Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 242 The train leaving school (5,700 words long chapter)

The Quidditch match is over and the test results have been announced. After the year-end banquet, the school year will officially end. The next morning, students will take their full luggage and extensive summer homework and board the Hogwarts Express leaving school, preparing to start their summer vacation this year.

According to some unreliable gossip, the most popular Defense Against the Dark Arts professor among female students: the great writer Gilderoy Lockhart, did not even wait for the train to leave school the next day, but just attended the end-of-year banquet. After that, we left the castle directly overnight, and it was said that it was still an airport ticket.

Of course, most people don’t know much about what a plane is and what an airport ticket is.

Just when a group of crazy female fans wanted to dig deep to find their Professor Lockhart and see him for the last time, the last night of this semester passed like this.

In a blink of an eye, the students will be riding the Hogwarts Express home.

Wright, Chang Chu, Villita and Hermione occupied a separate compartment. Sitting in the separate compartment next to them were Harry, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny. As for the remaining Weasley, he followed his girlfriend Penello to the specially designated prefect compartment on the train.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, the front locomotive sounded a loud whistle. Along with thick white smoke and the sound of wheels turning, the train started to move.

Wright adjusted his position on the seat a few times, trying to make the journey more comfortable and make it easier for him to rest later.

After all, the practice of Animagus does consume a person's energy and will.

For advanced Animagus, or wizards who have been immersed in Animagus magic for decades and have completely mastered it, they can directly complete this magical transformation without a wand or spell. .

But for beginners like Wright, although subsequent transformations no longer require the assistance of potions, each transformation still requires the help of wands and spells.

In other words, every time he practiced Animagus, Wright had to point his wand at his heart and pronounce the incantation "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus" .

However, although this deformation process is somewhat cumbersome, it is not the most painful part.

What makes Wright find it most unacceptable is that after completing the Animagus transformation, there will be an animal consciousness in his mind that is often uncontrolled, unconstrained, and restless, which is his Animagus. Si form - Black Tiger's idea.

Once Wright lost his calm consciousness after the transformation, his animalistic consciousness returned to take control of his body and drove him to make a series of actions in line with the habits of a tiger.

Such as demarcating territory, such as wandering in search of food.

If it hadn't been for Professor McGonagall's help and Wright's own efforts to control it, I believe there would have been rumors of tiger enclosures or predation and killing in the castle.

Needless to say, Professor McGonagall would certainly take action to stop the latter, but if a scene like the former happened, Wright shuddered just thinking about it.

After all, the tiger's method of demarcating territory is so original and unique.

The most common one is to use sharp tiger claws to scratch marks on tree trunks, or roll on the ground, leaving tiger hairs to define the territory. Most of the time, the tiger will raise its tail and leave strong-smelling excrement on tree trunks or bushes.

This is... very disturbing.

Therefore, during every practice, Wright had to put in a lot of effort to fight against his animalistic consciousness and try to avoid getting out of control.

While practicing his Animagus, Wright would sometimes think about other issues in his mind, such as how Sirius, who will appear in the second half of this year, overcame his canine consciousness; another example , how Professor McGonagall overcame the cat's self-awareness.

Of course, Wright never asked Professor McGonagall such a private question in person. It was no longer a crazy attempt on the verge of death, but a direct suicide by jumping into the abyss.

Wright did not want to use his own flesh and blood to challenge Professor McGonagall's transfiguration skills.

Just when Wright was about to close his eyes and take a nap, Chang Chu and Hermione, who were sitting opposite, looked at each other and suddenly walked out of the box. In a moment, they led Harry and Ron next door to the private room.

Harry and Ron still had the unique smell of gunpowder smoke from Libby's fireworks. When they got on the train just now, they recalled that this was the last few hours they were allowed to use magic. With George's instigation, they set off the last few hard-drawn fireworks in the two brothers' inventory.

If Chang Chu and Hermione hadn't called them over, Harry and Ron would probably still be practicing with Fred and George on how to use magic to disarm each other's weapons.

But to be honest, Harry felt that he seemed to have an extraordinary talent for the Expelliarmus spell. He was now very skilled at how to knock away other people's wands and how to collect other people's wands.

"Quickly imprison her." Hermione took out her wand and locked the door of the private room to prevent the overly curious twins next door from suddenly barging in while they were waiting to talk.

But the weird creaking sound made by using the locking spell to lock the door made Wright wake up from his daze instantly, because that sound was almost the sound he heard the most in the past two days.

Because every time when practicing Animagus, Professor McGonagall would use a powerful locking spell to lock the classroom door to prevent other careless students from suddenly breaking in and disturbing the black tiger that Wright transformed into.

Noticing that Wright sitting next to him opened his eyes, Villita frowned without leaving any trace. She had already noticed the tiredness that appeared on Wright's face in the past two days. Originally, she wanted Wright to I took a good rest on the train, but unexpectedly I was interrupted.

Villita opened her mouth slightly, but thinking of the relationship between Chang Chu and Wright, she finally said nothing.

After Wright opened his eyes, he immediately discovered two people who were not in the private room.

"Harry, Ron, why are you here?" Wright asked them naturally.

