Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 639 Surprised No-Maj Professor

Because I couldn't believe it, Agent Scarlett, who could call the shots, asked Hermione to use the spell she used before.

When seeing Miss Granger easily cast a spell with a high level, Agent Scarlett and the others were shocked beyond words.

"Are all British wizards so powerful?" Agent Scarlet blurted out, "Last year or the year before? I also read in the newspaper that a young wizard at school in England developed a verification witchcraft against the Imperius Curse." , the method is profound, the professors we sent in the past had a hard time learning it, and that Harry Potter, if you include Miss Granger... I even want to go to the British wizarding world."

"What? Don't the wizarding schools in the United States teach combat spells? You must learn the spells for self-defense!" Hermione asked a little speechlessly.

Agent Scarlett shook her head, "It's almost a spell for self-defense! The one I learned the most is Mantra, which is a universal spell after all! The disarming spell was only learned after I became an Auror."

The corners of Hermione's mouth trembled slightly, and she was even more speechless.

In fact, after so many trips, Hermione found that it seems that the young wizards in other countries have not learned any profound wizarding knowledge...

Obviously, the American magic world seems to be the most open. Even here is a new country formed by immigrants, and there is no pure-blood wizard family in the whole country. But in terms of knowledge blockade, it is even worse than other countries.

On the contrary, although the United Kingdom seems to be the oldest and conservative, it is more open in the dissemination of knowledge.

Judging from the disdainful attitude of some young wizards from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang when they first came to England, Hermione knew that foreign wizards were not very friendly here. I can catch my eye.

Even the young wizards of their two schools didn't quite get out of the carriages and warships at first.

But then it was really fragrant!

The library has become the most frequented place among them.

Because they can also learn a lot of ancient knowledge here. Not available at their own schools, or hard to come by...

Hogwarts can even read the restricted section of the library as long as the professor writes a note. Isn't this open enough?

Combining the situation in the UK with the situation in other countries, Hermione felt that she could write a thesis on it!

When I go back, I will publish it inside the Dueling Club, so that everyone will cherish the opportunity to gain knowledge even more after reading it.

Oh, right! And dueling clubs!

Thinking about it this way, the club founded by Browder is indeed a great club... Apart from other things, I have now developed a strength that can amaze even American Aurors. This is really due to being in the Dueling Club I have been taught!

After finishing all the records and tests, Hermione had a friendly chat with Agent Scarlett.

Hermione was also asking Agent Scarlett if some travel information she had found in England was accurate.

Agent Scarlett looked at the information Hermione took out and said that there were no mistakes or omissions.

But most of these travel places will kill foreign tourists' money, so she doesn't recommend going there.

Even for Agent Scarlett, there's not much to recommend in all of New York.

She even recommends going to Boston!

Because Agent Scarlett is a Bostonian herself.


Boston is the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, and the largest city in New England in the northeastern United States.

Founded in 1630, Boston is located on the Atlantic coast of the northeastern United States. It is one of the oldest and most culturally valuable cities in the United States.

Boston was originally built by Puritans who came from England. Therefore, most of the residents of Boston at that time were Puritans from England.

John Winthrop, the original ruler of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, delivered a famous sermon entitled "A Paradigm of Christian Charity" in which Boston had a special covenant with God.

Winthrop also led the signing of the Cambridge Agreement,

This agreement is considered a key document in the creation of the city.

Puritan ethics shaped an extremely stable, well-structured society in Boston. For example, shortly after Boston was founded, the Puritans founded the Boston Latin School (1635), the first public school in the United States, and Harvard University (1636), the first university in the United States.

However, because the British government had just won the Seven Years War after winning the French War, in order to pass on the military burden of the war, plunder the various resources of the colonies, strengthen its control and squeeze on the North American colonies, and wanted to fully control the thirteen British offices in the United States. The colony, however, triggered the famous Boston Tea Party in American history in Boston, and eventually led to the more famous American War of Independence.

Chicken and eggs, is the result!

But in fact, from the very beginning, among the British Puritans who came to Boston to establish, there were some wizards from England. Later, Boston became bigger and bigger, and wizards who couldn't stay in England also found new places to go.

The other colonies in North America were almost in a similar situation.

This also led to the fact that after the United States finally became independent, the American magic world was actually similar to the American No-Maj society.

That is, although the main Ministry of Magic is in New York, every state in the United States has its own small Ministry of Magic for self-government. Smaller states with similar source components will unite, but not many.

It sounds complicated.

