Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 219 Valentine’s Day and Love Poems

In early February, Hermione recovered from the illness in the school infirmary. The white whiskers on her face were gone, the black cat hair on her body was gone, and the most regrettable thing was that the soft tail on the back was gone.

Chang Chu and Harry secretly held a sumptuous discharge party for Hermione. According to Gaga, the kitchen house elf who wished to remain anonymous, the four of them consumed a lot of food that night. Even with the use of magic, the subsequent cleaning work took more than ten minutes to complete.

During the queue that night, Harry also showed Chang Chu and Hermione the Horcrux diary he had picked up that was forged by Wright, but the four of them still didn't get any really valuable information. Because of the effect of Wright's secrecy magic, neither the Revealing Spell nor the Manifest Eraser had any effect.

But there is one piece of news that was confirmed by the four people together, that is, Tom Riddle is indeed related to the Chamber of Secrets, because they were all figures fifty years ago, and the most likely inference is that Riddle was fifty years ago. An eyewitness to the secret room incident.

On the other hand, Hermione's discharge seemed to shock a group of people, because everyone originally thought that she was attacked by the heir of the Chamber of Secrets, and would not recover until the end of this semester at the latest, because Mandela The grass will not be fully mature until then.

But I didn't expect Hermione to be discharged from the hospital when Mandrake had just emerged from childhood.

This news undoubtedly inspired a large number of people, and the original activity of exchanging amulets among students completely disappeared again. Fred and George seemed to have lost a small amount of money as a result, but no one knew it but them.

The sun began to shine faintly over Hogwarts again.

February 14th is St. Valentine's Day, of course, better known as Valentine's Day.

Wright received a Valentine's Day gift from Chang Chu early in the morning: a large box of delicious homemade chocolates.

After so many times of making, Chang Chu's level has also improved. At least Wright was quite happy eating this time.

In return, Wright gave her the Dark Heart Lock.

Of course, on the surface, Wright did not say that this was an alchemy tool that could protect the brain from prying eyes. He just said that this heart lock was a symbol of love, symbolizing the connection between hearts and wanting to "lock" her for life.

When the two of them walked from the Ravenclaw common room to the auditorium, they found that the auditorium had been changed: the four walls were covered with large pink flowers, and heart-shaped colorful flowers. Paper scraps kept falling from the ceiling.

Interspersed among the crowd were some dwarfs who were constantly walking around. They were all covered in thick white burlap clothes, with golden wings on their backs and carrying golden harps on their backs.

Some people may call these dwarfs little cupids, but Wright feels that if these things can be called cupids, then Lu Wei must be a small and cute poodle, not a three-headed dog.

From the perspective of a completely straight man, the hall at this time would be evaluated as: effeminate and extremely vulgar.

Wright and Chang Chu walked to the Ravenclaw table together, and they both frowned and sat down at the same time, because even the food was full of confetti. Wright first cast a blocking spell on his head to block the pieces of paper falling from the ceiling, and then called Jia Jia to prepare another piece of food for them.

"Isn't this just Valentine's Day?" Chang Chu asked somewhat incomprehensibly, "It's not Christmas or Easter, it can't even compare to Halloween, so why is it so grand?"

"Because there is a famous wizard in our school who likes to make a lot of publicity." Wright pointed at Lockhart sitting on the teacher's bench and shrugged.

Chang Chu followed Wright's finger and looked over, and immediately saw Lockhart, who was all pink and pink. By the way, this was the first time Chang Chu saw someone wearing such a bright pink robe, and it was a middle-aged male wizard.

The professors sitting around Lockhart all had straight faces. Chang Chu felt that if it weren't for the fact that it was too outrageous to perform a hearty and hearty weapon fight in front of the students, I believe many professors would not mind. At least Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape would not mind having a non-stop wizard duel with Lockhart.

But there are people more worthy of Chang Chu's attention than professors.

Chang Chu turned his head and looked towards the Gryffindor table.

Sure enough, between the stiff-faced Harry and the disgusted-looking Ron, sat a giggling Hermione.

"This silly girl!" Chang Chu raised his forehead helplessly, "What kind of unique charm does a middle-aged and elderly wizard who likes to wear pink robes have to attract such a cute and smart Hermione?"

At this moment, a dwarf walked towards Wright.

Wright glanced at Chang Chu in confusion, what is this, a repertoire? But it's impossible. He and Chang Chu obviously went downstairs together.

"Haha! Wright, someone sent you a Valentine's Day card! Professor Lockhart said that these dwarfs will help deliver Valentine's Day cards." Eddie, who had not appeared for a long time, said with a smile, "But I can guarantee that, You will definitely receive more Valentine’s Day cards today! You are truly a popular idol on campus.”

Wright pinched the saprophytic wood wand on his wrist, but Chang Chu stretched out his hand to stop him. She wanted to hear what the Valentine's Day cards written to Wright looked like.

"You! Wright! Paz!" said the dwarf with a gloomy face.

"If you don't mind, could you please take off these weird ornaments on your body?" Wright said a little bit unable to accept it. This dwarf with a thick beard is wearing the cute clothes of Cupid, the god of love, which is really too inappropriate. Peace!

Wright's words seemed to make the dwarf feel better, but he still did not take off the harp or the wings.

"This is the content of the contract we signed before, and it cannot be changed!" The dwarf said gruffly, "Now, I have a message that I want to convey to you personally."

Wright glanced at Chang Chu and found that she was looking here with interest. He had no choice but to say: "Okay, then you say it."

The dwarf plucked the harp. In fact, Wright thought that "pulling" might be a more appropriate word.

The dwarf spoke.

"I have no other wish than to love you,

A storm filled the valley,

A fish fills the river. "

The people who were making noises suddenly fell silent, because unlike the weird and low-level love poems these dwarfs had said before, this verse was of an unexpectedly high level.

Chang Chu's face fell. She originally just wanted to see Wright's joke, but unexpectedly, she attracted an enemy who seemed to be very powerful.

Wright watched the dwarf leave, his face stiff, and the two fingers on his waist forced him to maintain this posture.

What kind of unreasonable disaster is this!

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