Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 40 Chang Chu, Hermione and the troll (please recommend)

In the bathroom.

Chang Chu, who was pretending to be calm, glanced at the giant monster in front of him who was flexing his teeth and claws, and then at Hermione who was screaming non-stop next to him.

"Okay, Hermione," Chang Chu patted Hermione's shoulder with her slightly trembling hand, "Don't worry, someone will come to rescue us soon. Besides, this giant monster can't break these things yet. It’s a super armor protection spell, isn’t it?”

Chang Chu was extremely glad that Wright had given the hem of the skirt to her before, otherwise she would have been able to scream like Hermione next to her.

You must know that when the troll came here, Chang Chu was washing her face with her head down, and the hem of her skirt swayed directly into the air. She did not realize that the hem of her skirt was shaking at all.

Chang Chu was even more fortunate that Wright added a super armor protection to the hem of her skirt instead of some other spell. Otherwise, she would have been hit by the big club that suddenly came from behind.

Then what will happen to you? Chang Chu couldn't even think about it now.

"Yes, really?" Hermione sniffed, looking at the troll outside the tough translucent light film with tearful eyes, and it was about to swing the wooden stick in this direction for the second time.

"Ah!" Hermione suddenly let out a more violent scream.

Harry and Ron outside had no idea that the second blow in the room had been blocked by the super-strong armor. They turned around suddenly and ran back to the door they had just closed, twisting the door frantically. Turning the key, he wanted to rush in and rescue Hermione.

"You two idiots, get out of my way!" The furious Wright had already rushed here. He waved his wand and threw aside the two people standing in front of him.

Not wanting to waste time opening the door, Wright simply tore apart the wooden door to pieces.

It was at this time that Wright finally saw the troll that was emitting a foul smell, as well as the two girls standing opposite the troll, hiding under the protection of super armor.

"Huh..." Wright let out a long breath. As long as nothing happens yet, as long as he is here, there won't be a big problem.

At this time, Wright suddenly found that his back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

"Don't worry, Chang Chu," Wright said to Chang Chu, "I will rescue you soon."

Chang Chu didn't speak, just nodded calmly. Hermione beside her turned her head and looked at her with a strange look in her eyes.

Wright focused on the troll, which was still unaware of his arrival.

He didn't know how Professor Quirrell put this mountain monster into Hogwarts Castle. Yes, this was no ordinary troll, but a mountain monster.

There are three types of trolls. Wizards divide them according to their appearance and habitat: mountain trolls, forest trolls and river trolls. In addition, wizards will also train the more intelligent trolls and use them as troll security guards to guard specific locations.

But the giant monster standing in front of Wright at this time obviously didn't look very smart, even though it was twelve feet tall, with skin as hard as granite and legs as thick as tree stumps, and it was still holding a A thick wooden stick.

"Chang Chu, Hermione, how are you? Are you scared?" Wright turned around to look at Chang Chu and Hermione, and suddenly asked with a smile.

Harry and Ron, who had just come in, couldn't believe that Wright could be so relaxed at this time. Ron even rolled his eyes at Wright.

Ignoring the pain in their backs, Harry and Ron decided to rescue Hermione and the strange girl through their own efforts. Harry grabbed a faucet on the ground and threw it against the wall, while Ron also took a hollow metal pipe from the other side of the room and threw it at the troll. It seemed that the two of them wanted to use their voices to scare the troll away. Confuse.

"Hermione! Come here!" Harry shouted to Hermione as he threw it, "And that girl! Come on!"

But Hermione and Chang Chu did not run out from the protection of the super armor as Harry said.

"I said, haven't you noticed that this giant monster has stopped moving?" Wright said helplessly as he looked at Harry and Ron preparing to try more drastic actions.

"Huh?" Harry immediately stopped his action of jumping on the troll's back, and Ron stopped speaking loudly at this time. After Wright's reminder, they finally discovered the giant monster in the room. It seemed that it had stopped moving since the two of them entered.

In fact, when Wright broke in, he had already used his shadow to control the troll's shadow. Although it is a bit difficult to control the entire shadow of the troll, it is relatively easy to control those key joints. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the time to tease Chang Chu and Hermione who were still in danger.

The translucent protective shield formed by the super armor in front of Chang Chu and Hermione also slowly faded away at this time.

Chang Chu helped Hermione and walked over there. If she hadn't done this, Hermione would have collapsed on the floor.

Ron on the other side took out his wand at this time and poked the mountain troll who was standing still.

"Is it, is it dead?" Hermione, who could already stand on her own, gasped.

"No, not really, I just controlled it." Wright said while slowly stroking the hair of Chang Chu who fell into his arms.

As soon as Wright finished speaking, the troll suddenly let out a huge roar, which immediately startled Ron, and the wand in his hand fell to the ground unsteadily.

"By the way, I forgot about this." Wright pointed his wand first at Chang Chu and then at Hermione, "Dehumidifying Charm, Warming Charm, and Cleaning Charm."

Three consecutive spells immediately restored Chang Chu and Hermione to their original tidiness and cleanliness. The troll broke many things in the bathroom. Except for Wright, the other four people in the room had more or less stains on their bodies. All stained with sewage and dust.

"How did you do it?" Hermione, who seemed to have regained her energy, glanced at Chang Chu in Wright's arms, and suddenly asked Wright a series of questions, "What kind of magic was that protective shield just now? Are you How did you secure this giant monster?"

"Locking spell? No, this spell is only used to lock the door; quick confinement? That's also wrong, that one should summon a rope; your own improved leg-locking spell? Or is it a binding spell?"

"Not actually." Wright shrugged.

At this moment, loud footsteps came from outside the door.

A moment later, Professor McGonagall rushed into the room from the outside first, followed closely by Snape, and behind Snape was Quirrell.

The expressions of the three people were different. Quirrell just glanced at the troll and immediately let out a weak sob. He slumped down on a well-preserved toilet in the bathroom, clutching his chest tightly.

"Xi Zi holding your heart?" I don't know why, but looking at Quirrell's current posture, Wright suddenly thought of a word, but he was immediately disgusted by the scene he thought of.

"It's more appropriate to use Dong Shi Xiao Feng."

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