Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 75: Sign a contract with me and become Mahou Luwei! (Want to subscribe please)

The Easter vacation passed quickly. Ever since he obtained the book "How to Contract Magical Creatures" from Professor Kettleburn, Wright has been studying the contents recorded in this book recently. It wasn't until more than a week later that he felt a little bit sure.

In fact, contract magic still exists in today's wizarding world. For example, the two pets that Wright bought in the pet shop: Felicia and the fat head that he had kept loose in the Forbidden Forest. Signed a contract with them. It's just that this kind of contract that can be signed in a pet shop has very little binding force and can easily be affected by other factors.

For example, Felicia has spent a long time under Chang Chu's care since the year before last. Although the paper owner of the contract has not changed and is still Wright, in fact its real owner has long been Chang Chu.

In addition to contracts signed with pets, there are other types of contracts in the wizarding world, but those contracts were all signed in very ancient times.

For example, the wizards once signed a contract with the goblins who made revolutions from time to time, and the goblins also carefully followed the contents of the contract to help the wizards manage their financial institutions. Since then, the number of goblin rebellions has been much less.

Although Wright didn't know which wizard with a hole in his brain came up with the genius idea of ​​handing over financial institutions to goblins to manage, in the thousand years since Gringotts was founded, the goblins are still relatively Strictly abide by the contents of the original contract.

In fact, as of now, Gringotts is almost a globally unified monopoly financial organization.

As for the house elves, who are distant relatives of the goblins, the situation is much more miserable. As a race of magical creatures that were completely conquered by wizards, the contract signed by the house elves was much stricter than that signed by the goblins. Thousands of years have passed, and house elves have completely become a subordinate race of wizards.

In fact, to put it a bit too far, a house elf is not much different from a slave.

In addition, there are other contract magics in the wizarding world that are specifically used for contract magic between wizards, such as the loyalty spell that hides secrets in the deepest part of a person's soul, and the unbreakable oath.

But that's not what's in the book given by Professor Kettleburn.

In the book "How to Contract Magical Creatures", there is a very complete introduction to the contract signed with magical creatures, including the object of the contract, the conditions for the contract to be reached, the scope of the contract's binding on both parties, etc. .

But the most important point in the book, and also the most valuable point, is that on the last page of the book, an entire page is used to outline a magical rune of a blood contract.

In fact, contract magic can be regarded as a relatively advanced spell application in Harry Potter's magic system, at least judging from the situation that Wright is currently exposed to.

Therefore, contract magic basically uses magic circles or contract runes passed down from ancient times. It is very difficult to bypass the content passed down from ancient times and develop a new contract magic alone.

After all, contract magic requires a lot of very high-end magical knowledge about time and space interference, souls, existence or concept additions, etc. It is for this reason that existing contracts in the wizarding world are very rare.

The blood contract mentioned in the book "How to Contract Magical Creatures" should be a type of contract that is rarely known in today's wizarding world. After all, this book is a remnant from the era of the Alchemical War, and in today's magical world, only a handful of people know about the Alchemical War.

According to the records in the book, in order to sign a contract with magical creatures, a wizard must first understand the nature of his own magic, which requires the wizard to study magic to the extent of its nature.

Secondly, wizards need to have enough understanding of the magical creature they want to contract with, and make accurate judgments about whether its living habits, magical properties, etc. meet their own needs.

Finally, after wizards find suitable magical creatures, they have to spend some time with them to develop feelings. After all, if you are forced to sign a contract with a magical creature, it will inevitably have a negative impact on both parties after the contract.

In the above steps, a large number of wizards were acquired in the first step, and another batch was acquired in the second step, and the relationship cultivation in the third step took an extremely long time. It is no wonder that Kettleburn The professor only signed a contract with a fire-ash snake throughout his life.

But Wright didn't know whether what Professor Kettleburn told him at the beginning was true. Maybe he had hidden some tricks.

But for Wright, it is not very difficult to sign a contract with Lu Wei. He had been exposed to research on the nature of magic as early as the first grade, and it had been almost a whole year now.

And Wright also knew Lu Wei well enough. Ever since Lu Wei was a little puppy, Wright had fed it with his own shadow energy. There was no magic conflict between him and Lu Wei.

There was only one thing that Wright lacked, and that was contract magic.

"Is this a blood contract?"

