"But there will still be sacrifices, right?" asked Irena Smirnov

"This is inevitable. We must always have the courage to take the first step." Tiera said, "But if you don't even try, how can you know whether you succeed or fail?"

"So how can our Muggle magicization plan move from the dark to the bright side? Should we first carry out small-scale experiments and promotion? Then moderately publicize relevant results so that Muggles can understand our efforts and understand us. Is it friendly, not malicious?" Irena Smirnov's thoughts seemed to be inspired by Langirsu, and she began to think about the possibility of this plan.

"Okay, very good, Irena, you see, you have already started to think." Tiera gave her praise without hesitation, deliberately speaking in the tone of an elderly person and a superior, "I believe , with young and far-sighted wizards like you, our Muggle magicization plan will definitely succeed."

"But your idea is too simple." Tiera changed the topic and poured cold water on it. "You still read too few books. If you don't understand their history, you can't understand their present and future."

"Muggles and wizards have been separated for too long. Muggles' impressions of wizards only exist in myths, legends and fantasy stories, while wizards feel mysterious and unfamiliar with the Muggle lifestyle." Tiera Smiling, he explained his plan, "For a group that only exists in fantasy, if we suddenly appear in front of Muggles, it will cause great panic. This panic will infect every Muggle group. Whether it’s a group that has a favorable impression of wizards, a neutral group, or a group that hates wizards themselves.”

"So I plan to start from the academic world." Tiera said, "This era is an era of rapid development of Muggle technology. Most Muggles have a natural superstition towards the researchers who master these technologies and knowledge. . Most of them can’t even tell if it’s a hoax or real science.”

"So externally, I got involved in the Human Genome Project. Internally, I formulated various policies and tried my best to gather wizards from all over the world in the UK." Tiera looked at the confused expressions of everyone in the audience and continued to explain, "Countless One of us, as a scientific researcher, will set up a project through the Human Genome Project, and the tentative name of this project is 'Functional study of high-frequency genes in the population genome of the British Isles'."

"I haven't compiled the specific research content yet. After all, there are still several years before the Human Genome Project is completed, but the general overview is that a series of extremely special and high-frequency occurrences have been found in the population of the British Isles. These gene sequences seem to give people a special ability." Tiera said, "In this way, we will disguise the wizard group as a regional genetic mutation group. I plan to pass at least ten sci. The article demonstrates to Muggles that the so-called magical abilities are abilities conferred by genetic mutations caused by a phenomenon in the British Isles that cannot be explained by modern science."

"This way we can perfectly bring our wizarding society to the forefront in a very gentle way."

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