Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 571 Sixth Grade Potions Class

Harry, Ron, Tiera and Hermione parted ways at the fourth floor stairs. Hermione was going to the library, planning to use this time to prepare for other courses and prepare for the Magic University General Entrance Examination.

Tiera happened to have some calculations to do, so when Hermione invited her to go to the library, she just thought about it for a moment and agreed.

Harry and Ron declined Hermione's invitation and continued to the Gryffindor common room on the eighth floor.

"Harry! Hey, Harry!"

Harry and Ron turned around to see Jack, one of last year's beaters on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, running towards him.

"Hi, hi, Harry." Jack gasped, "Listen, listen, I heard you are the new captain. When will you start selecting people?"

"I'm not sure yet. School has just started. Everyone still needs some time to adapt to the new semester." Harry said. He secretly felt that Jack would be very lucky if he could return to the team. "I will tell you when the time is confirmed. "

"Oh, okay, I hope it can be this weekend so I can start training as soon as possible." Jack said.

"Okay, I will," Harry said.

After returning to the dormitory and resting for a while, they went downstairs to have lunch with Hermione and Tiera. After lunch, the four of them walked to the Potions classroom on the basement floor together, preparing to go to Hora. Professor Slughorn's Potions class.

The Potions classroom was still as cold and damp as ever. When Tiera and her group appeared in the classroom, the students had not yet arrived, and the classroom seemed empty.

They found a seat and sat down.

Hermione was holding a book and reading, while Tiera was calculating something.

Harry and Ron looked around idly.

As time went by, the number of people in the classroom gradually increased.

When no one walked into the classroom from the door, Horace Slughorn walked in with a big belly and greeted everyone with an inexplicable enthusiasm.

But when he saw Tiera, his enthusiastic attitude suddenly froze, and then he turned his eyes elsewhere as if nothing had happened.

Horace Slughorn walked to his podium, which held four cauldrons.

"Well, now, please bring out the scales." Professor Slughorn said, his fat outline trembling slightly amidst the many shining water vapors. "Everyone, please bring out the scales, and your demons." The medicine tool kit, oh yes, and the book "Advanced Potion Making" - "

"Knock, knock, knock," Horace Slughorn's words were interrupted by a heavy knock on the door.

"Um" Professor Slughorn scratched his somewhat bald head at a loss and said in confusion, "Please come in."

"Creak" The old wooden door of the Potions classroom was pushed open, and Tiera, wearing a well-dressed suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, walked in from the door.

"Hello." Investigator Tiera bowed politely, "I have long admired your name, Professor Horace Slughorn."

Investigator Tiera jogged over to shake Horace Slughorn's hand.

Horace Slughorn shook Tiera's hand with some confusion.

"I have admired your name for a long time, so I came here to listen, do you mind?" Investigator Tiera asked.

"Huh?" Horace Slughorn seemed a little confused. He looked at Tiera, who was in a suit and leather suit in front of him, and then looked back at Tiera, who was standing in the crowd, wearing a wizard's robe.

"Coco. But aren't you already..." Horace Slughorn asked in confusion.

"He is a student." Tiera smiled gently, "A student's responsibility is to study hard and listen to the lectures well."

"I am a Hogwarts investigator certified by the British Magical Federation." Tiera continued with a smile. "I am mainly responsible for investigating the teaching situation within Hogwarts and feeding these situations back to Dumbledore. Through each The Hogwarts teachers meet once a month to work together to improve and correct errors and improve our education system."

"You, you want, you want to sit in?" Horace Slughorn asked nervously.

"Don't be nervous, Professor Slughorn." Tiera said gently, "I am not the Dark Lord, and we are not a Death Eater base here. Each of our teachers and students are colleagues on the path to explore the truth. Or, we should support each other, and please don’t make you unnecessarily nervous because of my appearance.”

Aren't you the Dark Lord?

"." Horace Slughorn opened his mouth, but in the end he did not say what was in his heart, but replied calmly: "Okay."

"Ahem, okay, students." Professor Slughorn turned around, coughed slightly, and prepared to continue the class, "Please open "Advanced Potions——"

"Professor?" Harry said.

"So what, it's Harry, what's wrong with my child?" Horace Slughorn looked over impatiently, but when he saw Harry raising his hand, his face instantly changed to A kind-hearted face.

