Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 655 Speed ​​up

【Feel sorry! 】

After persuading Mr. Slytherin, this matter is considered to be temporarily resolved.

After saying goodbye to them and Gaia, Browder was about to leave... thinking about what Mr. Slytherin should do now.

But Gaia stopped Broud before he left, and let the others leave first.

"Browder, you should become a god sooner! This way you can create more divine avatars! The alien project can also start earlier!"

Browder frowned, "Are you suddenly in a hurry? Has something dangerous happened?"

Browder is now really worried that the robot world will launch a general attack on the Gaia world before their plan is completed.

"There is no problem." Gaia said unclearly, "but I just think it's better to go faster! Especially after listening to Slytherin..."

Is it a whim similar to Nanchou? Feeling threatened from other worlds?

Maybe Gaia's induction will be more accurate than the male ugly!

Browder nodded, "I know I will speed up!"

Although increasing the speed of becoming a god now is equivalent to expanding the belief and increasing the risk of being polluted by the poison of belief, but as long as Braud is more diligent and attentive, he can also bear such a burden.


【Feel sorry! Please wait another hour! Feel sorry! 】

No one denied Professor Moody's statement... Judging from his suspicious and neurotic behavior, his office must have been cast with many warning spells and even wounding spells. It is not surprising to die if you accidentally get hit.

It may be because Moody caused too much trouble to the Ministry of Magic when he lived outside after retirement, so Dumbledore came up with the idea of ​​letting him become a professor... Not to mention, after becoming a professor, Moody seems to be I feel much more energetic, not so nervous anymore.

Professor Moody continued to inspect the scene, collected the leftover blood of the guy who ran away, put it into a small bottle, and said to the others, "If Dumbledore agrees, I have a person from Africa You can curse the other party with blood, so you can find out who it is!" As long as the person has the corresponding curse symptoms, he must be a suspect.

Professor McGonagall felt that this was not acceptable, it was too cruel.

Harry looked down at the texture of the floor... the eyeballs were punched out, which was far worse than a curse!

But what a coincidence! According to Professor Snape's description just now, the intruder also had his left eye cut... just like Professor Moody!

And according to the description, the more Harry listened, the more he felt that the person who was fighting with him in the ordinary invisibility cloak just now looked like the first person to go out after receiving Voldemort's order in his dream!

Did that person receive the order to sneak into Hogwarts? So before Ron was knocked out, was it because of this person? Very likely!

So what is his current identity?

It's really curious!

Will it...

Harry looked at the professors around him...could he be hiding among them?


Harry still got the gills weed he wanted as he wished, and was given to him by Professor Snape in a bottle filled with sea water.

Professor Snape said that because of Harry, his office did not suffer too much damage, so it was a thank you gift.

Well, it can be legitimately given to him as a thank you gift.

It's just that the seawater in it needs to be replaced frequently, otherwise, if one is not handled properly, the quality of the gills will easily deteriorate... This makes Harry feel a little troublesome.

There are more than ten days before the second round of competition. How many times will the water be changed?

And... where does the sea water come from? Harry was having a headache.

After Harry left, several professors met again in the staff office!

In the meeting, when it was determined that Dumbledore would not come back in the next two days, a professor investigation team headed by Professor Moody was formed for the search plan for the escaped man.

After confirming that there are no professors in the school or that the little wizard suddenly disappeared,

Several professors thought they were secretly looking for the wizard who had lost an eyeball and scratched his back.

In order not to allow the other party to use other people to make up for the crime, Professor Moody asked Professor Snape to talk about his unique magic spell - the characteristic of the shadowless front.

The same is scratches, but the injuries caused by different spells are not the same. Since there is no one else who is capable of being blind, as long as the wound conforms to the characteristics of this curse, there is no way to quibble!

Unless Professor Snape himself scratched someone else.

The professors all thought this method was good, and listened carefully to Professor Snape's explanation.

Just explaining the injury situation, Snape didn't hide it, and explained what kind of injury he thought it would cause.

Once is enough!

The professors went to look for the injured.

Time is running out! Although it is difficult for Shenfeng Wuying to be healed quickly as black magic, but after a few days, it is considered completely cured and there is no problem.

The same goes for the eyeball...Although Professor Snape knocked out the person's left eyeball, he was also sure that his Magic Front Shadowless only hurt the eyeball and not the socket, so he poured one or two magic tricks into it. medicine, should. It will grow back soon!

So, everything is fast! This is the only way to catch that person.

With such an investigation method, after a day...they still haven't found anyone who was seriously injured inside Hogwarts

But that person was soon discovered.

But...the other party was already dead when he was discovered.

It was Hagrid and his Fang who discovered it because of the smell of blood. The place of death was deep in the Forbidden Forest, and the corpse had been bitten by small insects, but the time of death did not exceed one day.

But the more critical point is the identity of the dead person!

He, it's Barty Crouch!


"What? Crouch? That's impossible!"

Professor McGonagall, who came to the staff office, still couldn't believe the news he received after the curfew at night.

"Hagrid found Crouch during his inspection, and Moody and Snape have already rushed over to check it!" Professor Flitwick poured a cup of hot tea for Professor McGonagall, "And I just notified Pride Ro... Scrimgeour said he'd be here in a moment."

Professor McGonagall sat on the chair, holding hot tea, but her heart was very cold... She couldn't figure out what was going on this year?

Obviously, the previous three years had been a lot of things, and it was also very "difficult", but this year, two people have died before half the school year has passed... If you count the murder of Fudge, which seems to be inextricably linked, that is There are three.

