Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 202: On Avatar’s Nine Defense Methods

"There are many ways to deal with Avada's Kedavra, but you must remember that the Armor Curse cannot block Avada's Kedavra!" Lockhart emphasized again as if he remembered something. Once, at the same time, he secretly glanced in the direction of the rostrum.

The wizard who loves Avada Kedavra the most in the world is sitting there right now! The principal’s secretary who goes by the pseudonym Jerry Green!

"Professor Lockhart, is there any way to deal with Avada's Kedavra attack?" A word suddenly emerged from the group of Hufflepuff students.

"Well, good question." Lockhart thought for a moment and then said slowly.

"In the wizarding world, there are three most common ways to deal with Avada's Kedavra."

"The first is to dodge directly. This is the simplest and most common way to deal with it. After all, the curse is straight and cannot turn. As long as you can react in time, you can avoid Avada's Kedavra attack. Wait. When you get older, phantom magic is also a very good means of evasion."

"The second type is physical defense. Generally speaking, the Death Curse can be resisted by hard solid obstacles such as walls, shields, and even trees, but at the same time, the Death Curse can also cause very serious damage to these objects. After those solid obstacles are destroyed, you still need to evade quickly. "

"The third type is magic collision. When the enemy casts a life-killing spell on you, and uses an attack spell on the enemy, it is possible that the life-killing spell will be deflected or even offset. However, I do not recommend that you use this method. This method is because its uncertainty is too high, and you will die directly if you are not careful.”

"Of course, if you can have a magical phoenix like our great Principal Dumbledore, you can also use the phoenix to resist the Kedavra. The Avada Kedavra can kill almost all living things, but it cannot be killed. The phoenix will only bring it back to life."

Wright, who was standing in the crowd of Ravenclaw students, nodded slightly, then shook his head silently.

As a normal wizard, Lockhart gave enough methods, but he still ignored some other methods.

The fifth method should be Lily Potter's love magic. Harry escaped death because of this. The sixth method is the twin wands. Harry was sent to Voldemort during the Goblet of Fire because of this. ; The seventh is the creation of Horcruxes, because of which Voldemort escaped death in Godric's Hollow; the eighth is the Elder Wand, if a person who is not the owner of the Elder Wand uses the Elder Wand to kill its real owner Curse, then the spell will be reflected back to the person who cast the spell, and this is how Voldemort died in the end.

Of course, all the above four methods are exclusive to the protagonist, which are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

So there are other easier ways too.

Like, um, a surrogate coat with pockets sewn all over and a guinea pig in each pocket or something like that? If you don’t like white mice, bamboo rats are also acceptable; if bamboo rats are not suitable, cattail mice are also acceptable...

For some reason, Wright always found the idea of ​​having live animals on his body sounding and looking quite strange and unacceptable.

Lockhart didn't know what was going on in Wright's mind, he just continued his teaching of Avada Kedavra.

"But the Death Curse is still too far away for you students, because once it is discovered that the Death Curse is used on humans, the user will be immediately wanted by the Ministry of Magic, and after arrest, he will be sentenced to Aziz Kaban is imprisoned for life," Lockhart said in the direction of Hufflepuff. "Secondly, the casting of Avada's Kedavra also requires strong magic power and a very firm will to support it. If it is forced by a student, If you use this spell, it will probably only make the person who is cursed suffer some nosebleeds or something like that.”

"Of course, I'm not encouraging you to use the Avada Kedavra. It's just that, well, it went astray unknowingly." Lockhart said with some embarrassment, "Let's go back to the Dueling Club."

He gave Professor Flitwick, who had been standing quietly opposite, a searching look, and Professor Flitwick nodded affirmatively.

"Now this time I will attack and Professor Flitwick will resist," Lockhart said loudly.

Without any surprise, Lockhart's coma spell was blocked by Professor Flitwick's Iron Armor Curse.

"Okay, the demonstration is over." Lockhart swung his wand in a complicated pattern, "Now let's start teaching the students. Let's first find a pair of volunteers to do the demonstration."

Professor Flitwick slowly walked back to the Ravenclaw square. Lockhart followed his back and looked towards the Eagle Court, and then said with a smile: "Wright, Chang Chu, come on. !”

Wright and Chang Chu looked at each other, and just as they were about to walk out, Snape, who was standing in the square of Slytherin students, suddenly spoke.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Snape said. "Everyone knows what the relationship between Paz and Miss Changchu is. The duel between the two of them is malicious in teaching students how to block. The spell may have no effect at all.”

Wright stopped speechlessly. Snape's lemon essence is really enough! Snape has been single for decades and has nothing to do with him. As for making fun of the relationship between him and Chang Chu?

Chang Chu also glanced at Snape with some disgust. Why did she mean that the duel between her and Wright was useless in teaching students how to resist malicious spells? She said it as if she would hold back, she'd been wanting to teach Wright a lesson for a long time, ever since he'd been harping on her relationship with Hermione.

"Can I recommend a student from my college, Professor Lockhart?" Snape said in a relaxed tone, as if he was brewing the kind of potion he was most skilled in. "Villetta Huppert, you can ?"

Villita, who was standing next to him, looked at Wright not far away with a slightly expectant look.

"I don't think Miss Huppert has the strength to match Wright." Lockhart frowned. He was very impressed by the first-year Slytherin girl named Villita because her appearance and personality were so good. He is indeed outstanding among the students at Hogwarts.

"I think you are completely wrong." Snape said sarcastically, and the group of Slytherin students behind him immediately let out a low laugh.

"This disgusting, greasy, disgusting snot!" If it weren't for the fact that it didn't fit the character, Lockhart would have shouted out this disgusting nickname. You know, when he was in school, Snape His nickname is Snotlout, which was given to him by the four Gryffindors!

Lockhart felt that there was no moment when he wanted to pronounce this nickname more than now!

"No problem," Lockhart tried his best to smile, "Then let Wright and Villetta conduct this demonstration."

Just after Villetta boarded the platform, Lockhart suddenly said: "Miss Huppert, your hair is so beautiful, you must often use the smooth hair spray invented by Mr. Fleamont Potter." ?good girl."

Snape's face darkened instantly.

"Never imitate someone who never washes his hair." Lockhart pretended to lift his wavy blond hair, which caused a burst of cheers from the girls. "That will do too much damage to the hair."

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