"I didn't buy books or scales or anything else. Ron didn't either. We didn't know we could enter the N.E.Wt class at that time. You see-"

"Ah, that's right. Professor McGonagall didn't mention this... Don't worry, my dear child, there's no need to rush. You can use the ingredients in the store cupboard today. I'm sure I can borrow your scales. We have a few in stock here. Old books, they can come in handy before you write letters to your parents.”

Horace Slughorn strode to the cupboard in the corner, searched for a moment, pulled out two shabby-looking copies of "Advanced Potion Making", and handed them to him along with two sets of tarnished scales. Harry and Ron.

"Thank you, Professor." Harry and Ron thanked him at the same time.

"Well, now," said Horace Slughorn, walking back to the front of the classroom, puffing out his already bulging chest so that the buttons on his vest nearly burst, "I've prepared some potions for You see, it's just out of interest. These are what you should be able to do after completing your N.E.Wt course. You should have heard 'Well, even if you can't do it' or something like that, who can tell me what these are? "

He pointed to the four cauldrons on his podium.

Harry stood up slightly from his seat and saw what looked like water boiling inside.

Hermione raised her hand before anyone else.

Horace Slughorn pointed at Hermione.

"That's Veritaserum, a colorless and odorless potion that can force those who drink it to tell the truth."

"Good! Very good, very good!" Horace Slughorn said happily, "Now."

He continued, pointing to the cauldron near Ravenclaw, "This is very famous. It was also mentioned in a leaflet from the Ministry of Magic recently... Who can..."

Hermione immediately raised her hand again.

"It's Polyjuice Potion, sir," she said hastily.

Harry also recognized the slowly bubbling, mud-like substance in the second cauldron.

"Very good, very good! Now, in this cauldron in front of you. Yes, dear?" Horace Slughorn said, while looking at Hermione raising her hand again in disbelief.

"It's Emeritus!" said Hermione

"Absolutely correct. It seems that the question is completely unnecessary." Horace Slughorn said, looking very shocked, and at the same time looking at Tiera who was still sitting in his seat strangely.

According to the information he received, Tiera was also a pushy child. Why didn't he answer questions in his class?

"But do you know what he is used for?" Horace Slughorn's thought just flashed through his mind, and he soon returned his thoughts to the classroom.

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world!" Hermione replied.

"Exactly! I presume you identified it by its special shell gleam?" asked Horace Slughorn.

"Of course, there is also its unique spiral steam," Hermione replied eagerly. "In addition, according to the smell that attracts us, I can smell new parchment, newly opened Wall's ink and cuttings. Ernst Soap.”

Hermione suddenly blushed so hard that she couldn't continue.

"May I ask your name, dear?" Horace Slughorn paid no attention to Hermione's embarrassment.

"Hermione Granger, sir," Hermione replied.

"Granger? Granger? Are you related to Hector Dagworth Granger, who established the most special Magic Potions Association?" Horace Slughorn's pair of walruses The same eyes are simply radiating.

"No, I think not, sir, you see, I'm Muggle-born," Hermione replied.

"That's even better!" Horace Slughorn exclaimed, "I have never seen such a talented little witch, adding twenty points to Gryffindor House!"

"Of course, Emeritud does not produce true love, it cannot manufacture or imitate love...it can simply induce an intense state of ecstasy and obsession, possibly the most dangerous and effective thing in the room. Potion—" Horace Slughorn saw a hand raised in the middle of the pile of students.

"Uh... mention, Tiera?" Horace Slughorn was originally happy that someone asked a question in class, but soon discovered that the student who asked the question was actually Tiera.

"Tiera... you, you, what's your problem?" Horace Slughorn glanced at the investigator Tiera who was listening to the class next to him, and then looked at the students standing in front of him who raised their hands to ask questions. Yela had no choice but to bite the bullet and asked.

"Professor Slughorn, I have a question I would like to ask. Will Emeritud's potion have any impact on future generations?" Tiera asked.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I, I don't quite understand your question." Horace Slughorn asked in confusion.

"Let's put it this way, Professor Slughorn, if a witch uses Emeritus on a male Muggle, and the two... get together and the witch has a child, then the use of the love potion will have a negative impact on the child. What kind of impact?" Tiera asked.

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