Professor McGonagall has taught at Hogwarts for half his life, and he has never seen such a thing.

Even if you add her aunt's life experience, this is very rare... and the one who died was not a little wizard in the school, but a wizard working from outside.

Coupled with the fact that every part of this incident revealed a close connection with Voldemort, Professor McGonagall was even more disturbed.

I was so uneasy that Professor McGonagall sent three consecutive messages in a secret way, telling him to come back quickly.

Now Hogwarts can no longer lack Dumbledore's seat.

Not long after Professor McGonagall came back, Scrimgeour had already arrived with a few Aurors. Scrimgeour is also a little emotional... He has come to Hogwarts too frequently in the past few years, almost catching up with the situation when he was in school.

And Scrimgeour had just arrived, and before he could ask more about what happened, Moody, Snape and Hagrid had already returned with Barty Crouch's body.

They put Barty Crouch on the ground so Scrimgeour could see it.

Barty Crouch looked exactly like the injury Snape had described before.

The left eyeball disappeared, and there was a deep bone scratch on the back, and the invalid invisibility cloak was still on his body... It matched the fragments of the invisibility cloak found at the scene, and part of the texture of the upper and lower half overlapped, forming a gram Crest of the Rauch family.

After Snape's examination, the wound on his back was indeed in line with Shen Feng Wuying's injury.

However, the cause of Barty Crouch's death was not the excessive blood loss caused by the two wounds, but the lung perforation caused by the scratch on the back that just made a cut in the lung... Then he must die before he dies. is very painful. Not only was he struggling to get out of breath, but his lungs were getting smaller and smaller, he couldn't speak, and he couldn't ask for help.

This should also be the reason why he escaped from Hogwarts after being injured, but fell to the ground in the Forbidden Forest... That position was only ten meters away from the range of the anti-apparition spell.

It's just that although everything is very reasonable, Snape still feels that something is wrong.

Because it's so reasonable!

Snape hadn't actually used Shadowless on anyone else before, so he didn't know exactly what the spell would look like after it hit.

What he said earlier was his guess... it might be exactly the same, it might be very different, so he said a middle value.

He also wanted to examine the discrepancy himself after spotting the suspect.

But now, this wound that completely matched his best guess made him suspect...suspecting that the wound was fake.

He suspects that Crouch was murdered.

And the person who met Snape's suspected murderer's condition was someone who knew the injury of Shenfeng Wuying that Snape himself said before.

That is... within the three professors Moody, McGonagall and Flitwick!

Unless they shared the information with others, the murderer must be among them.

The thought struck Snape with mixed feelings... but he had no proof.

The others didn't know what Snape was thinking, they were just still wondering what was going on.

Several professors had not reported to the Aurors about the invasion of Snape's office before, so Scrimgeour didn't know about it before.

Although Scrimgeour was reported to Scrimgeour after discovering the body this time, Scrimgeour still doesn't understand the whole process... He was suddenly told that Barty Crouch's body was found, what expression should he make?

Looking at Old Batty's body here, Scrimgeour took a few deep breaths, his expression became very calm, and he asked about the specific situation.

Snape told all the situation in the same calm words without any subjective conjectures of his own, allowing Scrimgeour to have a more comprehensive understanding.

Hearing that this matter might have something to do with the Dark Lord Voldemort because of the appearance of the dark green snake, Scrimgeour suddenly asked furiously why the professors didn't report it to him immediately?

"I think we can do well!" Moody answered what he most wanted to answer, without changing at all because of Scrimgeour's anger.

"Forget it! Alastor! You are old! You have caused me enough trouble in the past two years. Now that you are here to retire at Hogwarts, do you want to cause me more trouble?" Scrimgeour directly responded to Moody in a rage, without saving him any face.

Also, having been colleagues for decades, the two of them already know each other very well.

"Rufus, calm down! We don't want to encounter this kind of situation!"

At this time, Dumbledore suddenly walked in from the door unexpectedly... Professor McGonagall's three fatal serial calls took effect.

Dumbledore who came back suddenly calmed down everyone at the scene... This is Dumbledore's charm.

Don't look at Scrimgeour always trying to disagree with Dumbledore in private, but it's not very aggressive in front of him.

After calming down the scene, Dumbledore walked up to Barty Crouch's body, looked at his miserable state, and sighed.

Why is this!

"Severus, are you sure old Batty is the one you fought against?" Dumbledore asked Snape without taking his eyes off old Batty's body.

"..." Snape was silent for a moment before saying, "No, I'm not entirely sure."

Snape didn't speak out about his speculation, but everyone heard that he had something special to say...but it didn't mean anything.

Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then turned to Moody and asked, "Alastor, is the blood found outside Severus's office kept in your place?"

Moody nodded, and found a bottle of blood from his pocket... Although it was well preserved, the upper layer was oxidized and blackened a lot.

Dumbledore took the blood bottle, took out his wand and tapped it.

With the activation of Dumbledore's magic power, the blood in the blood bottle flew out drop by drop, and then... all of it fell into Barty Crouch's body.

It's confirmed, the blood belongs to Barty Crouch.

Dumbledore's expression was also very serious.

The combination of these clues is basically equivalent to a stone hammer! Barty Crouch was the one who sneaked into Snape's office and didn't know what to steal.

But even if all the evidence in front of him is certain, Dumbledore still doesn't believe that old Barty would do such a thing!

Because this matter involved Voldemort! If old Batty is really identified as the prisoner this time, it can also be confirmed that he is Voldemort's subordinate.

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