In the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle, Wright stood in the center of the room and used shadow energy to outline a magic rune out of thin air. Black-red magic runes floated quietly in the air, and Wright silently felt the mystery and power contained in this blood contract rune.

After a while, Wright didn't waste any time. After packing his belongings, he went directly to Lu Wei's room on the fourth floor. Everything in the room was the same as when Wright came here last time, and Lu Wei still looked listless.

After Wright entered the room, he first cast a powerful locking spell on the wooden door. After all, it is normal school time now, and it is inevitable that some rash students will suddenly break in later. Later, Wright cast a soundproofing spell on the entire room.

Finally, Wright began to sign a contract with Lu Wei.

The saprophytic wood wand on his wrist slipped from his hand, and a sharp light lit up at the top of the wand. Wright put the wand against the palm of his left hand and drew it from top to bottom. Blood immediately flowed down the open wound. Before the blood could fall to the ground, Wright was hovering in mid-air.

Wright made another small cut on Lu Wei's body and took out some blood. After mixing the two bloods together according to the proportions in the book and pouring some shadow energy into them, Wright manipulated the mixed blood to outline the blood contract runes.

The next moment, Wright directly printed the runes on the head of Lu Wei.

Lu Wei's three mouths simultaneously let out a deafening roar, and a huge amount of shadow energy poured out from various parts of its body until Lu Wei was wrapped into a huge dark cocoon.

Wright stood quietly on the ground looking at the big cocoon, and the wound on his hand had healed as before.

Over time, the black cocoon slowly begins to shrink.

About another hour later, when it was nearly midnight, the black cocoon shrank to the size of a normal person.

Suddenly, a harsh tingling sound came from inside the black cocoon. Soon, the cocoon was opened from the inside, and a big dog that was almost as high as Wright's chest jumped out of it barking.

He has short, smooth and shiny black hair, and has short triangular ears on both sides of his head, with the ends of the ears slightly folded. A pair of approximately oval eyes, with heavy brass-colored pupils constantly rotating in the eye sockets, and a short tail swaying rapidly behind it.

Lu Wei's current size is similar to the size he was at the beginning of last year, but the only difference from that time is that he only has one head now.

Instead of approaching Wright directly, the first thing Lu Wei did after becoming small was to run around the house crazily. It seemed that the period of time in between had really made it boring.

After a while, Lu Wei gasped and ran to Wright's side, rubbing his head against Wright's hand.

"Lu Wei, isn't your ancestor the three-headed dog the guard dog of the underworld in Greek mythology?" Wright touched Lu Wei's head. The soft fur felt very comfortable, "But why do you look like a dog now?" Cane Corso from Italy?”

After hearing Wright's words, Lu Wei let out a whimper. Obviously, although he successfully signed a contract with Wright, Lu Wei still couldn't speak.

But what Wright cares about now is not these trivial things. Besides, Greece and Italy are not very far apart. Maybe they can learn from each other's myths and legends?

Wright is only worried about one thing now, that is, Dumbledore will ask him to solve Lu Wei's size problem, but now it seems that the solution seems to be too thorough. Lu Wei's current size is no longer enough to scare the wizard.

"Lu Wei, can you change back to your original appearance?" Wright patted Lu Wei on the head.

After Lu Wei shouted, he jumped back to where he was. Another burst of black mist rose. When the mist cleared, Lu Wei returned to his original lying position, with his three heads still holding up against the ceiling of the room.

"Huh!" Wright immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He waved to Lu Wei, "Okay, change back! Come here!"

An extra-large "shadow energy bone" appeared in Wright's hand. After shrinking again, Lu Wei bit his tail and ran over, biting the special "bone" in Wright's hand.

"When I come to feed you, you will look like this. Any other time, anyone who comes here will be the same size as before. Do you understand?" Wright scratched the top of Lu Wei's head.

Lu Wei bit the bone and nodded, seemingly telling Wright, "It understands."

Can I still improve my IQ after signing a blood contract? Wright touched his chin, or could it be doubled after three heads turned into one?

However, Wright had also deliberately investigated before. Although Lu Wei had three heads, he actually only had one consciousness. It was different from the three-headed three-thought rune snake.

"Okay, now that the matter has been completely resolved, I'll leave first." Wright touched Lu Wei's head again before leaving the room.

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