Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 50 Who is Nicoléme, you ask?

"Quiet," Hermione glanced at Ron and whispered, "the knocker will ask questions later."

"But this door knocker is not alive, so how can it talk?" Harry asked.

Hermione ignored Harry's doubts and just walked up to knock on the door.

The mouth of the bronze eagle knocker on the door suddenly opened, and Harry and Ron looked surprised.

"What thing has no arms and legs, and can walk and jump? It can't always run far, it can only run in circles?" The Bronze Eagle asked a question.

Hermione was lost in thought, but Ron behind her was a little impatient.

"What are we doing?" Ron thought what was happening in front of him was extremely funny. "Can't we just go inside?"

"No, this is the rule of Ravenclaw House," Hermione turned to Ron and said, "Everyone who wants to enter the Ravenclaw common room must answer a question on the bronze eagle knocker. Only if you answer correctly will you be let in."

"Then tell me what the answer to this ghost riddle is?" Ron rolled his eyes, "If you ask me, our Gryffindor House common room is the best!"

Ignoring Ron's taunt, Hermione thought for a while and replied to the bronze eagle: "The answer is: clock."

"Yes, the answer is correct." As soon as Bronze Eagle finished speaking, the wooden door opened immediately.

Hermione led the two boys into the Ravenclaw common room. Harry was immediately attracted by the scenery in front of him that was different from the Gryffindor common room. Ron also stopped talking. How nice is the lounge at the Lion Court.

However, the red Lion Academy uniforms worn by Hermione and the three of them were too conspicuous in the blue-based common room, and the Eagle Academy students still in the lounge focused their attention. Hermione and the three of them had just stepped into the lounge. You must know that it is relatively rare for students from the four colleges of the school to visit each other, especially on rest days like today, when everyone usually only stays in the lounge of their own college.

Hermione felt a little uncomfortable with the looks on her face, but fortunately a passing girl saved her from the embarrassment.

"Hermione? Harry? Ron?" Padma Patil came over with a puzzled expression on her face, "Why are you three in the lounge of our college now?"

"Padma, could you please find Senior Wright, the second-year student in your college?" Hermione said to Padma with a little luck. She and Padma were relatively familiar with each other. After all, Padma's twin sister Parvati Patil was sorted into Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat before, and happened to be Hermione's roommate.

"Oh, are you another little groupie who heard about Senior Wright's name?" Padma teased Hermione, but when she saw Ron and Harry standing behind Hermione, she didn't He said too much, "No problem, I'll go right away. But Hermione, I have to remind you that Senior Sister Chang Chu is not someone to be trifled with."

"And I can't guarantee that Senior Wright is in the dormitory right now." Padma winked at Hermione.

Padma smiled and left, leaving Hermione's cheeks slightly red. Harry and Ron looked at each other and shrugged almost simultaneously.

After a while, Wright, who was called over by Padma, appeared in front of the three of them. Wright's clothes were still neat and clean as when they met before, but he couldn't hide the tiredness on his face.

"Hermione~" Just as Wright read out Hermione's name, he suddenly couldn't help but yawned, "And Harry and Ron, how about lunch."

"Light, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so lethargic?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"It's nothing." Wright led the three of them to an empty seat in the corner of the lounge and sat down. "It's just that I was a little too tired last night."

As he spoke, Wright snapped his fingers, and the house elf Gaga immediately brought a plate of biscuits, along with a steaming pot of strong tea.

Wright picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. After using the freezing spell to cool down the tea slightly, Wright picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. The slightly bitter tea bloomed in his taste buds, and he suddenly became more awake.

Dumbledore has been busy with something lately, and he is nowhere to be seen in school all day long. The sparring time with Wright has also become very irregular, and almost every sparring time is very late. Wright doesn't know how this old man who is more than a hundred years old can be so good. Energetic!

After Wright fed Lu Wei last night, he was originally going to go directly to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor to practice alchemy as usual, but he was taken directly to an open space in the Forbidden Forest by Fox, and then there was a meal from Deng Bullido's extremely kind "education of love".

Wright was trained to death last night. Fortunately, there was no class today on Sunday, otherwise he would have missed class. Even so, Wright, who came back almost early in the morning, still slept in the dormitory until Padma woke him up.

"By the way, do you have anything to do with me?" Wright held the cup and asked the trio sitting opposite.

Seeing that Harry and Ron, who had originally come up to ask Wright in great interest, remained silent, Hermione sighed inwardly, Tsk, boys!

"We want to thank Wright for your help to us today." Hermione thanked Wright, "It's just that I haven't had time recently, so it's been postponed until now."

"It's nothing," Wright waved his hand, "It's just a trivial matter. Besides, it wasn't me who saved Harry at that time, it was Fred and George."

"By the way, Wright, has your previous rattle been improved?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Wright smiled and nodded, "It was completely improved just two days ago."

As soon as Wright finished speaking, the four of them fell into an awkward silence. To be honest, Wright didn't have much interaction with the Gryffindor trio opposite him, and there wasn't really much to talk about between the four of them.

Hermione suddenly elbowed Ron in the ribs.

"Ah, yes," Ron spoke immediately, "Wright, we are here to ask you if you know Nicoléme."

"Sorry, this is classified. I can't tell you yet, you have to find it yourself." Wright smiled and shook his head, "Is there anything else?"

"Um, Wright, can't you give us a little hint?" Harry asked, "We have been searching in the library for nearly half a month."

"Sorry." Wright showed a helpless expression to the trio.

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