Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 348 Merry Christmas, Mr. Grindelwald

Since it was still the Christmas holiday the next day, Tiela didn't have breakfast and slept until noon. She felt so refreshed.

The same goes for other Gryffindor students, which also resulted in the Gryffindor common room being much quieter than previous days. People were chatting intermittently, interrupted by yawns from time to time.

Tiera went directly to the auditorium hall for lunch, where she met Hermione whose hair had become messy again.

Hermione confessed that she sprayed a lot of Smoothing Spray on her hair in order to attend the ball——

"But doing this every day is too much trouble and a waste of time." Hermione said very realistically, while scratching the base of Crookshanks' ears. The cat hummed in comfort.

Ron and Hermione seemed to have reached a tacit understanding and kept silent about their quarrel.

Now they are friendly to each other and polite, but somewhat unnatural.

Ron and Harry immediately told Hermione and Tiera about the conversation they overheard between Madame Maxime and Hagrid, but neither Hermione nor Tiera seemed indifferent to this matter.

"Actually, I have long thought that he must be a giant." Hermione said, shrugging, "I know that he cannot be a pure giant, because they are all about twenty feet tall. But to be honest, we can't make any mistakes. Giants are so neurotic. They can't all be that scary... It's a prejudice, like how people treat werewolves... Just a preconception, isn't it?"

Ron seemed to want to reply with a few harsh words to Hermione, but maybe because he didn't want to argue anymore, he just shook his head disapprovingly when Hermione wasn't paying attention.

In the first week of the holiday, almost everyone just played, because there had never been so many people staying in school at Christmas.

So many young wizards who were not in class and were still in adolescence gathered together, and the commotion almost lifted the roof of Hogwarts.

Fortunately, the professors at Hogwarts were more foresighted and deliberately left more homework than usual before the start of the Christmas vacation.

So the little wizards at Hogwarts were in high spirits for a week, and then they all went to work honestly.

When the Christmas holiday finally passed, everyone seemed to have calmed down——

The only difference was Harry, who didn't have to do homework because he was participating in the Triwizard Tournament, but he began to feel a little nervous again.

The trouble was that as soon as Christmas was over, February 24th suddenly seemed much closer, and he hadn't even considered the clue hidden in the golden egg.

Therefore, he now often takes out the golden egg from the box, secretly takes it to a place where no one is around, opens it and listens carefully, hoping to figure out the mystery——

He forced himself to think about what else the sound could remind him of besides thirty musical saws, but he couldn't. He had never heard anything like it before.

He had never heard anything like it before. He closed the golden egg, shook it vigorously, and then opened it again to see if there was any change in the sound.

No, it's still the same, almost unchanged.

He also tried asking questions to the golden egg, shouting at the top of his lungs amidst its screams, but found nothing. He even threw the golden egg across the room—

But he himself didn't expect it to be of any use.

Harry knew that Tiera must have unlocked the secret of the golden egg.

Harry also knew that as long as he asked, Tiera would be willing to tell him.

But Harry just didn't want to speak.

He wanted to solve this puzzle entirely by his own strength. He felt that Tiera was already so good, and he himself had to become even better.

So on the first day of the new semester, when Harry went to class, he not only carried books, parchment and quills on his back as usual, but he also carried the heavy burden of the golden egg in his heart. He looked a little distracted.

That day at breakfast, Harry bumped into Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy and other Slytherin students gathered at a section of the long table near the door, smiling at Harry with evil intentions and strangely.

When Harry walked from the door to where Tiera, Hermione, and Ron were sitting, not only Slytherins but also students from other houses were looking at Harry with strange eyes.

"Um...what's wrong?" When Harry sat in front of the dining table, he saw Hermione and Ron looking angry, while Tiera still had that indifferent smile on her face, cutting Breakfast in front of myself.

"It's too much!" Hermione slapped the newspaper in her hand on the dining table angrily, "It's too much! It's too much! It's too much!"

Harry could see that Hermione was really angry, and even Ron next to Hermione looked angry.

Harry picked up Hermione's newspaper and read it -

"Dumbledore's Dark Secret"

Our special correspondent Rita Skeeter reports——

"There is something shady about the relationship between the eccentric Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and his student Tiera Lockhart, the adopted son of the famous author Gilderoy Lockhart. relation."

“Apparently, what our reporter had speculated months ago became reality on the night of Christmas dinner.”

"Tiera Lockhart, a plain-looking and ambitious Muggle wizard, finally won over Albus Dumbledore at the Christmas dinner with a dance."

"We still don't know how the famous savior Harry Potter reacted to this emotional trauma."

There was also a big photo in the newspaper——

That photo was absolutely stunning.

Tiera held Dumbledore's hand, an old man and a young man, dancing in the messy and lonely ballroom.

Dumbledore's eyes were full of nostalgia and obsession, while Tiera's eyes were filled with shrewd calculations.

Tiera is very satisfied with this photo——

It's not in vain that he pulled Dumbledore in circles left and right that night, so that Rita Skeeta could find such a good angle and take such a good photo.

That day, the beetle transformed by Rita Skeeta was sensed by Tiera as soon as it flew into the auditorium. Due to various considerations, Tiera returned to the banquet hall and invited Dumbledore to dance with her.

As for why the photo of Rita Skeeta shows Tiera dancing with Dumbledore instead of "Grindelwald" dancing with Dumbledore——

Because what Tiera used was not an illusion or a transformation at all.

It's not even magic, just a little trick -

Just like Tiera threatened Igor Karkaroff the night the Goblet of Fire spit out her name, and scared Lucius Malfoy the night of the World Cup, Tiera was just using her powerful spiritual dimension to touch Dumbledore's Just the spiritual dimension.

So no matter what Dumbledore, Igor Karkaroff or Lucius Malfoy saw, everyone outside saw only Tiera.

That’s why Dumbledore saw Grindelwald so realistically——

Because this is the Grindelwald in Dumbledore's memory, this is Dumbledore's Grindelwald.

Tiera just wore the skin of this memory and made "Grindelwald" come alive.

Tiera put down her knife and fork calmly, wiped her mouth with a tissue gracefully, smiled and took out the newspaper from Harry who was angrily scolding Rita Skeeta, folded it carefully and put it into a tin box——

Inside the tin box, there is also a photo, a photo of Tiera and Dumbledore on the cruise ship——

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Grindelwald."

Tiera smiled and put the newspaper and the photo together.


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