Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 354 Griffin, Norbeta

Although it is called "Bird's Nest", it is actually a huge hemisphere...Browde built it with reference to the pterosaur pavilion in "Jurassic World".

However, when Harry ran to the bird's nest, he found a big hole in the roof—if there were pterosaurs, they would fly out.

When Harry was taken aback, he hurried inside to check.

Then saw Hagrid holding a long wooden board like a shield with one hand, and a stone the size of a football in the other.


After an eagle's hooves, Harry looked up and saw a huge griffin flying down at a high speed, its two pointed front claws were pointing at Hagrid who was defending with wooden boards.

Harry wanted to yelp...but how could the plank have been attacked by the griffin?

And it also has to add the weight that it fell down at an extremely fast rate... You should dodge it now!

But just as Harry was about to speak, he saw Buckbeak hiding behind Hagrid... It was only a day or two after he was born, and Buckbeak still couldn't fly!

Hagrid is protecting it, so can't leave?

Harry's head was hot, and he was about to draw out his wand to save Hagrid and the others.

But the next moment, Harry saw Hagrid and Buckbeak disappear!

Disappeared very abruptly.

The griffin, which has reached the final stage of its attack, did not expect this to happen...but it did not continue to attack because of this. Even at the extreme distance close to the ground, the griffin still kept flapping its wings. The kinetic energy brought the griffin to fly again.

The flight path is a "V" shape.

Harry looked with his mouth wide open...

Don't look at the fact that the griffin is honest and honest most of the time in Yanglong Manor, but that's because Anna who caught it is much stronger than it, so the griffin That's why I'm naturally cowardly!

After all, if you are not careful, you may be killed!

In a normal environment, the griffin is a top predator... Think about what it was doing when Broud saw it for the first time.

It is attacking the little Charmander Nobetta! How can an ordinary predator have the guts?

In the sky, the griffin's agility is still higher than that of the fire dragon. With the help of their powerful wings and soft body, they can make their bodies have powerful explosive power.

Moreover, they have sharp claws and beaks, and even their hind legs, which are not usually used for attack, are very powerful... Ordinary people can basically clean up and die after being kicked on.

So it's not a particularly difficult time for Griffin to make such an action.

The wisdom of predation made the griffin start to think about how to kill that little guy under the protection of the wizard.

But before the griffin flew very high, Hagrid appeared suddenly again!

This time Hagrid didn't appear in place, but on the back of the Griffin!


The griffin, who was not used to being ridden, immediately noticed that there was an extra person on its back, and its flight trajectory immediately became very intense.

However, Hagrid's hands and feet were tightly bound to the griffin's body. Even if the griffin flew backwards, Hagrid didn't have the slightest change to be thrown off.

A haughty creature like the Gryphon immediately goes berserk... It's okay to be suppressed by the fire dragon,

Do humans still want to ride me?

The frenzied griffin didn't care about the little hippogriff at this moment, and turned to attack humans.

And the human being caught by the griffin below... is only Harry!

So after turning around in the sky again, the Griffin didn't care that there was still a person on it, and threw its sharp claws at Harry again.

"Ha... Li, hurry up..." The strong wind pressure made it very difficult for Hagrid to say a complete sentence.

Facing such an attack, Harry wasn't particularly panicked.

Just disappear like Hagrid did just now!

"Sai, Sai Sai..." Harry's mouth trembled.

Sissy appeared in an instant, then hugged Harry's arms and disappeared with him.

When Harry disappeared this time, the griffin was even closer to the ground, so it hit the ground hard without even reacting.

The effect of force is reciprocal, so the griffin hoofed tragically.

However, this force was also transmitted to Hagrid, so Hagrid couldn't continue to hang on the griffin this time, and was bounced by this force... A lot of the lion's body was torn off from his hands and mouth. The feathers on the neck of the eagle head.

The pain in the neck made the griffin even crazier. When it saw the position, its hind legs aimed at the position of Hagrid, who had been thrown into the sky, and kicked it.

Even Hagrid would have a hard time withstanding this kick if it was real.

Just at this critical moment, a blue figure quickly descended.

It fell between Griffin and Hagrid.


The griffin's hind legs kicked on the blue figure's body, but it only made her stagger, and there were no more injuries.

And Hagrid had already been caught by her.

She is Nobeta.

"Mr. Harry Potter!" Sai Sailian gasped a few times, "According to your order, I asked the other house elves to invite Miss Norberta over here! She is the closest to here."

