Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 220 The real master of transformation

Late at night.

The sun during the day seemed to have dispelled the dark clouds and water vapor that had been shrouding the Hogwarts Castle recently, and a round full moon hung high in the dark night. The silver-white moon disk was inlaid with bright stars, as if covering the entire Hogwarts with a layer of light silver-white gauze.

Tonight, Harry did not stay in the common room with Ron and Hermione to do his homework as usual, but returned to the dormitory alone early. A large part of the reason was that Fred and George sang the lyrics of "His eyes are as green as freshly pickled toads" for the thirty-sixth time in the common room, and there were even a lot of people around them to cheer and accompany them.

Another small part of the reason was that Harry wanted to study Riddle's diary, and he happened to be the only one in the dormitory at this time, and he couldn't find this opportunity normally.

"If Wright's suitcase was still here at this time, it would be great." Harry thought to himself, "Then there would be no need to wait until now."

However, Harry was just thinking about it now. The suitcase was returned to Wright by Chang Chu during the Christmas holiday. Before, he, Ron, Hermione and Chang Chu spent more than a month in the suitcase to make the Polyjuice Potion.

Harry took Riddle's diary out of his schoolbag and wanted to wipe the stains off it. Because in the morning, Harry wanted to avoid the dwarf who was reciting poetry, but he accidentally knocked over his schoolbag and got ink everywhere.

Harry thought that the diary would definitely be very dirty, but he didn't expect it to be clean and tidy, as if no drop of ink had ever fallen on it.

"I should have thought of it earlier! This is a magic diary! Maybe this diary can absorb the ink that falls on it!" Harry suddenly had such an idea in his mind.

He hurriedly took out a bottle of new ink, took out a feather pen, and wrote on it.

Not long after, Harry suddenly felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness was absorbed by the diary. It was a day in June fifty years ago, and it happened in the castle.

Just as Harry on the eighth floor of the castle was embarking on a vivid spiritual journey in his diary, Wright also came to the Transfiguration Professor's office on the second floor of the castle as agreed.

After standing quietly in front of the office door for a while, Wright took a deep breath and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in, Wright." Professor McGonagall's unhurried voice came from the door, as if she was not surprised to meet Wright at this time.

In fact, although a large part of the reason for today's meeting was Wright's initiative, a small part of the reason was that Professor McGonagall wanted to see whether Wright's Transfiguration level could reach the level she required.

After all, the magic she wanted to teach Wright later involved a very, very profound part of Transfiguration.


"Wright, Wright." Professor McGonagall gently repeated Wright's name twice, but it still seemed unable to completely relieve her shock. "I originally thought that with your talent for Transfiguration, you would only be exposed to Animagus magic in the sixth grade, and ten years after graduation, you would become a real Animagus, but I didn't expect that you could already perform such a sophisticated vanishing spell and human body transformation spell."

"Professor, you are too kind." Wright said modestly, and by the way, he changed his arm back from a huge crow wing.

This was a biological transformation that Wright had successfully performed after countless references to Fat Head's wings in the past one or two months.

"But I still have to remind you that Animagus is a very, very profound transformation magic, which involves a lot of content." Professor McGonagall said, "Animagus cannot be transformed into any animal at will, and the animal it transforms into is related to the wizard's personality and weight. Generally speaking, each wizard can only transform into one animal, and it is a non-magical creature. The transformation of a magical creature will bring terrible and unexpected negative consequences." "I know, Professor McGonagall." Wright listened quietly to what Professor McGonagall said, and then smiled and nodded. In fact, Wright's understanding of Animagus is not low. And in his memory, there are also many wizards who master Animagus who can help him gain some knowledge. What surprised Wright the most was not that James Potter and Sirius became Animagus when they were students (fifth grade to be precise), but that they helped Peter Pettigrew to become Animagus together. Perhaps James Potter's talent for Transfiguration is really high, and the wand made of mahogany, which is most suitable for transformation, may also have given him a lot of help. Wright thought.

Professor McGonagall saw the confidence on Wright's face, and she stopped talking nonsense.

"Okay, Wright, since you have made up your mind, I will not say anything to dissuade you." Professor McGonagall said, "Generally speaking, it takes several years to become an Animagus, and you may encounter many failures during this period, but I think you must have considered all these."

Wright nodded.

"Okay then." Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, "It just so happens that the Mandrake cultivated by Professor Sprout has just left its childhood for a few days, and this is also the most suitable growth age for Animagus."

"As for the weather," Professor McGonagall glanced at the full moon outside the window, "the weather is great!"

"Pure dew and the pupa of the Grimace Hawkmoth, I can help you advance for the time being..."

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but I believe I can afford the price of these two magic materials." Wright declined Professor McGonagall's kindness.

"Really?" Professor McGonagall paused, "Okay then!" She stood up from the chair, crossed the desk, and walked towards the door, "Then let's go to the second greenhouse now, on a full moon night It’s not easy to wait.”

"Professor, can you wait a moment?" Wright suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Professor McGonagall, "I have a question to ask you."

"Go ahead." Professor McGonagall said, without stopping.

"Is it true that an Animagus can only transform into one kind of creature?" Wright thought about the words, "Also, can a Disguise Magus transform into a magical creature?"

"I'm sorry, Wright. As far as I know, whether they are Animagus or a natural disguised Magus, they can only transform into ordinary non-magical creatures. Although Principal Dumbledore did not His Animagus form has been registered with the Ministry of Magic, but everyone knows that he must know this magic, and there are rumors that his Animagus form is a phoenix, but I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

"Besides." Professor McGonagall said, her voice suddenly changed into a tone that was very familiar to Wright.

Wright turned sharply.

"For some truly skilled transformation masters, it doesn't matter whether they are Disguise Magus or not. They can also use superb human transformation at will, change their appearance, and maintain it with magic power."

Under the moonlight, the other "Wright" looked at Wright's face and said calmly. His black eyes were full of vicissitudes and wisdom that looked down upon the world.

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