Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 45 The upcoming Quidditch match

The next morning the weather was clear and cold, and the wind was not strong. The auditorium on the first floor of the castle was filled with the tempting sweet smell of boiled pumpkin. Every student sitting at the long table was looking forward to a wonderful Quidditch match, and they chatted happily.

At the Ravenclaw table.

"Lite, don't you really want to eat some grilled sausage?" Chang Chu held a table knife with a shiny sausage on the knife's surface, "Or you can have some pumpkin porridge. "

"No! I'm in a bad mood! Don't bother me!" Wright sat next to Chang Chu with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Besides, look at the other team members," Wright pointed at Harry on the Gryffindor table. His expression was extremely ugly. It seemed that he didn't have as much appetite as Chang Chu. "Others are How do you know how to keep your nerves high before the competition? "

"I was nervous too," Chang Chu smiled and took a bite of the grilled sausage in his hand, "but yesterday you took me to the school doctor's office and I was fine after drinking a sedative."

"Besides, you're not the only one who didn't answer the Bronze Eagle's question correctly," Chang Chu said vaguely, chewing sausage in his mouth, "Wright, please stop being so vindictive!"

"This is not a grudge!" Wright turned his head and looked at Chang Chu. His nostrils were dilated, looking like he was still angry.

Even after a night, Wright still had not recovered from yesterday's question from the Bronze Eagle.

Wright emphasized, "This is an insult! This is a complete insult! This is an unabashed insult!"

"That stupid brain teaser with the Bronze Eagle Knocker just put my IQ on the floor!"

"Okay, okay," Chang Chu inserted another piece of bread, "I know!"

"You don't know!" Wright's voice suddenly became a little shrill due to excessive annoyance, "You laughed at me yesterday! For two whole hours!"

"Well, well," Chang Chu chewed the bread, "this bread is so delicious."

"Are you still in the mood to eat?" Wright stretched out his hand to snatch the bread from Chang Chu's hand. At this time, he was so angry that he no longer cared about it.

"Huh?" Chang Chu tilted his head, his chin slightly downward, his eyes slightly raised, looking coldly at Wright, who was about to grab her knife.

"Give me some!"

By eleven o'clock, it seemed that all the teachers and students of the school were in the stands around the Quidditch pitch, but the seats on the field were still somewhat insufficient. The seats at the very back looked as if they had been lifted into the air, and the students in the last row were standing directly in the stands.

Wright followed Hermione to the top row. Yes, when Wright walked out of the auditorium with Chang Chu just now, he suddenly bumped into Hermione who was walking out with Harry.

After a simple yet complex exchange, Wright agreed to Hermione's invitation without hesitation and followed her to the Gryffindor stands.

Wright prepared for this game and cheered for Gryffindor himself. Who made Chang Chu so disrespectful!

In the vast world, boys have the most respect, don’t you know?

Oh, there seems to be a Ron following them, but it's not too important.

After Ron climbed to the top row, he directly joined his roommates Neville, Seamus and Dean who had been standing in the stands early in the "Harry Potter support party" prepared for Harry.

In order to surprise Harry, Ron, Seamus and Neville spent a whole week drawing a huge red line with the words "Potter Must Win" on a dirty sheet without Harry's knowledge. The banner depicts a lifelike lion, which is shining with different colors under the sunlight.

"Who drew that lion on the banner?" Wright glanced at the huge banner, then leaned into Hermione's ear and said loudly. The other party couldn't hear clearly without speaking in this way on such a noisy stadium.

"What?" Hermione shouted back.

Wright pointed to the colorful lion next to him.

"Dean drew it," Hermione explained loudly, "It was the magic I added!"

At the same time, in the locker room of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Harry and other players were changing into bright red Quidditch robes.

Wood, the new captain and goalkeeper, cleared his throat loudly, and the talking players fell silent.

"Okay, boys," Wood said, "let's..."

"And the girls." Chaser Angelina Johnson interrupted the captain mercilessly.

"Yes, and girls," Fred agreed loudly.

"Wood, how could you ignore such a beautiful girl!" George also said at the same time.

"Shut up! You two!" Wood waved to the twins, "If your plan is stopped by Mrs. Hooch later, I will never let you go!"

"This is Gryffindor's best team in so many years. We will win, I know it." Wood said as if to cheer himself up.

"But I think last year's team seemed to be better." George ignored his captain's authority at all. He just turned the skateboard in his hand.

"I thought so too," Fred agreed.

"At least Charlie won't talk so much nonsense before the game." they said together.

In the Ravenclaw dressing room on the other side.

The team captain also encouraged the members of the team like Wood, but the effect seemed to be much less effective.

"How are you, are you nervous?" Roger glanced at Chang Chu, who was standing next to him and had already changed into his blue uniform, and asked suddenly.

"Yes, yes, a bit." Chang Chu nodded and swallowed again. She felt that her throat was getting dry at the moment.

"Don't be too nervous," Roger comforted, "I only joined the academy team last year. I was just as nervous as you at that time."

"Then how did you overcome that nervousness?" Chang Chu asked.

"Well, I don't remember exactly," Roger said. "I just remember that I just wanted to compare myself to Terrence. He joined the house teams of our respective houses at the same time as me, but he was Slytherin's recruiter." golfer."

As Roger spoke, he led Chang Chu to the entrance of the Quidditch pitch.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wooden door in front of their door opened with a bang, and the sunlight outside instantly shone on the faces of all the Ravenclaw team members.

Taking a deep breath, Chang Chu tightened the broomstick in his hand and followed the other team members into the stadium.

As the two participating teams entered, the noise on the court immediately turned into cheers.

After all fourteen team members gathered around her, Mrs. Hooch did not immediately announce the start of the game. She just stared silently at the flying skateboards in the hands of Fred and George.

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