Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 212 Polyjuice Potion: Two Villettas

After a while.

"Okay, let's go now! Hermione is still waiting for our news in Myrtle's bathroom!" Chang Chu said, "You two boys, if you run faster, go up first! Then get there as soon as possible Tell Hermione the news and I will follow you and arrive as soon as possible."

Harry and Ron nodded and immediately ran out of the Slytherin dungeon. Chang Chu also followed them out of the common room. By the time they reached the first floor, Chang Chu could no longer see the backs of Harry and Ron, and couldn't even hear the faint footsteps.

"Sure enough, boys are stronger than physical strength, speed, etc." Chang Chu stopped, holding her chest and panting for a while. Maybe her previous body would be more accustomed to it, but now she is using Villita's My body always feels a little weak.

Suddenly, a faint sound of footsteps reached Chang Chu's ears. The sound was so familiar to her that she knew who it was without having to listen for a second step.

But why would Wright appear alone in the foyer at this time? Shouldn't he go to training with Villita?

With this thought in his mind, Chang Chu walked out of the darkness.

"Vilita, are you here?" Facing the Chang Chu-turned-Vilita, Wright didn't feel anything was wrong.

Just now, he and Villita were finishing their daily sparring mission in the evening. When they walked into the castle, Villita suddenly ran to solve her personal problems, so Wright waited in the foyer for a while.

After thinking about the direction of the path to the Slytherin dungeon, Wright deliberately moved a few steps here. After Villita came out, he could take a few steps back to the Slytherin common room.

"Yeah." Chang Chu nodded gently.

The power of Polyjuice Potion is indeed amazing! Looking at the unaware Wright, Chang Chu praised the effect of the Polyjuice Potion for the first time. Forget about the body shape and appearance, even the voice can be simulated exactly the same. It is indeed the demon recorded in the forbidden book area. The powerful potion in the medicine book! The more than a month she spent before was not in vain!

"Then I'll send you back to the Slytherin common room right now. It's getting cold and you should rest early." Wright said to the Vilita version of Chang Chu who was getting closer and closer.

"Don't worry yet." Chang Chu said.

Seeing "Vilita"'s unhurried expression, although Wright felt a little strange, he didn't show any concern. Although it was very late now, the two of them had returned to the castle even later, and it was not less than this time and a half.

One step, two steps.

Closer, closer.

Chang Chu looked at Wright getting closer and closer, and his emotions became more and more intense!

Although Chang Chu had told Wright before that she didn't mind the relationship between him and Villita at all, Wright had repeatedly assured her that the friendship between him and Villita was absolutely pure.

But girls always have times to worry.

Even though Chang Chu was confident that she could completely charm Wright, she also had doubts about whether Wright could always be devoted to her alone.

After all, the threat from Villita is too great!

pretty! Quiet! gentle! Thoughtful! reason! Warmth! So graceful! Only reacts to Wright! All TM are advantages!

No matter who it is, it is impossible not to worry when facing a potential love rival like Villita!

And this feeling of worry rose to the top after Chang Chu dug out the picture album full of Villita from Wright's suitcase.

But now, isn't it a good testing opportunity?

Chang Chu arched his back slightly, like a wild cat in heat, walking slowly and step by step in front of Wright.

She raised her hands, ready to put them on Wright's shoulders.

Wright frowned and took a step back, just out of "Vilita's" arm range.

"What happened? Didn't you go to the toilet? Why did your personality change so much?" Wright thought speechlessly.

Well done! I can completely believe what you said before! Chang Chu was overjoyed. Now that there was no one around, Wright was able to remain unmoved by Verita who behaved like this, which meant that there was indeed nothing wrong with the pure relationship between the two of them that he had said before!

But not enough!

Chang Chu closed his eyes, took a step forward, flapped his nose, and made obvious inhaling sounds, as if he wanted to smell Wright's scent clearly.

"Vilita, what are you doing?" Wright took another small step back. "Vilita"'s behavior at this time reminded him of Chang Chu in the fourth grade. She also liked to smell him at every turn. What a person. Bad habits.

Sensing Wright's distance, Chang Chu, who was very satisfied, opened his eyes and looked directly at Wright: "I'm doing my Potions class homework."

Just fool the ghosts in the castle! Wright complained crazily in his heart, don't think that just because you are beautiful, you can deceive me into a fool! I am a decent housewife that someone wants!

And Snape would never let students do their homework so late and do it with their noses!

Hmm... probably not?

At this moment, another burst of footsteps came.

Wright and Chang Chu turned their heads to look over there, only to see a Virita, the real Virita, walking out from where Chang Chu had just appeared.

"Uh..." Wright groaned, and once again took a big step back, away from Villita in front of him.

He looked at the Villita standing in front of him, and then at the Villita walking in the distance, and alarm bells rang in his heart.

There was no doubt that no matter which Villita came out, there was no problem, and they all came from the girls' bathroom.

But the problem is that there is no magic that can clone one's body in the wizarding world, so among the two Villitas, one must be real and the other is fake.

The trouble was that Wright couldn't tell which was true and which was false.

Judging from the current situation, the former one is more likely to be fake, because Villita has never shown such a "sexy and touching" side in front of him before.

However, the actions of Villita who came out later shocked Wright.

She imitated the movements of Villita in front of her and walked step by step to Wright's side, but she leaned even lower.

From the robe around his waist to the front of his clothes, he stood on tiptoes and smelled Wright's collar, neck, chin, and even the tip of his nose.

But Wright didn't dare to move this time! Even though his nasal cavity was already filled with Villita's fragrance.

At this moment, Wright just felt that these two Villitas were fake!

So who is fake? Who is messing with me?

"What are you doing?" Wright asked.

"I'm also doing my Potions class homework." The one who came out later, Vilita, had a fox-like sly smile on her face. She looked at Wright's face and said softly.

who I am? where am I? What am I going to do?

who is she? Where is she? What is she going to do?

If I am Villita, who is she? Chang Chu? But am I not Chang Chu? no! I'm Verita! But I drank Polyjuice Potion and became Villita! So Chang Chu is smelling Wright now? What about Villita?

Is it Chang Chu? who I am? Who am I? Who became Villita? And who has Villita become?

What about Wright? Where is he? Is he leaving with Chang Chu? no! Is he leaving with Villita? Neither! What is he doing now? I do not know! so annoying!

Chang Chu, whose mind was in a mess, finally couldn't help crying.

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