Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 604 The real power of the Room of Requirement

"You're saying that Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw might all still be living in the Room of Requirement?" Hermione almost screamed.

"Are you saying that Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw might all still be living in the Room of Requirement?" Hermione shouted again.

"I heard you the first time you shouted." Tiera rubbed her ears helplessly.

Even if she was as smart as Hermione, she couldn't keep calm when she received such shocking news. Instead, she yelled out loudly.

"I'm just saying it's possible," Tiera said lightly. "Even Slytherin himself isn't quite sure. He just said that he still feels a familiar aura lingering in this castle."

"Then why doesn't he go find them?" Hermione asked, "I mean, if they are really in the Room of Requirement, wouldn't Slytherin just go in and look for them?"

"What's wrong?" Tiera asked.

At this time they were standing opposite the huge tapestry of "The Troll Strikes Barnabas."

"I hope to have a room that meets my needs for refining the magic stone."

"I hope to have a room that meets my needs for refining the magic stone."

"I hope to have a room that meets my needs for refining the magic stone."

Tiera read it loudly three times, while the thoughts in her mind concentrated and spread outward.

Soon, the wall directly opposite Tiera and Hermione changed.

Gradually, magical lines and patterns appear, and together they outline a very huge bronze door.

Tiera put her hand on the handle of the bronze door and pushed it.


The bronze door slowly opened, revealing a spacious and brand-new laboratory inside.

Sets of clean and tidy glassware are placed on one test stand after another in a predetermined order.

In the center of the room, the ground is carved with various, twisted and brilliant lines, textures and ravines.

"Should we wait here for Professor Slughorn?" Hermione asked hesitantly when she saw that there was no one in the Room of Requirement.

"No, no need." After saying that, Tiera pulled Hermione out and then closed the door of the Room of Requirement.

"Horace Slughorn has already started his work here," Tiera said.

"What?" Hermione asked confused.

Tiera smiled silently.

"I hope to have a room where one second is the transition between the two hyperfine energy levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom, which corresponds to the duration of 7,874,651,610 cycles of radiation. The acceleration due to gravity is 3.70 meters/second square. The room temperature was permanently maintained at twelve degrees Celsius, and it was the room that Horace Slughorn entered at seven-thirty-seven this morning.”

The bronze door embedded in the wall began to dim, as if it had retreated into a rough mural.

The patterns on the wall began to squirm again, and began to undergo mysterious changes.

Soon, the pattern on the wall was fixed and turned into a bronze door again.

Tiera smiled, stretched out her hand, held the door handle, and pushed hard——


The bronze door was pushed open, revealing an empty room with only a few test benches set up in the center of the room and some runes engraved on it.

Next to the test bench, Horace Slughorn was holding out his seal-like belly, carefully stirring something on the test bench.

His expression was so focused that even the opening of the door to the Room of Requirement and the appearance of Tiera and Hermione did not disturb him.

"So you see..." Tiera walked in and jumped slightly.

Tiera jumped very high easily.

"The Room of Requirement is the perfect place to refine the magic stone." Tiera slowly fell back to the ground, "Of course, it's not the only place. The alchemy cabin built by Mr. Nicoléme himself can also achieve similar results. …But it’s just a lot easier to operate than locking the Room of Requirement.”

"It's amazing!" Hermione exclaimed, wanting to step inside as well——

"Here, take this and keep it on your head." Tiera saw Hermione trying to step into the Room of Requirement, pushed Hermione out, and then stretched out her hand and waved it in the air a few times. ——

A shining crown appeared out of thin air in Tiera's hand.

"Bring this on, it can effectively isolate your thoughts. You can't control your thoughts well yet." Tiera explained, "Let's use an analogy. The temperature inside the Room of Requirement is now Twelve degrees Celsius. If you feel too cold after entering and have thoughts like 'It would be nice if this room could be warmer' flash through your mind several times, then the temperature inside the room will instantly rise to The most comfortable 26 degrees for humans, and at this time, if we are conducting an experiment that requires precise control, then our experiment may fail immediately."

"Oh oh oh, okay, okay." Hermione said, taking the tiara from Tiera's hand, and then put it on her head, and pressed it down hard with both hands, so that The crown was firmly stuck on her fluffy hair.

"Okay, let's go in." After seeing Hermione put on her tiara, Tiera took Hermione and stepped into the Room of Requirement.

"Sure enough. Sure enough, it's really cold." Hermione said.

"Of course, there are only twelve degrees here." Tiera said with a chuckle, "And the movements here should be smaller. After all, the gravity acceleration here is only three point seven."

"What Slughorn is brewing now is the Philosopher's Stone, or the Alpha-36 solvent in the refining process of the Philosopher's Stone. Its main material is dragon's blood... to be precise, it's 80% The dragon's blood of the Hungarian Treecrest dragon, 13% of the Venom dragon's blood and 7% of the Constantinople Bonecrusher dragon's blood, using a lead cauldron and a bronze stirring rod at 12 degrees Stir continuously for 30 minutes under the environment, and then add a specific dose of the bark of the Gogo tree, the petals and a stamen of the stinging flower, as well as peace grass, flamingo feathers, silver soil, knitting grass...etc. etc……"

"It will still be a long time before Professor Slughorn completes the brewing phase of the experiment. Let me first tell you the basic principles of alchemy."

"Let's start the experiment directly!" Hermione said nonchalantly, "I have already finished reading "Introduction to Alchemy"."

"Hermione, reading "Introduction to Alchemy" and understanding Introduction to Alchemy are not the same thing." Tiera said slightly sternly.

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