"Hermione and I called them here." Chang Chu took over the conversation, "I think we have a lot of questions we want to ask you."

"Question?" Wright stood up from his seat and frowned, "Wait a moment, I'll wake up first."

After finishing speaking, he took his wand and used the water spell to summon a ball of water out of thin air. He put his hand into the water and wet it, then took it out and rubbed his face vigorously. Then he took out a clean white towel from the mok bag and wiped it. Rub. Finally, Wright threw the towel into the water, waved his magic wand, and all the water balls and towels in the air disappeared.

Wright sat down again. The sleepy eyes before had completely disappeared, replaced by a clean and refreshing look.

Seeing Wright's smooth operation, Harry and Ron couldn't help but open their mouths, and even Hermione's eyes flashed.

"Clear Water Curse, Floating Curse, Flying Curse, and Vanishing Curse." Hermione recited the spells used by Wright one after another. "They are all silently cast!"

"It's almost there, but one is still missing." Wright showed a relaxed smile, "I used the transformation technique to transform the white towel just now. It was originally just a piece of clean parchment."

"Wow! Cool!" Ron exclaimed loudly, "I dare you, Wright, to take the OWLS exam!"

"Although Ron, you accurately named the Ordinary Wizarding Level Exam this time, I think Wright should be able to take the (Advanced Wizarding Level Examination)!" Hermione said, "The Vanishing Curse is the most difficult in the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination. That transformation spell, there are many students who can’t master that spell until seventh grade!”

"Hermione, don't you know how?" Harry asked.

"I'm only in the second grade, okay?!" Hermione argued with a red face, "That's something you won't learn until you reach the fifth grade! I've only read about it in books! Don't think that I know everything. Is the genius good?"

"Is that true?" Harry and Ron said with a smile.

Hermione simply ignored the two boys who were having trouble, and became quiet again, and the right to speak returned to Chang Chu's hands.

Chang Chu had long been accustomed to all the magic that Wright had performed. How could a strong man who could fly into the sky on a broomstick he made in the first grade be an ordinary student?

"Let's get back to the original topic." Chang Chu said, "Wright, we have something to ask you."

"Don't worry, it's still a long time. Let's talk one by one." Wright said without hesitation, "Who comes first?"

"Me!" Hermione raised her hand first.

"You don't need to raise your hands, Hermione. We are not in a classroom here, and we don't need to raise your hands to answer questions." Wright joked with a smile, "Besides, we are all on summer vacation now, and I can't be like Like the professors, you will be given extra points if you answer correctly.”

Harry and Ron couldn't help but lower their heads, but their suppressed laughter still reached everyone's ears.

Hermione blushed and retracted her right hand as if she was electrocuted.

"Okay, what's the question you want to ask?" Wright put away the evil smile on his face and asked seriously.

Hermione slapped her face with the palm of her hand, trying to cool her head. After a while, she continued to speak.

"What I want to ask is," Hermione looked hesitant, but she finally gritted her teeth and said the question, even though she was likely to face some people's teasing, "What I want to ask is, Wright, do you know Loha Where has Professor Te gone?"

Unexpectedly, Ron did not make fun this time. Instead, his eyes widened: "Hermione! Are you still obsessed with Lockhart, the braggart, after a whole semester?"

"Professor Lockhart is not a braggart." Hermione retorted calmly, "You just don't understand him at all. Do you know how hard he works?"

Wright touched his ears strangely, and he seemed to hear something that sounded like Senior Hei.

"Wright, do you know?" After Hermione finished talking to Ron, she looked at Wright expectantly again, "Lockhart taught him?"

"As far as I know, Professor Lockhart did leave the school last night," Wright said.

If nothing else, the last person Lockhart saw in the school should be himself, Wright thought to himself, if he didn't lie last night.

"As for where he went, I think it should be Hong Kong." Wright said, anyway, it would not be the United Kingdom.

Wright felt that Lockhart seemed to cast a strange shadow over Britain, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

"Hong Kong?" Even Hermione couldn't help but feel a little confused when she suddenly heard the name of an unfamiliar place.

"Yes, Professor Lockhart seems to be going to the world of ordinary people to draw materials. He thinks that acting is the profession that can best understand the sufferings of the world, so he went to Hong Kong." Wright said, "After all, Hong Kong and Hollywood are the two most famous places now. A movie mecca.”

Hermione shook her head and threw away some irrelevant thoughts: "Then can I still see Professor Lockhart's new book?"

"Okay. Didn't he say last night that he would publish a new book next year?" Wright nodded, "And I think you might be able to see a movie starring Lockhart himself in the future?"

"Really?" Hermione's eyes turned into starry eyes, "Will he play James Bond?"

The next moment, she was pulled behind by Chang Chu.

"I think it's very possible to act in a movie, but it's unlikely to be a Bond role. After all, Lockhart is a bit too flashy and doesn't suit Bond's steady character." Wright finally said to Hermione, and I don't know if she heard it. Listen in, "So Chang Chu, do you have anything to ask?"

"What I want to ask is, Wright, do you know the location of the secret room, the heir, historical information, and all other information about the events?" Chang Chu asked a question that Wright had expected.