When the country grows, it is prone to regional blackness... Aurors like Agent Scarlett have this situation, let alone other people.

However, Hermione still listened to Agent Scarlett's recommendation. She decided to travel to New York for a few days, and her next stop was to visit Boston!

Boston has Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Like Oxford University and Cambridge University, it is also a place where Hermione wanted to study when she was a child... I don’t know if I can go to study after graduating from Hogwarts .

Even if you can't go, it should be possible to visit it!


In Somerville, north of Boston, a Boston University professor and his students are waiting in the mountains for what they want to find.

Although not as famous as Harry University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University is also the third largest private university in the United States and has its own pursuit.

What the professor will lead his students to look for this time is a bird that was considered extinct a hundred years ago... Passenger pigeons, also known as wandering birds.

The discovery of the passenger pigeon was told to him by another student of the professor. The student said that his friend took a picture of a bird he had never seen before while he was sketching in the wild, and showed it to him. After he saw it, he was very sure that it was a passenger pigeon.

But when I went back to look for it again, I couldn't find it again.

The professor didn't believe this kind of nonsense at first, the passenger pigeon was extinct a hundred years ago! Later, people all over the United States searched for it, but never found any. How could it appear now?

And the climate here in Boston is not suitable for passenger pigeons. Even if there are passenger pigeons, it is impossible to appear on the Atlantic coast!

But when the professor saw more than a dozen photos that the students showed him, he became restless.

This is indeed a living passenger pigeon! All characteristics are the same as passenger pigeons.

And there are photos ranging from resting on the branches to flying away again, which is not the feeling of fake posing.

After confirming the authenticity of the photo, the professor's heart became hot!

If it can be reconfirmed that passenger pigeons still exist in this world, it will be a great discovery for him, for Boston University, and even for the United States!

After all, the United States has completely wiped out hundreds of millions of passenger pigeon populations in just one hundred years, but many foreign scholars have accused the United States of cruel classics.

So if you can find a passenger pigeon, or even catch a living passenger pigeon, it means a lot.

As a professor, he can definitely win most of the honors.

So, this time the scientific research operation started.

According to that student friend, they came to Somerville and went to this mountain forest.

In this mountain forest, the professor and his students did not find passenger pigeons, but some clues they found made them more convinced that passenger pigeons were indeed active here.

Because they found an oak forest in this mountain forest, and found passenger pigeon feathers on several oak trees.

This means that there are indeed passenger pigeons resting here and devouring the acorns.

This made the professor and his students so excited that they set up camp here!

Waiting for the passenger pigeon to pass by again.

After waiting for several days in a row, a student's excited voice came from the tent disguised as a tree.

He saw it! About three passenger pigeons flew over from the south together.

Three together! This gives more confidence to teach them.

As long as one can be left behind, then they can announce... If they can catch all three, that would be even better!

Greed arises in the minds of all.

The bitterness of the past few days is finally going to be rewarded with success!


Although I don't want to admit it, individual passenger pigeons are still the same as they were a hundred years ago.

Quite stupid!

Very simply, they were all captured by the professors who had prepared for a long time.

But there is no way around this. Passenger pigeons are group animals. The idea of ​​sacrificing themselves to protect the group has always existed, and they have no response to individual dangers.

Teach them very excited.

But at this moment, the only female student in the group discovered a situation.

"Professor Revere, look! There are things tied to the feet of these passenger pigeons!"


Shocked by these words from the beautiful longing, the professor looked at the feet of these passenger pigeons.

Indeed, every passenger pigeon has a small cylinder tied to its foot.

This is a very clear trace of artificial breeding, which belongs to private property... This professor can't study it casually.

This...damn it! Who dares to feed extinct animals! I want to report him!

The angry professor tore off a small cylinder from the leg of a passenger pigeon, and took out a piece of paper from it.

Open it up...

This Professor Riddle passed out!

The other students were startled. The professor is out of breath?

Another student picked up the piece of paper, glanced at it casually...and passed out too!

The others also understood that what confused the professor was the content on this piece of paper.

But what content can make two men dizzy one after another just by looking at it?

The other students were very curious, but they didn't dare to take that piece of paper anymore!

In the end, it was the only female classmate who went over and picked up the paper.

But when she glanced subconsciously, her eyes still went dark... She didn't completely faint, but she was also dazed and about to fall down.

And the strangest thing was that the piece of paper suddenly ignited spontaneously without any fire...the last bit of ashes did not remain.

This supernatural situation made all the students dare not breathe a sigh of relief!


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