Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 38 Skirt (please subscribe)

After the Quidditch team trials at the end of the second weekend, Chang Chu spent a lot of time training with the other members of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team almost every day. Especially since Chang Chu was only a second-year student and still played the most important role of seeker in the entire team, which forced her to put in more effort.

Fortunately, this year's Quidditch match started much later than last year. Last year, due to Professor Derwent, there were extracurricular activities for all grades that needed to be carried out almost every weekend. So last year the first Quidditch match officially started at the end of September, but this year's Quidditch Cup will not be held until early November.

To some extent, this gives Chang Chu a lot of preparation time to run in and train with other members of the team to adapt to the competition that will come in November.

As for Eddie, who participated in the Seeker selection with Chang Chu, it seemed much more miserable. Not to mention his poor performance in the Seeker selection, on the Tuesday night of the third week, which was the day before the History of Magic class, , he did not know from which grapevine it was confirmed that Harry had officially assumed the position of Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Eddie was still wondering why Wright never came to fulfill his bet. After all, there would be a History of Magic class on Wednesday. Eddie, who was sure of winning, deliberately delayed finishing last week's History of Magic homework, but was dumbfounded when Wednesday came. Poor Eddie not only had to finish his History of Magic homework at light speed, but he also had to help Wright complete his History of Magic homework overnight.

The next day, when Wright took the History of Magic homework from Eddie with a smile, he also smiled for a long time at the two obvious dark circles on his face.

Unknowingly, Hogwarts passed quietly for more than a month, arriving directly in the middle of October.

Recently, the temperature around the castle has dropped a lot compared to before, and it rains continuously. When Wright occasionally went to Hagrid's place, he would always hear Hagrid complaining that the recent weather had made Rupert the Charmander obviously feel a little unwell.

Slowly, the fireplace in the common room was lit, and the everlasting flame provided a steady stream of comfortable warmth to the students still in the common room.

But Changchu's life became much more difficult.

While Wright was warming the stove in the common room, drinking hot tea, and eating cookies from time to time, Chang Chu could only conduct long training on the Quidditch pitch in the bad weather.

But compared to other members of the team, Chang Chu was still much luckier. After all, the broomstick she used was actually a custom-made one.

The most important thing is that every time Chang Chu uses the broomstick, there will be a professional service staff available around the clock to help deal with her after-sales issues.

Wright specifically based on Chang Chu's usage habits, usage experience, usage feelings and other information, and after summarizing, he re-patched a lot of patches on the broomstick.

With the Warming Charm, the weather outside is really too cold, especially when flying into the sky; with the Dehumidification Charm, the recent rainy weather has made Wright's quilt a little damp, not to mention that it will be a bit damp every day. Chang Chu was training outside; the waterproof spell was added for the same reason as above; the variant of the Bubble Head Charm was added, although Chang Chu would not have a big bubble on his head, it could still effectively block the flying dust outside. Kind of like; plus protective spell, safety guarantee...

Anyway, Wright wasn't afraid that the broomstick wouldn't be fully functional. It was equipped with all the functions it should have and shouldn't have.

The consequence of this is that while other team members can only carry out boring training in the cold wind and icy rain, Chang Chu, who is sitting on the broomstick, is still as warm as spring and can always stay dry.

Although this seemed to cause a little trouble to Chang Chu, Wright still went his own way. After all, he could give in to other things, and safety could not be ignored at all.

The time has quickly come to the end of October.

In the Potions classroom on the basement floor of Hogwarts Castle, there has been a low pressure hovering over the classroom since before the class started. After Snape finally finished his lecture on potions theory in the first lesson, the dull atmosphere finally reached its peak.

"I hope," Snape said in a cold tone, and the hearts of everyone in the classroom began to beat faster with his words, "you don't want to be like those idiots in the first year of Gryffindor. Now, start The preparation of hair erecting potion!”

Wright and Chang Chu looked at each other, and while trying their best to hold back their smiles, they began to divide their work.

It is said that after almost two months, the reputations of Neville Longbottom, the forgotten king of Gryffindor's first year, and Seamus Finnigan, the explosive genius, have already spread to the outside world.

The reason why Snape was in such a bad mood was because last week, these two people directly collaborated to cause a huge chaos in the Potions classroom. At that time, nearly half of the students in the classroom were sent directly to the school doctor's office. inside.

Poor Harry, although he was sitting far away from Neville and Seamus, he was deducted a full twenty points by Snape for not reminding them.

But people are already used to it.

Wright could roughly guess the process of Snape's change in attitude towards Harry.

It is said that after Harry entered school, Snape discovered that except for his eyes, all other characteristics of this child were like his father James Potter. His personality, academy, and even flying talent, he looked just like James Potter. a copy of.

No, Wright suddenly remembered that Snape gave Harry two extra points in the first Potions class in the first year. At that time, he was probably surprised by Harry's long black and beautiful hair.

Otherwise, with Snape's attainments in Occlumency, he would definitely not be so out of control.

After the potions class ended, Wright was not in a hurry to go out with Chang Chu, even though there would be a Halloween dinner later.

"Wright, what are you doing?" Chang Chu glanced at the completely empty classroom and asked Wright.

"Nothing, I just have a small gift for you." Wright said as he took out a small ornament from the Mock bag.

"What is this?" Chang Chu looked at the necklace lying quietly in Wright's hand.

"This is an alchemy tool I made myself," Wright stretched out his hand to Chang Chu, "It's called the skirt."

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