Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 92 The Gryffindor trio becomes active

It didn't take long for the Acromantulas to return to the vicinity of this clearing. But I don’t know whether it’s because Wright is here or because a unicorn died here. These Acromantulas did not appear directly in front of Wright and Fat Head, but were still hiding in the bushes as before. among.

But this is enough, at least it can prove that the fat head has indeed become a sperm!

So if Fatty is like this, will Felicia be like this too? Looking at the fat head standing on his arm, an idea suddenly came to Wright's mind.

Faced with the upcoming final exams, Wright also put aside the task of processing the two unicorn skeletons. After carefully placing the two unicorn bones, Wright began to spend a lot of time reviewing the exam content.

However, as I said before, there is not much difference between the second-year courses and the first-year courses. Although the difficulty of the courses has increased, the review tasks are not as onerous as imagined.

While reviewing, Wright also specially tested Felicia. But it is a pity that Felicia does not seem to be as magical as Fat Head. And most of the time, it treated Wright's words completely indifferently.

The only thing Wright was sure of was that Felicia had no civet blood. (Note)

The days passed and the final exam finally came. Just like last year’s exam, this year there is still a written test and a practical part. It was extremely hot in the large classroom where the written exam was taking place. The teachers who invigilated the exam also gave each student anti-cheating quills specifically for the exam as they did last year.

After taking the last History of Magic exam, the final exam that had made the students tired for a long time was officially over.

On the night when the exams ended, Wright came from the Ravenclaw common room to celebrate the end of the final exam with the excited Chang Chu. As for why Chang Chu was so excited, it was naturally because after an exciting answer contest, she was very happy to find that most of her answers were consistent with Wright's.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, Chang Chu’s results this year will definitely not be worse than last year! It may even rank higher. How could Chang Chu be unhappy about this?

At the same time, in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione had also used the Petrification Curse to get rid of Neville who was blocking the way, and was about to go with Harry and Ron to the room where Fluffy was placed on the fourth floor.

"Hermione, what are we going to do about Fluffy?" Ron whispered next to Hermione and Harry after walking out of the Gryffindor common room.

"Hagrid said that as long as you play some music for Fluttershy, he will fall asleep immediately." Harry held the invisibility cloak covering the heads of the three of them with one hand, and took the other hand from his pocket. He took out a rough-made flute that Hagrid had given him as a gift last Christmas.

"Look, I also brought this flute." Harry whispered to Ron.

"But Hagrid also said that it was Lu Wei from before. He also said that Lu Wei seemed to have mutated a little. A normal three-headed dog would never grow to such a big size." Ron looked very uneasy. "What if, and I mean what if, playing music on the flute doesn't do the trick?"

"At that time, we will directly face that three-headed dog as big as a house. Its three mouths can eat the three of us at the same time." Ron said.

"No matter what, we have to break through Lu Wei's guard today." Harry said to Ron, "Ron, have you forgotten? Professor Quirrell has not seen anyone in the past few days, maybe he has encountered At the hands of Snape."

But Harry's words did not provide any comfort. Instead, they made Ron look even more frightened.

As Wright had expected, Quirrell's disappearance did not cause any ripples at Hogwarts. In fact, the only students in the school who discovered Quirrell's disappearance were probably Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"But..." Ron seemed hesitant to speak.

"Stop it! Let's go to the Ravenclaw common room now and look for Wright! That dog belongs to him, so we'll have no problem finding him!" Hermione interrupted Ron, "Are you two going to Don’t you know how to read the road? We are on our way to the Ravenclaw common room. Didn’t I walk you through it before?”

The entire journey was speechless.

Although it's almost curfew time, Ravenclaw's rule has always been that as long as you answer the questions correctly, you can be let in. So after answering the questions raised by the Bronze Eagle, Hermione walked into the Ravenclaw common room at the lead, and Harry and Ron walked in closely behind her.

At this time, there were still many students resting in the lounge of Yingyuan, especially from a certain corner, where the sound of eggs being cracked could be heard from time to time. After Hermione glanced around, she immediately spotted Chang Chu and Wright chatting in the lounge, and she immediately walked over.

"Senior Chang Chu, Wright, good evening." Hermione took the lead in saying hello to the two of them, while Harry and Ron behind her followed timidly.

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Wright suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Harry, you are here now, aren't you here to invite me to play Hero's Battle?

"Hermione?" Chang Chu's eyes lit up, and he directly pulled Hermione to sit next to her, "Why are you here at this time?"

Harry and Ron stood aside, making them look even more uncomfortable.

"I told you we should wait outside." Ron said very quietly in Harry's ear, "But Hermione had to bring us in, and you see the strange looks from these Ravenclaws. "

Harry also felt a little uncomfortable with such a strange look, but he still tried to find a more suitable reason: "But we are three people here together, and it would be really inappropriate for Hermione to invite Wright alone. It’s polite.”

"Well, I just hope the three of them can finish talking quickly, so that I don't have to bear the pressure that I shouldn't bear at this age." Ron shrugged.

Hermione, who was sitting on the chair, had already explained all the current situation concisely, but Chang Chu was the only one who was really listening.

"Wright, can you come with us?" Hermione looked at Wright sincerely and said, "We really need your help."

"Can I say a word?" Chang Chu put his arm around Hermione's shoulders.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Can I go with you?" Chang Chu set his sights on Wright, who had the final say.

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