Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 731 Encouragement to Learn

"You mean these bruises are related to Voldemort?" Blerim asked.

"Voldemort controlled you to wander around Hogwarts while you were sleeping, searching for a precious treasure that I had hidden in Hogwarts." Tiera explained.

"Is it the Philosopher's Stone?" Brilim asked.

"Ah?" Tiera was really shocked this time, "How did you know?"

"Everyone is spreading rumors," Blelim said ignorantly, "that there is a magic stone that is about to be formed in the castle."

"How did everyone know?"

"Senior Ron went to Hogsmeade Village before and said this after he was drunk and dizzy." Blilim continued to answer.

"Ron again. Forget it, I know how he knew." Tiera sighed helplessly, then rubbed her eyebrows.

He did intend to use this news to catch Voldemort, but he hoped that the effect would be to let Harry know. If Harry knew, it would be equivalent to Voldemort knowing.

So he only warned Hermione verbally not to leak the secret, and did not stop it through magical means.

But he still underestimated the combination of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Don't worry about this matter." Tiera said, "You are not the only victim. Voldemort also used this curse to control other students. Find the Philosopher's Stone for him."

"You don't have to worry about the sequelae of this curse. It's just a very simple curse that uses dreams as a channel to control the victim's body. I will teach this class when you are admitted to college." Tiera continued to comfort you.

"Thank you, Mr. Tiela." Blelim bowed to Longirsu with great gratitude.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do as a teacher and the actual person in charge of the school." Tiera explained.

"Mr. Tiera," Blilim suddenly said worriedly, "will Voldemort take revenge on me if he finds out?"

"You are just an inconspicuous one among his countless tools." Tiera sighed, feeling a little helpless at Blelim's self-righteous idea of ​​ownership. "Instead of worrying about Voldemort's revenge, you should worry about your final exam. The problem."

"If you don't do well in the exam and your stipend for the next semester is reduced," Tiera prolonged her voice deliberately, "that would be more terrifying and more realistic than Voldemort settling a score with you. You can no longer go to Hogmore with your classmates. When you were in Decun, you bought, bought, and ate as much as you wanted. You can no longer afford the magic potions that nourish your parents’ bodies every month, and you can no longer—”

"I, I know, Mr. Tiera!" Blilim said with some excitement and shame.

"Okay, now that you have realized your mistake, then you can study hard for the exam." Tiera smiled with satisfaction. He felt that he was a really good teacher. "As for Voldemort, please believe me and Hogg." The other teachers at Wards, we'll take care of everything."

Then, Tiera flicked her fingers and gently sent Blelim out of the black magic laboratory.

"There's still one month left. Make good use of it. It's impossible to get an O in every subject, but it's still easy to get an E or an A." Before closing the door, Tiera's words came through the crack in the door.

Blilim took a deep breath and made up his mind again, preparing to use this month to get good results in the exam.

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