Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 208: Polyjuice Potion of the New World

However, just as Chang Chu said, Wright didn't see her again for almost the whole day, not even when he came to the auditorium for lunch at noon.

It wasn't until it was almost time for the Christmas dinner to begin, that Wright, who had returned from training outside the castle with Villita, saw Chang Chu talking quietly to Hermione at the long Gryffindor table. There were about four or five red-haired Weasleys, both male and female, sitting next to him, as well as a black-haired Harry.

Just like in previous years, this year's auditorium was decorated early by professors. The decoration had been completely completed a few days ago. At this time, the auditorium looked so majestic.

There are more than a dozen huge Christmas trees covered with silver frost in the corners. Large and small red or blue holiday gift boxes are hung on the tops of the green branches, shining dazzlingly under the firelight of the magic candles on the dome. brilliance.

The ceiling at this time was much more gorgeous than before. In addition to the thousands of quietly burning off-white candles, there were also two thick criss-crossing decorations composed of mistletoe and holly. bring.

Not only that, it was probably due to Professor Flitwick, who cast an advanced secret magic on the entire auditorium, causing endless white snowflakes to fall gently from the ceiling. However, unlike the cold and wet white snow outside the castle, these magic snowflakes floating down from the ceiling were so warm and dry. When they fell on Wright's body, he could even feel that the snowflakes seemed to have a certain effect in repelling the cold. .

After standing at the door for a short while, Wright led Villita to sit down at the long Gryffindor table.

Since there are a large number of students staying on campus during the Christmas vacation this year, the professors did not clear space in the auditorium and put down a table large enough to accommodate everyone as they did last year. Instead, they continued to let the students Sit down at their respective deans' desks.

Just like Draco and his two little followers, Crabbe and Goyle, were sitting at the Slytherin table next door, looking at Villita sitting with Wright from a distance.

In fact, Draco still doesn't know why his father asked him to stay at school during the Christmas vacation this year and let him get in touch with that green-haired geek named Jerry Green! He is a naturally noble Malfoy. During the holidays, he should stay in the comfortable and warm manor of his own home, not the cold, damp Slytherin dungeon!

Moreover, Draco couldn't help but feel a little nauseous when he thought of the appearance of the principal's secretary named Jerry Green. Although the main color of Slytherin is green, it is good, but it is also a deep and solemn green, not the tender green that looks like a prairie on the head of the guy named Green! That color is so weird and disgusting!

Besides, the principal's secretary is not something Draco can meet whenever he wants. Although his father is one of the school directors of Hogwarts, Draco, who is still in the second grade, does not hold any position in the school. But the man named Jerry always liked to stay in the principal's office. How could Draco get in touch with him? Go straight into the principal's office and talk to him? Come on! Draco was not so reckless.

So this matter can only be put on hold for the time being.

In addition, Draco didn't know why the beautiful first-year girl named Villita always liked to follow the mudblood of Letpas. She obviously possesses such powerful magical power, yet she behaves like a stupid childish girl all day long! Tsk!

However, Draco could only think about these words in his heart, and he would never dare to say them in front of Villita. Otherwise, the four big holes that once appeared in the Slytherin dungeon, and the senior senior who was about to be forced to transfer schools are lessons for Draco.

Draco glanced at Harry again, who was sitting not far from Villetta. The silly scarred man put on the stupid Weasley sweater again, as if he was still proud of it. And best of all, that sweater is bright green!

Bro (accent) Did he think he was a Weasley? ha?

Thinking of this, Draco finally couldn't help but start taunting Harry from a distance. But looking at Harry, he had an unconcerned expression.

"Harry," Wright pointed to Harry's green sweater with a big yellow "h" letter on the chest, and then gave him a thumbs up, "ignore Draco, actually I think your sweater is great!”

"I know!" Harry nodded with a smile, "Mrs. Weasley sent me one last year, but it is a bit small now, but I didn't expect that Mrs. Weasley would send me another one this year. Got one as a Christmas present.”

"Let me tell you," Harry gently touched the "h" letter on his chest, "this sweater is probably the best thing I've ever worn. It's beautiful and warm."

"Don't worry, Harry." Ron interrupted, "I can guarantee that as long as this word reaches my mother's ears, she will definitely knit you a few more sweaters every year, and this one is not included. Christmas Sweater.”

"But then you will really be the son of the Weasley family." Wright glanced at Ginny casually, and then teased Harry.

Ginny, who had sharp ears, heard this sentence, and her cheeks suddenly turned red.

After handing the diary to Dumbledore and Wright that night, Dumbledore went to the school doctor's office and, after seeking Ginny's opinion, "forgot all her memories of the diary." "Lost.

Therefore, Ginny now only views the Chamber of Secrets and its heirs from the perspective of a completely ordinary student.

Now in such a warm holiday atmosphere, Ginny has completely forgotten all the previous unpleasantness, and even started to refute after Wright said these words.

At this sumptuous Christmas banquet, almost everyone ate with gusto.

Percy and Ron, who tasted a few Christmas pudding dumplings at the suggestion of Fred and George, also expressed their approval of this exotic food. Harry even asked for another strawberry. Filled dumplings.

When the desserts were almost eaten, Hermione glanced at Ron and Harry, and then she and Chang Chu left the table together. After a while, Harry and Ron also walked out of the Great Hall together.

After knocking down Crabbe and Goyle, who only knew how to eat, with two chocolate cakes laced with hypnotic drugs, Harry and Ron successfully got rid of these two stupid big guys who were as strong as suckling pigs waiting to be slaughtered. A few hairs were torn off his head.

After hiding the two unconscious people, the four of them hurried to Myrtle's bathroom. The polyjuice potion was almost ready.

Chang Chu found the suitcase placed in a secret corner, opened it and got in. Not long after, she walked out of the suitcase carrying a dinner plate. On top of the dinner plate were four tumblers, each of which had a dark, sticky mud-like potion put into it.

"This is the compound soup potion we brewed. It is prescribed according to my observation. Every step of our operation is strictly in accordance with the content recorded in the book. There is no possibility of operational errors." Chang Chu paused. She shifted her gaze from the glass on the plate to the trio of Gryffindors in front of her.

"So," Chang Chu said, "after drinking this cup of polyjuice potion, we can have a full hour to transform."

"What are we going to do now?" Ron asked.

"You two need to put the hair of the two silly guys into the cup respectively, and then drink it." Chang Chu said, "Hermione, are your hair ready?"

"Yes." Hermione nodded nervously. She took out a small bottle from her pocket, which contained a short brown hair. "This is the hair of a Slytherin girl named Millicent." , I secretly pulled it off while she was not paying attention at the Duel Club."

"Very good!" Chang Chu nodded majestically, and then directed Harry and Ron to find the large clothes that she and Hermione had stolen from the laundry room.

The trio took a glass from the plate in Chang Chu's hand.

Chang Chu held the cup, put the plate aside, and then took out a small glass bottle from the pocket on the other side, and a long hair was also put into the bottle.

Her hair glowed faintly in the dim light of the bathroom.

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