand holding the receiver became harder and harder.

However, after an extremely long beep, the receiver returned to its previous silent state.

"It stopped ringing again, what should I do?" Ron looked at Arthur for help.

"That shouldn't be the case, right?" Arthur came over and patted the plastic casing of the phone. "I think the person over there didn't answer. Could it be that Harry didn't know you were going to call?"

"So what should we do?" Ron looked at Arthur blankly, "Do you want to fight again?"

"I think so." Facing Ron's pleading look, Arthur nodded with difficulty. In his heart, he just hoped that Harry's voice hadn't been heard on the phone just now, and the reason was exactly what he just said.

Otherwise, Arthur felt that the omnipotent father image he had established for his children before would probably suffer a serious impact.

But luckily Ron's second call came through.

"Hello, who is this?" A middle-aged man's thick voice came from the microphone.

Ron remembered Arthur's warning just now, he cleared his throat again, and then, with the loudest volume he had ever issued in his life, he shouted into the microphone:

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me over there? I'm looking for Harry Potter!!"

Ron's voice was so loud that the twins and Ginny instantly frowned and covered their ears. Even Arthur and Molly couldn't help but take a small step back. Even the picture hanging on the kitchen wall The plates and spoons seemed to be shaken twice.

"Hey! Why don't you speak anymore? Hello?"

Ron roared twice more, but no more sound came from the microphone.

"It seems to have stopped ringing again." Ron took the phone away from his ear and looked at Arthur helplessly, "Did you not fix it just now?"

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