Suddenly she heard a topic that she was slightly interested in, and Villita began to listen carefully. The misunderstanding of the Slytherin students had troubled her for a long time.

"I know." Wright said without reservation. "I know the person who reminded Dumbledore who actually opened the Chamber of Secrets, the props used to open the Chamber of Secrets, and who the so-called heir of Slytherin is."

"That is to say, you know everything about it, but you still watched me busy and watched my jokes for a whole year?" For some reason, Chang Chu's mind suddenly turned to another magical angle.

"How can you say that?" Wright said calmly, "I just want you to gain more experience in handling incidents."

Hermione hugged Chang Chu, who was about to pounce on her, and pulled her to a seat.

At this time, Harry also asked a question: "Wright, weren't you the 'person who really opened the Chamber of Secrets' you just said?"

"How could it be me?" Wright suddenly had a dark look on his face, "How did you come to this strange conclusion?"

"Because Dumbledore said you probably knew more about the Chamber of Secrets than he did," Hermione added.

"If it was really me, why did I petrify Felicia?" Wright raised his forehead, "I exposed this farce only after Felicia was petrified."

"Then who is the person and the props that opened the secret room?" Ron asked curiously.

"Maybe you can't accept it, but in fact, the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets for the first time this year was Ginny." Wright hesitated for a while, but finally told the truth with some coldness.

And Ron's reaction was completely expected by Wright.

"How dare you!" Anger rushed into Ron's head instantly. Although he was just the most inconspicuous son of the Weasley family, he would never allow others to slander his sister wantonly!

He clenched his fists and stood up from the chair.

Harry quickly grabbed Ron.

"The truth of the matter is this," Wright said still unhurriedly, "Ginny was lured by a black diary, and on Halloween night last year, she opened the school's secret room and released the basilisk. Felicia and Mrs. Norris."

"Black diary?" Harry frowned. He let go of Ron, who was no longer struggling, took out the diary that had become completely ordinary from his backpack, and asked Wright, "Is it like this? ”

Looking at the imitation he had made, Wright's face was not red but his heart was not beating: "It is roughly like this diary. The name of the evil soul hidden in the diary is..."

"Tom Riddle!" The four people sitting opposite said at the same time. They couldn't forget this name, especially Harry, who was questioned over and over again by Chang Chu and the three of them.

"Yes, Tom Riddle." Wright took out his wand again and wrote Tom's full name in the air.

"Also," Wright rearranged the letters in the air, "Voldemort."

Except for Ron, whose face instantly turned pale, the other five people in the private room didn't have the slightest hint of fear on their faces.

Harry didn't care, but Chang Chu and Hermione didn't understand Voldemort's terrifying reputation. Not to mention Villita, she may still not know who Voldemort was in Cholera Britain.

"Don't mention that name," Ron whispered, but no one heard him except himself.

"And Voldemort is the true heir of Slytherin." Wright continued.

"Then where is Voldemort now?" Harry squeezed the cover of the diary in his hand and asked urgently.

"I exposed Ginny's identity and told Dumbledore about the existence of the diary." Wright said tactfully, "Maybe Dumbledore can answer your question."

"As for Ginny, she is completely unaware of this matter now. Dumbledore has sealed her relevant memories. You must not mention this matter to her, lest she panic." Wright said kindly reminded.

The people on the opposite side suddenly fell silent, as if they were comprehending what Wright had just said.

Harry suddenly remembered Jerry Green, whom he had met several times in the principal's office. He had previously felt that this man named Jerry, except for the color of his hair, was the same as the one he had seen in the diary. Tom Riddle looked exactly the same.

Now it seems that that was the Voldemort in his student days! And he was subdued by Dumbledore!

Harry's heart suddenly surged with infinite admiration for Dumbledore. Sure enough, this was Dumbledore! The only person Voldemort was afraid of!

after a little while.

"But speaking of this, did you see anything special in the secret room?" Wright asked his first question.

"No, it's just a long, slippery dark tunnel, and then there's a huge snake slough, and a statue of Salazar Slytherin himself. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything noteworthy." Min said.

"But when we finally came out, we were caught in the claws of Dumbledore's phoenix and flew out." Ron put aside his fear of Voldemort and said with some pride. This is also an experience that he has always been proud of.

Grab the claws of the phoenix. Many people have never even seen a phoenix!

"Well, Wright, do you know how I got my Parselmouth ability?" Harry asked.

"Did Dumbledore have any explanation on this issue?"

"He said it was because Voldemort was a Parselmouth." Harry reached out and touched the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. "Dumbledore also said that Voldemort also used his own on the night he left this scar on me. Some abilities were transferred to me, so I can speak snake language.”

"I think Dumbledore's statement is completely correct." Wright did not add any more details.

The six people didn't talk about any other topics about the secret room, but instead talked about other interesting things.

As time passed, the Hogwarts Express gradually entered King's Cross Station, and the train gradually slowed down until it stopped.

When getting off the train, Wright suddenly realized a problem.

Dumbledore now not only knew the existence of Horcruxes, but also discovered the connection between Harry and Voldemort, and even held Jerry's trump card.

So what will this rotten old man do next?

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