"Good job, Xersey!" Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Harry really just sent the house-elves over to help, it would be nice to have Norbeta over!

Now Norbeta is bigger than Griffin, so the situation has changed.

After confirming that Hagrid was fine, Norbeta stood up on her back legs all of a sudden, and then roared at the griffin.


Although it is a female dragon, when it is really provoked, it is more terrifying than a male dragon!

The griffin was instantly paralyzed... The momentum transmitted from Nobeta was already very similar to the red dragon that caught it!

Moreover, the griffin still landed on the ground, and if it wanted to escape now, it might not be able to escape.

You will be attacked the moment you fly!

But... what happened next made all the creatures on the scene unexpected.

Because after Nobeta roared, she suddenly grew up!

Really growing up!

From the height of a two-story building, it has grown to the height of a four-story building!

The griffin just got down on the ground... Surrender, surrender completely! Your Majesty Queen is what you say!

If the griffin dared to resist when it was in Norbeta's previous size. Facing Norbeta of this size, the griffin didn't even dare to run away... I just hope it doesn't eat me!

Hagrid, who was in a daze, saw Norberta getting bigger like this, and suddenly became sober!

The expression is silly!

And Harry on the other side is also stupid!

Both of them thought of a situation...

How is Norbeta's current appearance so similar to that giant fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest?


Harry had heard Draco and Ron talk about how Broder's dragons could get smaller... one of them, a little white female, loved being as big as a throw pillow.

But what if not just getting smaller, but also getting bigger?

Thinking back to the huge fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest, it seems that the rumors about it only started in the past two or three years, that is, after Browder entered school... Harry was not so calm.

Browder...is too capable of making trouble, right?

Harry seemed to suddenly know how the basilisk was destroyed by Browder!

On the other side, Hagrid, who was stroking Norbeta, who had returned to its original size, thought of the huge fire dragon that covered the sky and the sun that he had seen in the White Forest back then.

Could it be that Browder also raised it?

Hagrid was lost in thought.

He really wants to ask Browder now...

Can I try to ride that giant dragon, please?

It must be very majestic!


Hagrid and Harry didn't say anything about the huge dragon's conjecture.

When Browder, who got the news later, came here again, they didn't say anything.

I feel... some things are better left unsaid!

As for Browder, when he heard the house-elf report about Nobeta's sudden increase in size, he guessed what Hagrid and Harry could guess!

However, as long as they don't ask, everything can be treated as if nothing happened.

If there is a secret that must be silenced if it is discovered by others, then no one around Browder is actually alive.

In fact, many people know that Browder is extremely cunning in doing things.

But no matter how cunning the strategy is, after being used by him, it will appear so righteous in the eyes of others.

Even if you don't know the reason, you will be willing to help him keep the secret.

This is because Browder gives others the impression that he is grand.

He is an upright person...just not to lie to others, many people can't learn it even if they want to learn it!

And Browder is also very honest... It is not easy to open a store so that others praise it!

And most people in the world, even if they use upright strategies, they act like villains... This is the influence of not being upright.

This is a kind of golden body.

However, before a golden body like Barty Crouch was broken and plummeted, Browder actually didn't want to cast such a golden body.

Therefore, only people around Browder will feel that he is very trustworthy.

The rest... Browder really doesn't care.

In addition, for the handling of the Griffin, Browder just let Norberta throw it back to its own territory.

Because Browder didn't think there was any big mistake in his actions due to the nature of animals, he decided to punish him by eating less for a few days... and let Nobertad visit its territory more.

In addition, it is to move the "bird's nest" away!

It seems that this bird's nest is not suitable for Yanglong Manor.

Anyway, Browder has the most manors, so just find one.

Griffins are completely carnivorous animals and cannot live in groups by nature.

But hippogriffs are different. They have horse genes and eat vegetarian food, so they can live in groups.

So Browder's plan is to train the Hippogriff as his third family.

It's really cool to ride!

It just so happened that Buckbeak would be raised for a few more days, and Hagrid could take him away when his weight reached normal. Then stick to it for a few days before transferring, so that you don't have to reveal the new, um... the location of Junying Manor!

Browder suddenly wanted to complain... I don't know why the word hippogriff can be translated into such a simple and beautiful word as "Hippogriff", but why it is translated into such a long word as "Hippogriff".

It's hard to write.

The same goes for the medical wing... How many times has it been complained by people who haven't read the original translation?

There are so many pots in the first generation of translation!

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