Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 65 Invitation (please subscribe)

The next day, the holiday officially ended, students took the train back to school, and the castle once again returned to its previous bustle.

The flying skateboard launched by Fred and George was indeed very popular among the students, and because the items they sold this time were not prank props, the two brothers also received strong praise from Mrs. Weasley. When Wright met the two of them recently, the two brothers' grins almost reached the sky.

After the vacation was over, the subsequent Quidditch training began again. Chang Chu had to go back and forth between the Quidditch pitch and the Ravenclaw common room every day, and he was extremely tired.

However, Chang Chu's behavior made Wright very puzzled, because the next game was Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. In Wright's opinion, this had nothing to do with the Ravenclaw team, but such an idea was naturally despised by Chang Chu.

In Chang Chu's words: "You, a guy who only knows how to make a flying broomstick but doesn't know the rules of the Quidditch game, should just stay in the audience and watch my performance!"

But Wright felt that even if he didn't know all the rules of Quidditch, he wouldn't let Gryffindor play two games in a row? Or is this some sort of arrangement from the principal?

In the week approaching the start of the game, a new topic began to circulate among the students: Professor Snape suddenly applied to Mrs. Hooch for the position of referee for the game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

"Hermione, what's the matter with you coming to see me now?" Chang Chu sat next to the fireplace in the Ravenclaw common room, looking at Hermione who suddenly appeared here with a blank look on his face. Wright, who was sitting on the side, seemed a little dazed. He even forgot to pet the cat on his hand.

You must know that it is almost curfew time. No matter what, it is quite strange for a Gryffindor student to appear in the Ravenclaw common room at this time.

"Senior, can you come out with me?" Hermione asked Chang Chu, "Wright, if you can, can you come with us?"

"No problem." Chang Chu clapped his hands, stood up from the chair, and pulled Wright up at the same time.

Why do you call me Senior Sister when you call Chang Chu, and Wright when you call me? Wright followed Hermione and Chang Chu out of the common room door, full of complaints, can't you also call me senior or something? No little witch has ever called me that!

"What's wrong with Hermione? You can talk now." Chang Chu rubbed his arm. The temperature in the corridor outside the lounge was much lower than inside the lounge.

Wright noticed Chang Chu's movements and immediately cast a warming spell on her and Hermione.

"Thank you, Wright." Hermione thanked Wright, while Chang Chu gave Wright a satisfied expression.

"Senior, I'm here to invite you to watch the Quidditch match." Hermione took a deep breath and said seriously.

"Just watch the game! Why are you so serious?" Chang Chu suddenly reached out and rubbed Hermione's round face, completely erasing the serious expression on her face, "I agree! Anyway, I was planning to go to the game tomorrow, and now I can go with you."

Wright secretly looked at Chang Chu's actions with envy. He also wanted to rub it... No, he didn't want to!

"But Hermione, why did you suddenly think of inviting me to watch the Quidditch match?" Chang Chu asked.

"It's Snape!" Hermione said, "Snape will be the referee in tomorrow's game. I still remember clearly the last time he cast a spell on Harry! I even don't think Harry can come back this time. It’s a small probability event.”

"But I gave Harry suggestions, but he didn't listen at all!" At this point, Hermione suddenly became angry, "He also said he had to participate!"

"Did Professor Snape cast a spell on Harry's broomstick during the last game?" Chang Chu hammered his left palm with his right hand as if he suddenly understood, "I asked him why he behaved so strangely in that game. , so that’s it.”

But wasn't it me who helped you last time? Wright looked at Hermione a little surprised, shouldn't he invite me this time?

"But isn't it the same if you invite Wright?" Chang Chu asked Wright's doubts.

"That's it," Hermione glanced at Wright, "Last time, Wright helped me with the rattle, but I saw that Wright also gave you a rattle, senior sister, so I wanted to invite you this time. You. And senior sister, you are also the Seeker of the Ravenclaw team, and you can also help with on-the-spot analysis."

"Well, you're right!" Chang Chu glanced at Wright, then patted Hermione on the shoulder with a stinking look on Wright's face, "Let's meet in the auditorium tomorrow! "

"Okay, see you tomorrow, senior!" Hermione nodded eagerly, "Then I'll take my leave now! It's curfew time soon!"

"Wait a mininute."


"Light, the Disillusionment Curse!"

After Hermione disappeared and trotted away, Wright hit Chang Chu on the head with a bang. If a tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm a sick cat! Still not sure who the real head of the family is?

The next afternoon, Wright followed Chang Chu and Hermione outside the locker room of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Ron was also with them. The four people walked into the locker room together and wished Harry good luck, but looking at Harry's expression, it was clear that he still felt that the problem this time was very difficult, and their words seemed to have no effect at all.

After leaving the locker room, Wright and Ron followed the two girls who became increasingly close and found a seat on the top floor of the stands, right next to Neville.

"Neville, long time no see!" Wright said hello to Neville, and Chang Chu also said hello to Neville with a smile.

"Hello." Neville said nervously, as if he couldn't remember who the two people who greeted him were and where they met.

"How is your pet toad Leif? Did you put it over there in the big lake?" Wright's words obviously brought back Neville's memories.

"Let it go! Wright!" Neville looked extremely happy. He didn't know whether he was happy to recognize Wright or to successfully get rid of Leif's entanglement. "Since I followed your advice and put it by the lake, After I went there, it has been living there peacefully. I will go there to visit Leif when I have time, and there are many of Leif’s companions on the edge of the lake.”

"That's good!" Wright nodded.

While Wright and Neville were chatting, and Hermione and Chang Chu were chatting, Mrs. Hooch in the stadium blew her silver whistle, and the game officially started.

At this moment, someone suddenly poked Ron in the back of the head. It was Draco Malfoy.

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