"Professor, you must have been worrying too much recently," Mitchell McGann advised. "Maybe you are not in good spirits, so..."

"If you are really tired, we can turn the ship around now and send you back to shore to rest for a few days, or even a few weeks before setting off." Mitchell McGann suggested.

"No, no, I'm in good health and I'm mentally alert." Professor Frolov shook his head and refused, "I can complete this scientific expedition. I'm not forcing it."

"The brief contact with the deep divers last time gave me a great exposure to the real side of the world, but it also left me with too many questions." Professor Frolov "I can't figure it out. I can't understand it either." .”

"Then don't think about it, Professor." Mitchell McGann comforted, "We will have the answer here. When you complete this scientific expedition mission, Mr. Tiera will give you the answer in our library and We have all the answers to these questions in our database.”

"Forget it, Mitchell. I'm a little tired." Professor Frolov gently interrupted Mitchell McGann's persuasion, "Help me go back and have a rest."

"Okay professor." Mitchell McGann also saw Professor Frolov's resistance to the topic of Tiera, so he very wisely did not persuade him.

Professor Frolov and Mitchell McGann slowly left the fishing boat's mess hall and walked towards the room assigned to them. Along the way, Professor Frolov silently thought about all the doubts he encountered, and his heart was very heavy.

After entering the professor's room, Professor Frolov immediately saw the pale-faced Jeffrey Rocky lying on the bed, resting on the bed. It was obvious that this pampered wizard was not used to the bumpy weather at sea.

"Professor, please drink tea." Mitchell McGann went out for a while, and then came back with three cups of hot tea in a hot water bottle. One of them was placed on the bedside table next to Jeffrey Rocky's bed. The rubber rope was tied, and a cup was placed in Professor Frolov's hand: "Professor, you need to take a good rest, or go to a doctor to check your body. There is a ship's doctor on the ship."

"I don't. Thank you. Thank you. I don't need a doctor. My body is fine. I just need more time to think." Professor Frolov took the thermos cup, but did not drink it, but held it in his hand. His eyes were always staring at the ocean in the distance.

"I've been thinking about it. I always thought that science could explain everything, but my contact with the deep divers and you has shattered my delusion."

Professor Frolov sighed, gathered his thoughts, and faced Mitchell McGann's concern, he tried to calm down the confusion in his heart.

"Mitchell, I admit that my recent experience has made me feel confused and confused. I am not even sure whether my current experience is real or whether I am in a long-lasting dream that I cannot wake up from. That kind of existence has a strong sense of Feelings, and things beyond scientific knowledge, make me feel at a loss." Professor Frolov said softly, "However, as a scholar, we cannot shrink back because of confusion, but should face the unknown more bravely. "

Mitchell McGann listened to the professor's words quietly. He knew that Professor Frolov was a highly professional scientist, but at this moment he seemed a little fragile and confused——

Just like the first time she saw the moon beast, those terrifying dream creatures were so terrifying that they almost caused her to have a mental breakdown, especially the time she was imprisoned as a slave, which she never wanted to think about in her entire life. hell experience.

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