Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 713 A new “variable”

"Wait a minute, I have some questions about this plan!" At this time, Arthur Weasley suddenly stood up, faced Tiera, and said: "I don't agree with your idea, we are discussing this plan, just As if Muggles were an object."

"This seems inconsistent with what you said at the beginning, that Muggles are equal to us." Arthur Weasley seemed to be scared, but he was looking directly at Tiera.

The wizards in the audience began to whisper. It seemed that many people were shocked and stupid at Arthur's behavior.

And Tiera——

Then he looked at Arthur Weasley in surprise.

Because in Tiera's eyes, Arthur Weasley is no longer Arthur Weasley, but has become a "variable".

Tiera suppressed her face twitching due to excitement, smiled slightly, and said to Arthur Weasley: "Mr. Weasley, first of all, thank you very much for your questions and suggestions on this plan. Our discussion just now, in fact, It’s about exploring how to achieve equality and harmonious coexistence between Muggles and wizards.”

"It is true that we cannot regard Muggles as an object, but it is undeniable that in the past few hundred years, the gap between wizards and Muggles did exist. The main purpose of this plan is to eliminate this gap and let Wizards enjoy the fruits of the development of Muggle science and technology, and at the same time, Muggles can also enjoy the magic brought by wizard magic." Tiera said with a smile, "This idea is good, but the two have not communicated for centuries. Contact between groups will inevitably lead to a certain degree of sacrifice and sacrifice.”

Tiera paused and continued, "Are you more willing to sacrifice more on our side? Or are you more willing to sacrifice more on the Muggle side? Huh?"

"But Muggles are so fragile. They can't even use magic. Shouldn't we wizards protect them?" Arthur Weasley asked doubtfully.

"Oh, my Mr. Weasley, Muggles are not called fragile." Tiera corrected, "A more accurate description should be that the upper limit of individual power of Muggles is not as high as that of wizards. Therefore, Muggles Paying more attention to the strength of the collective has resulted in the power of the Muggle group being much higher than that of the wizarding group."

"What I hope you understand is that the communication and collision between the two societies of Muggles and wizards is not a one-on-one wizard duel. It does not mean that I send a wizard here and they send a Muggle. Let's talk, and if it's okay, we'll have a one-on-one duel. The winner will continue talking, and the loser will die." Tiera said, "With our current unprepared and loose wizard organization, we have to fight with the Muggles. Contact is like hitting an egg against a stone.”

"So we need a smarter, more integrated way of communication. This plan was born to achieve this purpose." Tiera continued to explain, "What we need is a way to make both parties feel safe. and trust, so that Muggles and wizards can establish a relationship of equality and friendship, so that we can continue to move forward in common exploration and development, and continue to integrate as we move forward."

"But there are still many uncertainties in this plan," Arthur Weasley expressed his concerns, "For example, how can we be sure that wizards will not harm Muggles?"

"I believe there are still many wizards who are extremely hostile to Muggles in their hearts."

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